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Having left the Motorcycle behind due to it running out of gas, he walked along the edge of a road, his feet dragging along the black pavement, head low, avoiding the occasional cars driving by. He of course was probably still wanted, and he happened to not want to be caught. Not yet.. not until he at least somewhat fixed his problems. He went to go scratch his right arm from habit, only yo feel air replacing ehrrr it used to be. His hand slowly went up until he felt the nub left of his arm, tearing up. "I can't be mad about this, I did deserve it.." he shrugged sadly, letting his arm fall back to his side. His gaze drifting back to the hard cement. Just as if things couldn't get any worse, he felt a wet droplet land against his cheek, causing him to look up once more. And digging seconds, he was pelted with rain, making him pull his hood tighter over his head, trying to keep the bandages over his eye dry. He picked up the pace, until he was almost running, keeping his head low, only looking at the ground, not what was in front of him. The puddles in front of him slowly grew lighter. Confused he looked up, looking behind him, only to let out a gasp seeing a car only inches away. Pain hit him first, then, everything went black..

I'm not just doing this for myself, I'm doing this for my army. . . I overheard them discussing wanting to rid of me, I know I'm a bad leader, but killing me. . ? Well, I had to get away before they could get to it. . .

"Well? What do you think?" Pause "I think he's fins, I don't think I got him to bad, good thing I wasn't far from the house.." voices started to rouse tord, soft, but he could make out some of it, "do you think it's the guy?" Silence, "maybe. But I don't care, he didn't look to dangerous to me," tord let out a soft groan, as he opened his eyes to a harsh light, quickly closing his eyes, and going to cover his eyes, only to remember.. one eye, one arm.. cruel world.. he blinked a few times, finally used to the light. Memories from last night flooded in, and he shot up, only to hunt loudly in pain, laying back down. "Did you hear that?" The unfamiliar man's voice drifted in from another room. Speaking of room.. where was He? Tord looked around, noticing he must have been in some.. guest room, spare room.. it was crowded with some boxes and other things, the door to the room was shut, and he himself? Covered in blankets.. "yea, I think he's up.." silwnce. "I didnt get a very good look at him last night, all i know is that he hurt his leg bad from the hit, probably some other parts" the voices grew closer, as he listened to the footsteps growing closer to the door, until he could just make out the sound of the knob being turned, and the door creaking open. Tord turned, looking at the man, who locked eyes with him. "Woah.." is all he could hear the man say. . .

Hey, one arm boy..    (TordMatt) Where stories live. Discover now