thinkin' to deeply

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I've been thinking to deeply, my eyes clouded as they watched the world crumble away in front of me. I've been thinking about what you've been doing, what you've been saying to me. I've been thinking about who I am as a person, about how terrible I've treated you. It's like having to chose a pill that will kill me, and another pill that will slowly kill me, make me suffer longer, hurt me more, make me see the mistakes I've made.. and between the two pills, I have to pick one, and you can't just.. run away from this.. and I've been thinking about d iffrent ways to get away, ya know? I've got places I can run to, places that can kill you, and I've been thinking about when you left, and when you returned.. I've been thinking about the mistakes I have made that caused me to do the things I do. And the cuts, their hidden, trust me, they look so obvious, but you still can't see it. And I've been thinking about the mistakes that got me to whete I am. And the way I constantly cry now, and how weak I am, and if I could write all the things I've done on a price of paper, it'd fill a whole notebook. . And I think about how much I miss you guys, and how much it hurts to think about what you've done, and what we've all done. And look at us? Bottles on the floor, glass a on the desk, and empty sockets.. and ju

Tom listed his pen from the paper, his hand in his hair, tears falling onto his writing, turning it all to slurred words, blurry feelings, and yet, he could only write after everything..  after the incident, he had never been able to not trust anyone for so long, and just, after that.. the bottles piled up more and more, and all he could ever taste was the sting of a alcohol, and blood.. "why would you leave us?" He mumbled, dropping his own, and pushed his face into his hands as he cried. .


Third time today, where he would go to check on Tom, only to lean against the locked door, listening to the ugly sobbing. Yea, everything hurt us after what happened, but Tom? Yea.. I think it hurt him more then eddy. More then when Jon died.. nobody can blame him. Tord leaves, then returns for what.. a day and a half? I swear they spent every living second together.. and it hurt us all, when tord went rouge, when he tried to kill us all. But I'm pretty sure it killed Tom more when he learned HE had killed tord.
I sigh, and pulled away from the door, going to my own room, slinking inside, and closing the door. I fell onto the bed, tears now picking at my eyes, picking my heart with a million needles, trying to inject him with guilt..
With that, I grabbed a piece of paper, starting to fold it


Staring into the mirror now, made me feel terrible.. what I've won, what I've lost.. scars scattered my once beautiful body, and a new one each time I though more and more about who I was, and how I really looked, and.. Tom and other people, threw words at me, saying things they may not have ment, and it hurt me in all ways posdible.. every mirror, I've broke, so all I can do is see my shattered reflection staring back at me.. oh why did they have to do this to me.. why did tord have to do that to us? WHY?! 



Okay so like, him, oops. That writing Tom made, is one of my new poems, but when I was writing it, I remembered this was about eddsworld? So, here is what is happening right now in the apartments! Yay..

Hey, one arm boy..    (TordMatt) Where stories live. Discover now