Chapter 13

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Hi, I'm evil. Silena's birthday is June 14th. 

Annabeths POV

I woke up the next morning without Percy by my side. I went to Silena's room and found her still asleep. I checked everywhere, I called his name. No answer. Silena was up now, she is a year now. She can take a few steps at a time and she laughs and smiles. 

I made breakfast. Percy probably just went to work. He was worked at Seaworld as an animal trainer. He was also a part-time underwater photographer. The good thing about his job is he doesn't work all day.

Percys POV

I fell asleep with Annabeth and woke up tied in a small cave. I had no idea what happened. 

I struggled to reach Riptide and then cut my bonds. Whoever tied me up needed to think more. Unless they wanted me to reach my weapon.  I spent hours getting cut trying to find a weakness, none. I thought about my family, about Camp Half-Blood and Silena. That fueled me. I just cut myself more. I was starting to feel nauseous. Probably from blood loss. 

Annabeths POV

Silena wouldn't stop crying, she barely ate or drank. I was worried about her. But I barely ate or drank either. We stayed at Sally's house a lot. Snuggling on the couch. Watching movies. Lots of naps. Silena slept so much I had to make sure she was still breathing. I'm sure Sally did the same to me. We were miserable. Sally told me about her fight with Percy, not that it helped.

"It was a stupid fight really," Sally said "But Percy won in the end"

"That's why I want to know," I said trying to comfort her.

"Well, he told me that he was in Austrailia I freaked out. I mean your only son is across the ocean. It didn't help that you guys hadn't visited in a while. So we started arguing about how he never visited and he didn't ask my permission anymore. He also forgot my birthday." She paused "But he said that he had a family, a job, and a life. Now I agree with him, but it's too late." 

"Wow" Was all I could say. That was basically what I told him. 

Time Skip 6 Months

Annabeths POV

I heard the back door open. I grabbed SIlena and hid behind the wall to see who it was. It was Percy. He was so thin. He had so many cuts and bruises. I put Silena down she could walk now and the first word she said was "blue" now she said "mama". Percy missed all of that. I helped him get to the couch and ran upstairs to grab medical supplies. I called some Apollo campers over. Silena walked over to Percy. 

"Blue," She said. Percy's face was a mix of pain (from the cuts) and joy. He looked at me. 

"Annabeth" Was all he said. 

Percys POV

Once I was cleaned up the Apollo campers left leaving me with my family. 

"Percy where did you go" Annabeth demanded. I told her the story. She looked shocked but she hadn't even given me a hug since I came back. She avoided my eyes. Silena walked over to me. She was definitely and daddy's girl. 

"She hasn't been eating well," Annabeth said. 

"Neither have you" I replied. My whole family had not been eating. She smiled. 

"Well, when your husband ditches you it's sorta hard to do anything," She said. Even though she was kidding about the ditching part, her words hit the mark. 

"Annabeth I didn't ditch you," I said

Annabeths POV

The next few weeks were rough. Percy made up with his mom. He went over there a lot. We were distant. I felt like Silena was the only thing keeping us together. He was gone for six months. Silena now said "dad" and used it quite a bit. I intended to find out why Percy was avoiding me. 

Well, I guess part of it was me. I pushed him away the first week he was back. I knew it wasn't his fault, but my heart wasn't ready for him. But I was. He didn't step foot in our room. He stayed in a guest bedroom. Silena always slept with him. I was losing my family. 

"Percy," I said one day. I was sitting on the edge of the bed he'd been sleeping in. 

"What?" He asked stirring. 

"I need to talk to you" But he didn't get the chance to respond. Silena started screaming. Percy shook her and held her but it didn't work. I took her. Percy's hands touched mine. I jerked them away. He stayed there in a daze. And got up to leave.

"Percy wait," I said

"Annabeth, it's clear you don't want me. I'll give you space" He continued walking. 

"No Percy it's just you've felt distant since you disappeared, I didn't know if you would accept me," I said

"Annabeth I'll always accept you, as I've told you before. I'll wait" I didn't get the chance to respond. Silena started screaming again. 

"I have an idea" I yelled hoping Percy could hear me. I took his hand as he picked SIlena up and dragged him to our room. He put her down. I snuggled next to her and motioned for Percy to do the same. He did. She stopped screaming. I had my family back. 

Percys POV

I had my baby and my Wise Girl back.

Annabeths POV

I  had my Seaweed Brain back. 

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