Hells bell's

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He stood, holding jnathans hand firmly in his own "Tonight is the night I leave, boys, to catch the prey I've been hunting.." he smiled at them both, as they pulled him into a hug, "I'll miss you two dorks!" Tears pricked the comet of his eye, as he pulled away, his smile turning into a serious frown, "don't make the mistakes I've made, don't get in fights that can't be fought, and most of all, don't hurt each other, don't become one another enemies, for you two are the only two to hold each other together," I sigh, and nod, "I'll be on my way now.." and with that, he left, walking out the door, closing it behind him. He had sent more then.. 8, or 5 letters to his old friends, as a warning of him coming, and saying he was sorry.. he reached up, feeling the bandages that now covered the whole right side of his face, not just his eye now. He turned, and began yo walk in the way Jonathan had sent him. "Go straight along the highway, not in it, we don't want you getting hit again! Okay, but you'll reach a bridge, take that, and you'll be there. It's a few hours away by foot, hope you don't freeze man!" Jonathan had said, laughing, ash joining in. He headed along the highway, eyes glittering with hope. "Maybe, I can get arrested, or killed, but I can at least say I'm sorry.."


Tom sat in edds apartment, eyes closed as he listened to the tv babble on about, hell knows. Matt was prancing around like some deer, helping edd with his baking. He was a silly little person, Matt. He had endless energy, and, well, he was like some kinda bat! Can stay up all night! It's like he never needed sleep! He did sleep tho, saying he needed his 'beauty sleep'. Edd, edd was grand, he wasn't much of someone you would see jumping about, but he was probably the most funny, and calm people of the group, even after.. what tord had done. Edd had some serious anziety tho, and panic attacks, so when ever he would feel down, he'd making little paper animals,  paper mache, and he was pretty good. Nobody knows how he learned to do it, and nobody asked, scared he may stop and never do it again. I reach over picking up a a little paper mache dragon, opening my 'eyes' to look at it closely. It wasn't the best, compared to the others, but it was better then  nothing. I set it down and grabbed my liquor, taking a swing from it.


I wipe the sweat from my brow, as I waited for the food to finish baking. I reach over with a shaky hand, picking up my cola, and sipping it. I hate how anxious I get, how jumpy I am, how much I cry, and shake.. you can't change the past, you can't change what would happen in the past or future.. and it kills ya, you know? You can't just go back in time to stop the things that happened, now matter how hard you try. And my dreams, are haunted by those laughs, those dreaded words.. 'friends? What would I need friends for!' That was what ruined red. That's what ruined how he worked, how he trusted the others not yo leave him.. he's kill himself, anyone, if they left him like tord had.. yet, he would probably still forgive him. Probably say that mistakes happen, and he can always fix his mistakes. But at last, tord was pronounced dead. So, that was it. There would be no second chances, no sorry, no it's gonna be okay, no more anything! I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a hand softly rest on my shoulder, "hey.. edd.. it's gonna be okay.. we have each other now.." Matt smiled at me, making he sniffle and nod, wiping my eyes. "Yea, your right.. no more past.. " and with that the timer went off, showing that dinner was ready.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, whose ready for the next chapterrr?)

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