secret past

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This is actually based off of a nightmare of me having to shoot my parents to keep them safe, but I had only been able to shoot my dad before my mom ran off. Yesterday is the day I actually has a second dream, or second part of the dream, where I learn that mom had killed herself because of killing my dad. Anyways.. uhm.. enjoy?
We start on tords view)

He had me cornered, screaming and waving my diary in front of my fact, obviously MOCKING me, saying things like, "I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" or "WHATCHA GONNA SAY NOW? HUH?! I READ 14 OR YOUR LITTLE ENTRIES, YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM US NOW!" I coward in the corner, shaking and crying. Then I finally spoke up in a soft voice, "only.. 14?" He stopped Some what taken aback by the sudden wuestion, before narrowing his eyes again, "yea, why! You hiding other dark secrets?!" I took no time to respond, "maybe, Thomas, you would understand that we both share the same pain, if you had only read 15.. or maybe it was 16.. but listen, i.." my voice trailed off, as he opened the small nook. By this time, edd had appeared in the room, closing and locking the door to keep the frantic screaming Matt out. Edd made his way over, resting a hand on toms shoulder, causing him to look up. He hadn't read anything, I suppose that's good right now-
Edd walked over, fists clutched until his knuckles were white.. tears ran down his cheeks, as he suddenly stood tall over me. And soon, in a scream of pain, I was curled up clutching my stomach.. edd kicked me.. but that wasn't the problem.. the fact that he opened multiple scars was my problem. "Pick him up. I think edd.. we need to finish what we started." pinning tord against the wall, Tom pulled out a knife, still holding the book in his other hand. Edd didn't even try to help him.. no, he knee, and he was so upset.. but he suddenly dropped tord, jumping back. He also figured out one of his other secrets.
He only had one arm.. "what edd, what are you doing?!" There was a short pause, before edd some how spat something out, "arm, one.. other.. one arm.. what the hell happened to you?!" I sigh, and lift myself up with my other arm, standing up, and shrugging, "your learning edd.. a little to fast.." I start to remove my jacket, causing Tom to point his knife at me, "relax.." I mumbled, and pull my jacket, then my shirt off, "here. Is this the damage you wanted to see, Thomas? Your harpoon did in fact, damage me. But I deserve it.. but, whatever you do, if I'm dead, or alive.. don't go reading 15." I sigh, and take a step towards Tom. He just started at my missing limb, dumbfounded.. "I did this.." edd quickly hugged tom, "no, no.. you didn't.." he kept reassuring Tom, until he finally snapped.. "THIS WAS YOUR FAULT! ALL YOUR FAULT!" And with that, the knife was in my gut, and I.. was on the floor..

Hey, one arm boy..    (TordMatt) Where stories live. Discover now