who is there to trust?

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It's been about.. ehhhh.. two days since that man appeared. He like a to call himself Medrick, weird name, am I right? Anywho.. he rarely says much, other then I'm so sorry' or a simple Hello. But he also rarely comes out of Matt's room, seemingly hiding in there. But I can't blame him, Tom is acting constantly rude, glaring and growling at the man, sometimes even screaming at him, blaming him for things.. oh whatever. He's just going mad after everything that's happened, I guess nobody is any diffrent.. well, except Matt. The man now just constantly talks about Medrick like he's a new mirrior, or a new toy for his collection. We all sit and listen.. due to Matt mostly hogging him, other then him hiding in there, it seems he would talk more. And the dinner wasn't any different. Almost.. tonight was a movie night at my place, and Matt begged for us to let Medrick stay. Tom refused, but we finally convinced him. "Thank You! I'll go get him now!" And with that. Matt ran off, making me look at Tom and shrug. "What's gotten into him?" Tom mutters, before smirking at me, "what?" I asked confused, "maybe, they're dating!" Tom laughed as I shoved him away.. but it did kinda.. feel like he was right.. maybe they were..


I rushed to my room, opening the door dramatically, scaring the man half to death. "Hey! They said yes! You can come and watch with us!" He stared at me, before slowly pricing his words together carefully, "I Can? Will Tom be there?" "Of course he will silly!" He nods, accepting this. But he still seemed so.. unsure about this. He looked to the side, obviously thinking, before responding, "can I sit.. with you?" He gave me a shy smile, and I smiled brightly. "Why of course! Of course you may.. let's pretend it's just mean and you, Yea?" He nods in response, standing up.


It was funny really, how everyone but Tom seemed to notice.. what they didn't notice so far, was the fact I had no right arm. Altho I was getting.. pretty close to Matt, I still never let him touch where my arm was, nor even close to my bandages, unless he was.. giving me a kiss on the cheek.. the good old days, Yea?

I grab Matt's hand, and he leads me next door to edds room.. I stepped in, and took it all it, never leaving Matt's side, until edd came up, reaching for my right arm. I quickly pulled away, hiding behind Matt. "Oh!-" he chuckled nervously, "he.. doesn't much like being touched, sorry edd," Matt said kinda embarrassed, "it's okay matt.. I just wanna meet the fellow, and know him a better.. maybe show him around?" There was a pause, then Matt nods, "edd, show him your room, I'll follow in a bit.. I wanna chat with tom," and with that, Matt abandoned me with edd. I looked at him, and shakily extends a hand, searching for words, since so usually said I'm sorry. Or hello. This caused me to pull my hand away, right when edd was gonna shake it. We stood in silence, before edd piped up, "follow me, yea?" I nod, and follow his lead down a small hallway. He named things off, like a closet or bathroom.. then his bedroom. Searching for words, I seemed to spit this out, "can.. we go in?" It took a shocked edd a moment, then a nod, as he opened the door, and lead me into the room. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, as I looked around.. "it's the same, like nothing ever happened.." I whisper to myself. If edd heard it, he didn't seem to react to it. He was gonna say something, but then we were called back into his living room. Time for the movie!


It's almost the end off the movie, and the whole stupid thing, Matt and that guy cuddled, sometimes saying things making them both.. giggle. It was so.. ew. The movie ends, and Matt was rushing medrick out and were about to leave, before I shouted at them, "HEY, MATT. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU GOING?" He froze up with a whine, trudging back. "Go to the room dear, it's unlocked!" He seemed unsure, but finally nods, quickly leaving.


I sit and wait.. there's been a lot of yelling and fighting going on, but only now, did it stop.. silence scared me the most.. but I think the knob turning and door opening made me scream. Matt quickly entered, a bloody scratch above his eyebrow. I got up and hugged him.. with my one arm. I don't think he noticed, as I lead him to the bed, sitting him down. "Tell me what is happening.." and that's when Matt spilled the ugly truth.

(Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lots is happeningggggggg

Hey, one arm boy..    (TordMatt) Where stories live. Discover now