what is love?

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I've been here a week with these men. One man, had a tragic past, that should have never happened. The second man was dependibal, and lived with a dream that could get him places. The third man, was not the brightest, but tried his best. And then, there's the fourth man, who has lost so much, but has made more mistakes. The fourth man, met the three others, and like super hero's, they used their powers. Except, it was between themselves. They saved each other. But the fourth man's secret tore him away from the first man. And then the second, and finally the third. The fourth man, and was never seen for years upon years. But by the time he returned, he had lost all care, feeling for those other men. And that's what caused the ultimate separation. The fourth man, lives with a haunted past, and deep scars that remind him of his bad desissions.
But the fourth man has returned, hiding behind a mask, trying to fix what he's done, with each and every one of the men.

Tord looked up from his writing to stare at the wood door that separates him from matt. There was a knock, "may I enter?" There was a pause, before I answered, "yes, of course.." I watched as the man of no eyes bored into him as he walked in. He sat next to me, making me close my small notebook, and roll over onto the side that had no arm. Still, not a person has noticed the fact I had no arm. Not even Matt.. speaking of him.. "how.. how is he?" I looked at the Brit, and leaned back, and sighs, before leaning forward once more, staring that the floor. "He shall be alright, trust me" that's when I finally grabbed on to the front of toms shirt, pulling him close so our faces met. "I will trust you, if you can trust me.. and forgive the fourth man for what he's done.." Tom quickly pulled away, scrambling to his feet in shock, "w-who are you?!" I looked to the side, and shrugged, "I am Medrick, as I say. But I've known some people, who hate what they've done" and with that, he ran from the room, leaving me in silence. "He will be hone tomorrow.. it's all gonna be okay.." I curled up on Matt's bed, notebook inches from my fingertips. 

-time skipppp-


Okay, yea, I was in pain, but I was homeeee! I limped into my room, to see a sleeping Medrick on my bed, his notepad laying next to him. But ignoring the mystery book.. I also had time to notice how weak Medrick looked. Weaker then me. It's been what, almost a whole week since I had broke my leg.
Medrick stirred, taking a moment to blink, before noticing me. He quickly shot up, "Matty baby!" He smiled brightly, but it soon turned to a frown, looking at the large cast boot. "Come here. And tell me again what happened," I sighed. And explained for at least the 7th time what happened. But before I said what I was meant to say, he started those questions again. "What were you wearing?" He asked, looking at me, "your big old fur coat! It was chilly!" He didn't seem to mad, but then asked what happened after that. "Then?" I sigh, and lay on the bed next to him, closing his notebook, "I was in front of Tom and edd, walking across the street, when a man in his car, saw me, and slammed into me, causing me to break my leg. He noticed who he hit, before rushing out of the car-" he interuppted, asking a question he had never really asked, "what. Did. He. Look. Like." He narrowed his eye, staring at me. "He was short, actually, there were two of them. The one driving hit me, but the other taller lanky man came out first. The talk man had this weird.. chicken wing look to his hair. Very unstylish. And the man who hit me, as I just say, was a weird man. He had this scar over his eye, and weird, big old eyebrows-" I stopped and looked at Medrick, who was tearing up, "in Sorry-" he grabbed my arm with his hand tightly, pulling me forward so we were face to face, noses touching. Then he said something that shocked me, "it's all my fault.. they're after me.." and with that, he kissed me.

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