Chapter 15

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The last few days of school flew by in a flash. The only people who knew about the pregnancy were still just Jason, Dad and I. Amber and I had hung out several times but I could never muster up the courage to tell her. I was invited to Jason's graduation ceremony and party, so both my dad and Jason's parents think we're "a thing", but he still hasn't said anything about it. Though I swear I saw him blush when they said it!

What if he's holding back because I'm pregnant? He doesn't want that type of attention and I don't blame him.

I sighed, as the sound of my bedroom door opening returned me back to reality. Jason stood in my doorway with a pink lemonade in one hand, and a bag of pretzels in the other. I smiled brightly. He really knew my weaknesses. I ran my fingers through my hair and said "Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?" I smirked jokingly. He laughed and said "Well I did in fact knock 3 times before I just walked in!" I blushed. I can't believe I didn't hear! *mental face palm* "I didn't want to catch you naked or anything!" He continued still joking. I blushed even harder. "Jason!"

"Well it's not like I'd mind..." and then he winked.

Jason Macallister just winked at me.

Pinch me I must be dreaming.

I blushed even harder and he laughed a little. "You're so cute when you blush Scar! I'm only kidding love" And then he kissed my cheek and handed me the pretzels. To try to hide my flushed face I started eating the pretzels. I broke one in half and held it in front of his mouth. He lunged for it just as I pulled it away and I giggled.

"You are so paying for that!" He jumped at me and I ran out of my room down the hallway. I screamed and laughed the whole way down the stairs. I knew he wasn't going his fastest, only fast enough to be really close behind me and scare me, causing me to run faster. I ran past my dad and he just shook his head and smiled. Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore, I began slowing down; my legs were on fire. He grabbed my waist and started to tickle me causing me to slide to the floor in a heap of giggles. "I win!" He exclaimed rather loudly kissing my cheek. I sat there on the ground for awhile just staring into his deep green eyes.

I had completely forgotten my dad was in the room until he said, "Hey Jason? Scar? Can I talk to you two?" My smile faded, but Jason seemed unaffected. He nodded and said "Sure thing Mr. Caraway." I admired at how polite he was around my dad and even his parents, any adult really.

Dad led us into the living room and sat down with us. "Okay Scarlet, there's a few things we need to do." My breathing had slightly quickened, I didn't think he was going to talk about this. I still didn't completely believe that it was all happening yet. "First of all, we need to go to the police with this. Probably a really good idea to go soon, so just whenever you're ready." I was already dreading this conversation but I knew it had to be said. "Next thing we need to do is get you to an obstructionist. You can look up good reviews online for the ones around here." I nodded in approval. I definitely needed that. "And I was also thinking, don't they have like support groups or just groups of teenage mothers who get together and talk about their experiences? Maybe you can join one of those if you'd like. It might help. You could ask your obstructionist for local ones."

That sounded like an amazing idea really. To have close girl friends all going through the same thing as me. Well maybe not exactly the same. Dad's voice cut off my thoughts.


"Yes sir?" He politely replied.

"I know this is really big to ask of you considering you will be off to college soon, but as you know Scar isn't erhm driving at the moment." He paused and sympathetically looked at me then continued. "Maybe you could drive Scar to these things if I'm not home...?"

"Just until she learns how to drive" He quickly added.

A smile spread across Jason's face. "I would be honored to do that sir." My dad smiled back and shook his hand. "Thank you for treating my daughter so well, it means the world to me that someone loves my baby girl as much as I do."

I blushed immediately. DAD!! HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY SAY THAT! I half expected Jason to admit he didn't love me like that and we were just good friends. What my dad said sure cut me off guard, but what cut me off guard was Jason's reply.

"It's a pleasure and a true honor to know your daughter and to be able to see her beautiful smile every day that I possibly can."

Okay now I'm seriously in a dream. Did that make us a couple? Are we "official now?" I'd have to clear the details up later but right now I'm still in shock of what I just heard!

I've never been complimented like this by someone other than a family member. Ever. So it's safe to say I had no idea what to say or do. "Aww.." I trailed off. "Thank you so much Jason."

My dad cut in on our little moment and said "I'll look into dealing with the police thing, and I'd like for you both to sit down and look for this doctor. She's going to be taking care of you and this baby so we need to pick someone we can trust."

The way dad said 'you both' made my heart stop a little.

My dad stood up and hugged me, thanked Jason again and let us go back up to my room. One we got into my room I shut the door and immediately said "You really don't have to do that if you don't want to I know this is all a huge shock and its a lot to take in and I don't want to put you under any of that and about what my dad said about you loving me I-"

He cut me off with his pointer finger against my lips shushing me. "I would be honored to stay with you through this all, and I do love you Scarlet. I sincerely do." And with that he kissed me. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Is is possible for every kiss we share to just keep getting better and better? It has to be just has to be...sooner than I wanted, he gently pulled away whispering "I love you Scarlet Caraway." Every time he said I love you it felt like I was on top of the world. "I love you too Jason." I smiled.

He pulled me into his lap as i grabbed my laptop. We searched for hours upon hours looking for the best obstructionist. We finally came across a woman with the name of Dr. Miller, and she specializes in teen pregnancy's. All of her reviews look fantastic and she's only about a 10-15 minute drive from the house. She's open from 7-5 and is open 7 days a week.

"Why don't you write down her contact info and email her or call her soon? She sounds like a winner blue eyes." I smiled and nodded grabbing a piece of paper and writing down her contact information. I set my laptop to the side and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and said, "Hey blue eyes I've gotta go home to work on filling out papers for college, but can you meet me in the park around oh say 9:00 tonight?" I kissed his cheek and said "Of course I can"

"Don't you want to ask your dad if that's okay?" He asked confused.

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm already pregnant! What other kind of shenanigans can I get into?" I winked at him. He laughed and rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead. "See you tonight beautiful." And with that he walked downstairs. I ran to my bedroom window and waited for him to get into his car. A few minutes past and then I saw him walk through the driveway and look back up to me, because he knew I'd be watching, and blew me a kiss. I giggled and pretended to catch it. He winked at me and then got into his car and drove off. I turned around and sighed a happy sigh. I went downstairs with only one thing on my mind.

What the hell am I going to wear?

You're all amazing don't forget that!

-The one and only Ali Marie

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