hit you like a car

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Edd, Matt, and Matt's boyfriend Medrick had all gone to the park, leaving me alone in the apartments. It took a long time of convincing from Matt to get his boyfriend to even budge to the door. He kept saying they were still after him?? I'm still pretty sure he's a mad man. We would have left him. .why did we invite him here again? Oh yea. He was passed out in a ally way, bleeding. Why did we find him? Because Matt was looking for mirrors or anything useful! Weirdo.
I lay back in my comfy chair, watching the tv. That's when it hit me. I bolt upright, looking at my door, "that journal!" I had suddenly remembered about that journal that Medrick had been writing in that one time. "It must still be in Matt's room!" I chuckle with a slight darkness tinted into it, like a slight burn to my drink. Whatever, time to figure out who this man really is..

I finally unlock Matt's door, and walk into his room. It was far different then the last time I had entered; most of the broken m irriors had been piled up in a corner, it was far cleaner, and there was a small pile of new cloths in the corner. "Nee guy is really trying to fix us.. maybe trying a little to hard.." I  close the door after me, making sure to lock it, before looking around, "if I was a stranger that appeared out of nowhere and is now dating someone, where would 8 put my notebook.." I thought for a moment, before walking over, pulling up the piles of mirrors, "if you are who you say you are, then maybe.. just maybe, I can prove it to the others.." I look around, and sure enough, I find the notebook. I pull it out of one of the broken m irriors, cutting my hand a bit. I look at it closely.. it was a red tinted leather notebook, with what used to be a T on the front, but was now crudely carved into a M. It had a small strap and buckle that held it closed. Other then the m thing, the rest of it was in pretty good condition.
Taking a deep breath, I opened this mystery diary. The first page had a small ripped picture.. and that's what confirmed his fears. It was their 'family' photo.. except.. instead of Tom being ripped out, it seems tord ripped himself out. I turned the page, and began to read..

(I'm not gonna write what the entries are, but Tom had read at least up to the 14th entry. So this is a small skip,)

I was startled when my phone rang, causing me to look up, and quickly grab it, answering th call. It was edd, "hey! We finished and were 10 minutes away!" Small pause, "Okay, see you then" I hung up, and instead of hiding the book, I stuffed it in my pocket.. that man, he had a lot of explaining to do...

I stood in the hall, my arms crossed, as I watched the trio walk in, chatting and laughing. Well, Matt and edd were. He wasn't. "Hey Medrick, can I talk to you?" They all looked at me, "alone?" There was a hesitated pause, "mhm, sure. Your room?" "Yes." I grab him by his hand, dragging him into my room, slamming the door behind me.

Hey, one arm boy..    (TordMatt) Where stories live. Discover now