Chapter 5

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Sorry about the last chapter. NOW ITS WINTER BREAK! My mom told me to get off anyways, where were we oh yeah sorrry! 

Percys POV

I left her. But before I left her, she kissed me. But after that, I still left her. I would wait. If it took twenty years so be it I would wait for my Wise Girl. I had to let her know that. Looks like a trip to the Athena cabin tonight. 

Later that day after dinner I walked down to the Athena cabin. I knocked. Here it goes. Annabeth answered the door. 

"Percy!" She exclaimed followed by her asking me why I was here. 

"I just wanted to say that......" I started but was interrupted my loud coughing coming from Zeus's cabin. 

"Let him speak!" Annabeth yelled.   

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Anytime" She replied with a quick smile. 

"Well as I was saying, I'll wait. I'll wait ten years if that's what it takes."

Annabeths POV

He played right into my hands. My plan was going perfectly. 

"Percy I" I started but was cut off by him. 

"Annabeth you don't have to say anything. I'll wait until your ready. I couldn't live the rest of my life knowing I had a chance to get you back." He made a dent in my plan. Maybe I could trash this plan and start again with Percy. No. I told myself, make him feel sorry. This. Was. His. Mistake. I was going to make him sorry her ever touched that filthy child of Zeus. 

Still Annabeths POV 

That night I heard screaming and crying coming from the Poseidon cabin. At first, I just resited the urge to go comfort him. I couldn't take it anymore. I sprinted to his cabin and threw open the door. 

"Percy it's okay, I'm here," I said going over to his bed. 

"Annabeth?" Percy said looking over at me. His beautiful face was red from crying and his voice was sore from screaming. 

"Yes, I'm here Seaweed Brain, its okay. I'm here." I said as soothingly as I could while stroking his face. 

"Will you stay?" He asked hopefully after I had calmed him down. 

"Fineeeeeeeee" I said getting excited. I pulled back his blanket and crawled into his bed. 

"Are you ready?" He asked quietly. 

"I don't know, maybe" I replied. 

"I am" That was what he said and before I could reply he kissed me. 

Percys POV

I was mostly acting with the screaming and crying but the dreams were real. Let's just spare you the nightmares. 

I wrapped my strong arms around her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Her fingers ran through my hair. Our lips moved in sync. We only stopped for air. It felt good to have her back again. We eventually fell asleep. 

I woke up the next morning with someone crying in my bathroom. Annabeth wasn't next to me. I guessed it was her. 

"Hey Wise Girl whats wrong?" I asked my voice filled with concern. 

"Nothing" She replied but we both knew she didn't hide it very well. 

"Come out," I said

"You don't want me to"

"Yes I do, I just got my girlfriend back." There was a pause. Then the door handle turned very slowly.......


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