secret past (part 2)

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I was perched up with a bunch of pillows in matts bed, the wrap on my stomach making it kinda painful, but oh well. I deserved it.. okay, so here's what happened after I hit the floor. As if something told Matt I was hurt, he legit kicked the door down, and came running in. He also actually punched Tom, and slapped edd, before pulling the knife from my gut, and rushing me to his room. I'm just lucky that the knife didn't hurt me as badly as I hoped.. anyways.. that's what happened, and here I am, petting Matt's hair as he cried into my lap, "Matt my baby.. if I wanted to hurt you, I would have.. I came back to say I'm sorry for what I've done.." Tom and edd stood in the corner, watching me with narrowed eyes. "Your my brave Prince baby.. your a strong boy.. and I, was not the flower who belongs in your garden.." he clutched the bed sheets in his fists, now screaming and crying. I sat in silence, petting his hair and whispering encouraging things to him.. but nothing was going to calm him down.. not now, not ever.. "Matt darling.. look at me please.." matt sniffles, before finally looked up. I leaned forward, and kissed him softly, casting him a sad smile, "you know dear.. it's not bad.. it's never gonna be bad.. it's like leaving a shell behind. There's nothing wrong with old cracked shells!" The only caused Matt to tear up more, and start to ball again. Add cast Tom a sad look, but Tom only growled in reply. There was a loud knock upon the door, and I sigh, kissing Matt on the forehead softly, "you will be a strong young man. You will grow older and older, and live a good life, and you'll all have kids of your own, and tell tails of your amazing adventures.. but never add me to any story. I'm a story best left unwritten.." and with that, I pulled away from Matt, who screamed, trying to reach for me as I headed to his door opening it. "Evening officers.. I'm ready to go now. To the gallows.." and with a hard shove, and a slam of the door, I was finally gone.


We all sat in edds room in silence. Matt most of all was silent.. I wish he had never met tord again. I sigh, and pull the small leather book from my pocket. "He said something about entry 15. MAY be we can prove he was evil-" "HE WASN'T EVIL TOM! YOU ARE! YOU! YOU!" Matt was screaming, crying once more. Add pulling him into a tight hug, slightly rocking Matt, "your wrong. He was evil, using us.. now, what's inside this book.." I open it up to entry 15, page 40.. my 'eyes' scanned over the neat writing, and it didn't take long for me to burst out crying.. he wasn't as bad as he thought.. and now.. within a hour, he will be hung.. I shot upright, "WE HAVE TO STOP THEM!" I took no time to run from the room, and down the stairs to the car, edd and Matt close behind. We got into the parking lot, and jumped into the car, pulling out and driving from our apartment. He sped down the mostly empty streets, heading for the next town over, where the one noose hung in the middle of the town..
After 30 minutes, we entered the town, but quickly found no spot to park. "Evwryones here to see this.." I whisper. It took us an extra 20 minutes yo find a place to park. As soon as we parked, and locked the car, we ran, as fast as possible for the crowded town square. Me and Matt and edd pushed past peo0le, trying to reach the front. And when we did, time was almost up.. I leapt up onto the wooden stand, standing in front of tord. Whose head was bowed. "I know it's you.. what is it Tom?" There was a pause, before I quickly hugged him, ignoring the noose loosely hanging around his neck, "I hate myself for what I've don't to you tord.. we will stop this, I promise-" he raised a hand, looking at me, "there is no fixing the past my dear Tom.. why, I deserve this.. and for that, I'm sorry I just do this.." with a oddly strong shove, he shoved me off the small stand, causing the guards to scream something.. I wasn't listening.. I could only hear Matt's screams and struggles, as he fought against edd who held him back.. I could only see tord as he looked at us with a sad smile. I could only feel numbness.. now, oh now.. I've killed someone, and I've witnessed it up close.. tord said something, before with a yank, the trap doors under him gave way, and his body.. fell limp..

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