Chapter 32

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The next few weeks passed by in a flash. They caught Nick, finally, and he's now in jail, although police are still deciding what to do about court.

I've gotten to the point of having a small baby bump. At first I thought it was cute, but let me tell you, I don't think my back has ever hurt so bad in my life. And I'm barely 2 months along! Plus maternity clothes aren't as cute as I thought...

I mean have you ever looked at something and thought it was the cutest thing on the hanger and then you try it on and then you're just

That's how I feel.

About every single thing I wear.

And I know it's just going to get worse from here.

I sighed as I slipped on a white top and jean shorts and walked downstairs.

"I don't know what the point of this is." I admitted to Jason, who was looking as sexy as ever wearing jeans ripped at the knees and a white t-shirt, his hair slightly messed up in a way that was sexy and adorable at the same time.

"I'm pregnant, I'm not even allowed to drive." I said, trying to get out of it.

Jason let out a laugh, "That's not a law! It's only until you feel uncomfortable! And obviously not while you're in labor."

I shivered at the thought of me in labor. I didn't even want to think about that right now.

"It'll be fine! I'll be there the whole time!" He assured me.

I sighed and nodded. I had to learn how to drive sometime.

"You'll be okay honey." He said kissing my forehead gently. We headed out to his car which was parked in our driveway. He hopped in the drivers seat and backed out of the driveway. He drove out of the subdivision, down the main road to a different park than last time. While he was driving he informed me of everything he was doing. How he slowed down with his turns, as well as how he used his blinker every time he turned.

I watched his every move, trying very hard to concentrate.

Before I knew it we were in the parking lot of the park. To my surprise no one was here.

"Alright, now we're gonna switch places." He said, coming over to my side.

I nodded, walking over to the drivers side, sitting in the familiar seat. I breathed the smell of his cologne in deeply.

"Okay now, since I put it in park you're going to have to put in drive by taking the little lever right there and lining it up with the D for drive." he said.

I nodded and did as instructed.

"Now slowly press on the gas." He said.

I carefully pressed my foot down, a little too hard and the car jerked forward.

"CAREFUL! Be careful!" Jason screamed making me panic.

He laughed a little and rubbed his neck with his hand. Could he get any sexier? No wonder I was distracted....

"Careful baby!" He said rubbing my thigh with his hand.

My body shivered at his touch.

Snap out of it Scar, you need to focus.

"I'm sorry! Sorry!" I said, scolding myself in my head, focusing on driving instead of his hand on my leg.

"Ease on the gas." He said, his heart rate returning to normal.

I slowly eased my foot on the pedal and the car slowly drove forward. My eyes widened with shock. "I'm doing it!" I cried out smiling like an idiot.

He smiled and laughed, "Yeah you are!" I turned the wheel to go around the corner.

"Wow Scar, not half bad babe." He said, shock rocking his voice. I laughed a little and said "What did you expect?! Me to be horrible!!"

He paused for a moment, and then said "Well yes! After you almost gave me a heart attack I was meantally planning my funeral in my head!" He joked.

This made me laugh and I took my hand off the wheel for a second so I could smack his shoulder playfully.

"Oh honey stop being so dramatic!! Have a little faith and trust in me!"

He smirked and said, "The only thing you're missing is pixie dust!" he exclaimed laughing the continued on, "You could be a fairy!"

I laughed again screaming "Stop distracting me!" I said, making another turn, going around the large parking lot for the fourth time.

He chuckled to himself and said "You're doing pretty good, now how about I teach you to park."

I nodded smiling, warming up to the thought of me actually driving on a highway.

"Okay you see that parking spot right there?" He said pointing to a parking spot about 50 feet away.

"Uh huh." I said glancing at him.

"Pull into it carefully. You can always straighten out, but try to get in the spot as evenly as possible."

I nodded, easing on the gas. As I approached the spot I whipped in slowly.

"Now what?" I said looking at Jason.

"Let's go see how you did!"

We both stepped out of the car and walked towards the back of the car.

"Scarlet!" Jason exclaimed.

I jumped scared at his sudden outburst.

"W-what?" I stuttered, scared that I did something wrong.

"You just parked that car perfectly!" He said in disbelief.

I screamed and jumped up "Yes!!" I exclaimed with joy.

Jason picked me up and spun me around and then kissed me before setting me back on the ground.

"I knew you could do it baby!" he said kissing my forehead.

I smiled and blushed a little. "Thank you Jason, for having faith in me."

He smiled and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear slowly, not breaking his gaze from my eyes.

"I always have been..always will be.." He whispered getting closer to me.

I blushed and stared into his deep green eyes.

He leaned towards me and his eyes left my and landed on my lips. His eyes met mine again after a moment. He closed his eyes and leaned his sweet lips into mine. I smiled and closed my eyes, expecting his lips on mine any second.

"The only thing you're missing is the Pixie Dust." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away gently.

"You ready to learn how to back in and parallel park?"

My eyes went wide and my heart stopped a bit.

A grin spread across my face and I said, "Let's do it!"


"How was driving?" My dad asked smiling at me, sitting down on the coun acroos from where Jason and I sat.

"It went really well!" I exclaimed smiling at Jason.

"She drove the whole way home and we aren't dead! So that's a good thing!" Jason joked smiling brightly. My dad let out a laugh and said, "Thank you for teaching her."

Jason shrugged, "It's no problem sir really, I love your daughter and I'd do anything for her, and if that means she kills me while she's driving, so be it."

I blushed and let out a laugh along with my dad.

"But I have faith in her!" Jason said quickly kissing my cheek.

"So do I!" My dad said smiling at me.

"I always have, and I always will."


Thank you all for reading!!

-The One and Only Ali Marie

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