Chapter 3

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You're still with me! I just want to thank y'all for still being here again excuse any mistakes and I want to thank any and all country music writers cause country music is the best! Comment your favorite song below! Enjoy! FYI mines, Lonely Call by RaeLynn

Pipers POV

Percabeth was over. My biggest ship. No one saw Percy, Annabeth, or Charlotte. She was recently claimed by Zeus and Chiron was surprised at how well she'd been hidden for 22 years. 22 years. 

Early the next dayI went to talk to Annabeth, I made sure I didn't wear anything blue. Jason went to talk to Percy. To give him updates on Annabeth to make him feel guilty. We knew it was wrong but hey, when your best friend has a broken heart you'll do lots of crazy stuff to make her happy. 

As I approached the Athena cabin I heard soft crying and turned my walk into a jog. When I reached the door it flew open and next thing I know Annabeth is dragging me somewhere. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Annabeth

"To do something I should've done a long time ago" She replied I saw she had a small box in her hands. 

"Whats that?" I said asking another question

"A box for Percy"

"What does it contain" 

"Oh just a ring I found in his cabin a few weeks ago" 

"So your saying Percy was going to propose to you?" I asked just to clarify. 

"Yes" Annabeth replied simply. 

We walked the rest of the way in silence. 

"Do you want me to return it?" I  asked when we reached the Poseidon cabin

"No this is something I have to do" Annabeth replied, with determination in her stormy gray eyes. 

Annabeths POV

I entered his cabin. I wanted to hurl. Percy was in there with Charlotte. He had no shirt on and they were still in each others arms. I knew it was early in the morning and I came this early because I needed to see if I was right. I was. 100% right, I hoped I wasn't for once in my life. 

"So I take it this means Perlotte is a thing now" I stated with as much disgust in my voice as I could add. 

"Annabeth" Percy replied startled

"That wasn't an answer!" I basically screamed back. 

"Yes, yes it is Owl Face" Charlotte sneered with a smirk I wish I could slap off of her face. Percy avoided my eyes. 

Percys POV

Last night was amazing. Char came over to my cabin and we just maked out until we got tired and fell asleep in each others arms. But every kiss, every touch brought back memories that kept tearing, scratching, and clawing their way into a freshly opened wound. 

Annabeth, she was my soul. One part of my brain thought. Another part thought I needed Char. The other thought neither which I DEFINETLY wouldn't listen to. I needed one of them, right now and forever. Annabeth didn't want me but Char definetly wanted me and needed me. So Char for now. 

"Percy!" Annabeths clear, strong, amazing voice snapped me out of my trance. 

"Percy" Charlotte said sweet and clear "Aren't we dating?" 

"I think that means you are" Annabeth said pointing to my arms which we still wrapped around Char's torso. 

"Yes I guess we are" I said softly silently hoping no one would hear me. But with Annabeth and her owl like hearing she heard me. 

"Oh" she said softly

"Well you broke up with me!" I snapped

"Only because you cheated on me!" She snapped back

"You were asking for it!"

"WHAT WAS I DOING WRONG!" Annabeth said screaming. I had no reply for that. Well maybe one it was risky though. 

"You stole my ring" I said trying not to be smug

"Have you ever heard of a joke?" she paused "Or trying to prove to your boyfriend he needs better hiding places"

"Well maybe I wanted you to find it"I said smartly 

"First of all there was no note and it could've been Tyson's for Ella. Dang it. She found a loophole. I just sat there. 

Charlottes POV

They fought. And fought. And fought some more. I couldn't have been happier. After she returned Percy's ring and stormed out I turned to MY prince and kissed him. On the lips. He kissed back.  I ran my fingers through his tousled hair as he ran his through mine. He pulled me onto his bed with me on top of him. 

Percys POV 

I never wanted to stop. Annabeth through a rock at the window and that scared the crap out of us. We broke apart. I saw through my window a figure with blonde hair running to the lake. Barely thinking I followed, telling Char that I'd be right back. I doubted she would stay but.....

Annabeths POV 

I ran to the canoe lake. Surprisingly, no bad memories came back. I heard someone behind me. I whipped out my dagger. I had lost the other one in Tartarus, with..... no I couldn't think about him. Well for that matter, I couldn't think at all. 

I say again your still here! Cliffhanger-ish- THanks for reading!

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