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Okay, so they told me where to go to get to town, but never said whete they lived.. I walked to edds original house, the place all this shit started, and found it wasn't there anymore. The neighbors house.. it looked pretty abandoned. He still couldn't take the fact he killed his neighbor. Yea, he's killed many, hundreds, thousands.. maybe millions.. but those people tried to kill him, his people, he kinda had no choice.. but his neighbor? He was a monster that day, lost his mind.. augh! Don't think about this right now, I must fine them.. he thinks, as be looked around. "I suppose I'll just take a few days to find them, or have them find me!" He snorts. And starts searching.

Building, after building, he still couldn't find any source to the crew of purple blue and green. What color would that even make? He shivered 6th the thought, "ugly color. Like, brown or some shit. Ew" h took a moment, before sighing, "And I would only make everything worse.. maybe it's not even a bad color, what if it's a pretty one? Adding red.. would ruin it..

Time skip

I've spent what.. 2 days, a day in a half, and nothing? By this time, he was curled up in an ally way, far to tired to go anywhere else, not to add, he can't just go to some.. he was still wanted! And his wounds had started to open, most of the bandages on his face near his jaw had started to show signs of blood, but due to have wrapped it up with at least 3 layers, you couldn't see it as well. At least that means that it wasn't that bad, so that's a good sign! Yea.. except.. he was still in an ally way, and, it just started to rain.. he at least still had his fur coat! But no food.. since he had left, he ate nothing, he can't just go walking into a house, and get some food! He didn't even have money! He was hopeless, and probably dying.. but for now, all his hope.. was to get some sleep.. and with that, he folded up his red hoodie, and played down on the uncompy rocky cement. Using his old hoodie as a pillow, as he soin.. slipped into sleep..


He looked down at the figure that lay on the soft purple carpet. I look at Matt, still without words. Luckily Tom spoke up, "who is this Matt, some hobo who promised you a new mirror to break?" He took a swing from his liqor bottle. Matt looked hurt, as he looked to the side. "Shut up Tom, be nice! But really Matt, who is this..? Where did they come from?" I said seriously, staring at Matt waiting for his answer. "W-well.. I was doing another night walk last night, looking for things to break in the dumpsters in the ally way down the block.. when I smelled something foul," he was interrupted by toms crude comment, "you mean the stench of trash?" Pause, "no. Blood.. so I went into the ally way, and that's when I saw this guy.. I woke him up, but he didn't stay away long before he had blacked out.. only then did I realize that is wants blood I smelled, it was, indeed trash!" "MATT!" Me and Tom both snapped, "sorry, sorry, anyways, I picked me up, and he was soooooo light. And watm.. I think he had a fever, but.. I couldn't feet a good look at him. At all.. can he stay here to rest?" There was a long pause, before I stepped forwar, "only until he is better" I received a happy little gasp, "yay!" Tom.. he gave the stranger bad looks, shaking his head and leaving. Weird..

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