Chapter 2

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You're still here! Two chapters in one day you got lucky. Enjoy!

Annabeths POV 

She was glowing. She had a simple white robe on and made it work. Judging by her current state she could make anything work. I'll admit it. I'm jealous. 

Percy was staring wide-eyed at her. He got up not even bothering to help me up. Which I found very suspicious. 

Percys POV

She was beautiful. I got up and walked over to her. 

"Hi," I said

"Hello Percy Jackson" She replied. I didn't even think it was kinda creepy that she already knew my name. 

"So want to sit at my table or something?" I asked. She looked at me. 

"Oh, you don't have to" I quickly said, blushing.

"No its fine" She replied laughing. Her laugh was just wow. (A/N I'm not good at describing voices) I caught Annabeth staring at Charlotte, her gaze scared me. It was a mix of murderous rage and was it, jealousy? 

Annabeths POV

Percy was talking to her. Her not me. Her. He lead her over to his table and they sat down. She hadn't been claimed yet so she could sit at any table. I walked over to them and sat down on the left side of Percy. 

"Annabeth aren't you supposed to sit at your table?" Percy asked me.

"I have permission because your my boyfriend" I replied it was partly true because Chiron gave me permission to sit with Percy after what happened in Tartarus. I gave Percy a kiss on the cheek just to rub it in Charlotte's pretty face. She just sat there. 

"Y'all are dating?" She asked making it sound like it was hard to believe. 

"Yes for years now" I responded before Percy could react. I wanted her a million miles away from MY boyfriend. 

"Oh wow, that's a little hard to believe," She said smirking, I hated her. Then she did something, she took Percy's hand and asked if she could talk to him, privately. 

Charlottes POV

They were dating. It was hard to believe. Percy with him being dreamy in every single way possible and Annabeth. No looks at all. I can't believe they were dating. Why? Was the question spiraling on and on in my head.

"Why did he choose her?" I intended to find out. 

Then I took Percy's perfect hand and led him away. We walked over to Cabin Three and he led me inside. (A/N Y'all know what Cabin three looks like so yeah) We sat on his bed. 

"Why did you start dating Annabeth?" I asked looking as pretty as I could. 

"Well first off I love her..." He started and went on and on about all the things they went through together. One thing, in particular, caught my attention. Falling into Tartarus. That would be hard to beat but I wanted my prince. I wanted to kiss him, comfort him, hold him, have a future with him. I know that's crazy but I loved him, I really wanted to kiss him. 

"Yeah um but do you think she's pretty?" I asked "As pretty as me" I added quietly, barely even a whisper. 

"Yeah I mean she's really pretty and she's my princess," He said, with doubt in his voice. 

"So I mean nothing," I asked but before he responded I kissed him. On the lips. 

Annabeth POV

Even though Charlotte asked to talk in private I still followed. I peeked through the window. I watched up until they kissed. Even though I didn't think Percy kissed back (A/N I'm not an expert on romance but I know somethings) it still broke my heart. I ran to the Aphrodite cabin and threw the door open not bothering to knock. Piper was in there, so was Jason. They were making out. 

"Sorry" I choked still crying so hard I could barely choke the word out. 

"Annabeth," Jason said startled

"Annabeth what's wrong?" Piper asked concerned, I rarely cried. 

"CharlotteledPercyintohiscabinandtheytalkedandshekissedhim" I said in one word. 

"C'mon lets talk," Piper said shooing Jason out and patting the bed beside her. 

I told her what happened. Jason must've confronted Percy because he came running into Pipers cabin. 

Percys POV

I kissed her back. We just sat there takin turns kissing each other until Jason walked in. 

"Annabeth" Was all he said then walked out. 

"Oh no" I said. 

"Ugh she's not worth it" Charlotte complained. 

"Char, stop" Char was Charlotte's nickname. 

I ran as fast as I could to the Aphrodite cabin. 

"Annabeth" I said after I threw open the door.

"Percy..." Piper started but couldn't finish. I knelt down in front of Annabeth and said her name three more times. She wouldn't respond. 

"No" She said firmly. 

"Percy, no. We're over you cheated." She said 

"Annabeth I can explain..." I started but she cut me off

"No Percy you can but you won't." She said firmly but the next part she sounded like she was going to burst into tears. 

"After all we've been through. After EVERYTHING!" She said the last part nearly screaming. Piper led her out of the cabin. I walked back to my cabin with Charlotte still there. I was to heartbroken to respond. 

Annabeths POV

After all, we'd been through.... My Seaweed Brain was gone. 

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