7). Accompany

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Jihoon POV:
"IT'S 11AM U LAZY KID WAKE UP" Mom came in and we all quickly get off the bed and bump at each each other.

•Actually last night Minhyun hyung Youngmin Seonho and Jaewhan came to my house and throw party all night that's why I wake up this late usually I'm such a good kid~~~ xD

I finish my shower and when Im ready to take my favorite pink tracksuit and thought about that psycho Somi word "Stupid pink tracksuit" pfft how dare her disrespect my favorite color!!! I change to my hoodie wardrobe and choose to wear gray hoodie for today

--I finish my shower and when Im ready to take my favorite pink tracksuit and thought about that psycho Somi word "Stupid pink tracksuit" pfft how dare her disrespect my favorite color!!! I change to my hoodie wardrobe and choose to wear gray hood...

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After done changing, I go to the kitchen and grab my sandwiches on the plate.

"Yas!! Eat proper lunch Park Jihoon" Mom grab me to sit still and eat everything on the table include side dishes soup and rice with the boys.


"Don't forget about the trip date: 1st September, Arrasso Jihoon?" Minhyun assured me not to forget and it's already his fucking nth time saying that before he even step outside the house leaving.

"Nae~ hyung" I replied.
"See u in Jeju Jihoon~~" They left saying goodbye to my mom and wave at me.

"Go and circle the calendar for your trip Jihoon!!" Mom told me once again.

"Not u too!! Mom!! I'm top student Do u think I'll forget small thing like that! "😒😒 I roll my eyes and go back to my room.

"Ya!! U mad at mom?" Nayoung noona come to my room.
"No" I replied shortly.

"U stupid! We all know u're good at study but your brain not working that well in daily life and how the hell u gonna face this cruel outside world when u're this slow and lazy plus that incident?" She lecture me in sad tone.

"C'mon noona~ That happened 5 years ago Don't worry too much..Wanna test ?" I challenge trying to cheer her up.

"Yesterday mom gave u money and where's that now?" She ask.

"In my backpack," I answer sternly then go and look in my backpack just to see nth except book..ohh wait maybe i put it here or...there..it's been 10 minutes that I look around my bedroom to find the 100000won (around 100$) mom gave me yesterday.

"Seems like I lost it" I said facing my sister. Then she get off the bed and walk to where my dirty clothes hanging and get the money from the pocket of shirt I wear yesterday "I saw u putting it in when mom gave, now don't ever get mad again Hoon~ Mom just worried about u" she pat my head. I nod and she go back to her room.

Yeah I keep messing up not doing anything well since that incident happened causing me to keep forgetting things especially those simple daily life except studying though :(

I walk out from my house and see this girl again JEON SOMI..I still need to ask her about how she know my secret thoo.

Somi POV:

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