Chapter 11

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Here it goes........................

Time Skip (No idea how much time)

Percys POV

I was now a dad. When they handed us our baby Annabeth let me hold her first. She was beautiful. Her eyes were gray with flecks of sea green. Her hair was like mine black, she didn't have much hair but what she had was beautiful. Annabeth and I had tears in our eyes. You never see Annabeth cry or me. 

Time Skip three days

Annabeths POV

We could finally bring my angel home. She was so cute! I wasn't really a baby lover but OMG she is so cute! She absolutely adored Percy and she was only four days old. I can tell they're going to be close. Now don't get me wrong she loves me but every time she starts crying, Percy picks her up and cradles her for a few minutes and bam, she's asleep again. That will be useful when she's older. I'm curious to see what powers she gets. I love my angel. 

One night after we brought her home, Percy and I just got finished with a movie when Silena started crying. Percy went up the stairs so quietly I had to make sure he was still there. I went to the bathroom then walked up to Silena's room. She wasn't in there. I walked into my room. There she was. She and Percy were looking at the lights from Camp Half-Blood. Percy was holding her so tenderly and with so much affection.....

"Hey Wise Girl" He whispered so quietly I strained to hear him. 

"You're so good with her Seaweed Brain" I responded. 

"I know" Silence followed. 

"I can't believe we made that" I whispered breaking the silence. 

"Yeah," He said smiling. I walked right up to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I think I might've fallen asleep on the spot but Percy carried Silena over to our bed and came back to get me. I was too tired to fight him. 

Percys POV 

Last night was a night I'll never forget. Silena stayed asleep the whole night. It probably helped that she had her two favorite people in the world on either side of her. I woke up with Silena and Annabeth gone. I quickly got up and got dressed. I checked in Silena's room and didn't find her. I practically flew down the stairs. Why was I so worried? 

Annabeth was sleeping on the couch with the nature channel on. Silena was asleep in her arms. I carefully took Silena out of her arms and went to go make a bottle for her. (A/N This chapter should be long get excited) While I was feeding Silena her bottle Annabeth squealed loudly from downstairs. I made sure Silena was asleep and ran down the stairs as quietly as I could. 

"Annabeth what's wrong?" I asked but no one answered. I heard some noises outside and ran out front. There I saw Piper, Jason, Chiron, and the love of my life, Annabeth.

"Whats going on out here?" I asked confused

"Piper is pregnant" Annabeth answered

"That's great!" I said happy for the newlywed couple. We talked for a few minutes then Jason and Piper left. Chiron was still there. 

"Well..." He started but I cut him off. 

"Silena's crying inside, I'll be right back" I ran inside grabbed Silena and ran outside again. 

"Silena Samantha Jackson" Chiron said. I handed Silena to him and after a few minutes fell asleep in his arms. 

"Looks like she likes you," Annabeth said. 

"That's good because she's definitely a demigod and has the best demigod's blood running through her veins." He smiled and we smiled back. 

"So what are you here for?" Annabeth asked she was in my arms with her head against my chest. 

"Well, I'm afraid I don't bring good news." He said. Looking off into the distance. When neither of us said anything he continued. 

"Clarisse has gone missing and we are sending a group of demigods to go rescue her. We know her exact location and she was captured by a group of mortals so it shouldn't be that hard. We would like to ask you, Percy, to lead a group to go retrieve her." He avoided our eyes. Then added. "This is an important mission"

"WHAT! Annabeth exploded. I tried to calm her but it didn't work. Silena stirred in Chiron's arms. 

Annabeths POV

They couldn't take my Seaweed Brain away from me. I wouldn't let them. 

"You don't have to go," Chiron said but I knew Percy would go. As much as he hated Clarisse she had also saved him. His fatal flaw is loyalty. Percy looked at me and his eyes said "please forgive me" then he said. 

"I'll go" 

"We have the rest of the team ready we depart for Austrailia now," Chiron said handing Silena to Percy. Percy gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered words only he and Silena could hear then handed her to me. 

"I'll be back" He promised and kissed me on the lips. I walked into the house. 

Time Skip Three Months

Annabeths POV

He has been gone three months. Three months. Silena and I barely slept and we barely ate. We were a mess. Piper came over often (Jason was with Percy) but she was four months pregnant and was prepping the nursery, she is expecting a girl. Her name is going to be Amanda Sky Grace. I love her name. She and Silena will be close friends and only about 11 months apart. I was making oatmeal one morning when I heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" I yelled. It's probably Piper. But never in the world was I expecting Clarisse (A/N I can't have Percy back yet) She said hi but I was focused on something else. "Does this mean my Seaweed Brain is back?

"I know what you're thinking, and no Percy isn't back yet," Clarisse said. 

"Oh" I'm pretty sure my heart fell into Tartarus. 

"Well he was coming back but he had to stop in his hometown and see his mom. They had a big fight. He Iris-Messaged her and they fought, it lasted for two hours. Percy won but he has to make sure his mom is still talking to him." 

"Thanks" I mumbled. 

"Well I better get going, the whole camp is expecting me" She flashed a smile but I didn't return it. 

Time Skip One Week

Annabeths POV

It was our anniversary, our third anniversary. I didn't bother doing anything. Silena started crawling. 

Gotta go! Sorry!

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