xvii. [rumpelstiltskin]

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This is the chapter where you get to learn more about my OC's. Hedda, Max and Seth. Their story and feelings, how their minds work and etc. I wanted to give them a full chapter because my OC's are very important for me and I want them appreciated just as much as the main characters. I'd love for all of you to meet and understand what this "evil" characters are going through.
Also, I think this book is a crossover between OUAT ad Descendants since I'm using the OUAT plot for Rumpelstiltskin as his past. I hope you all love this chapter just as much as I loved writing it because I haven't had that moment in a very long time where I just enjoyed writing and never wanted to finish. Thank you all for the votes and reads and amazing comments, I love all of you and appreciate the support. X

Hedda, chapter 17

I FOUGHT THE PRINCESS AND I WON. That's because I'm the best sword-fighter in the land. That is a fact. To some it may seem like we are the bad guys that fight, kill, betray, forget and hurt. Which we actually are, but not by choice. We have to be like this, to survive a day on the Isle. We have to deserve to be fed, paid, cared about. Care... That's new for us. Nobody has ever cared about me, other than Max and Seth. I know they've got my back, whenever, wherever. To survive, we have to be tough, cold-hearted and unbreakable. Otherwise, you'll get crushed, forgotten, not important.

Do I like my life? Where it's going, how it's going? Being trapped on this damned Island? No. Would I change it for Auradon? To become one of the privileged, to become everyone's favourite? No.

Those Auradonians have not done anything good for or to me, or my friends. All they did was to make sure that we all were locked on an Island with no exit. They never gave us the chance, but now... Now it's too late.

All my life, I've been fighting to prove that I was worth surviving. All my life, I've had Max and Seth by my side. They never turned away, they never left me. I'm grateful for that. Max and Seth are the only people I'd do anything for.

"Hed, is your knee still hurting?" Max asked and pointed at my bleeding leg.

Max was always the softest one. He cares too much, which makes him vulnerable. He always looked after us, even though he's the youngest. He wasn't born for this life, he deserves so much better. He was never the villain. Max always tries to find the right way to everything, but here on the Isle that is way too difficult.

"It'll stop soon." I replied shortly and nodded at Max.

"It's because of our little princess." Seth gritted and pointed at Auradonian.

Seth was never soft. He is tough, courageous, brave, sarcastic, snarky, humorous... I could go on forever. He's like a big brother to us both. We all know, It's more than that when it comes to Max. Seth is crazily in love with Max and their feelings are mutual, but neither of them would dare to say anything out loud. Love on the Island is an unknown poison. Nobody dares to talk about it. Seth would never hesitate to help me or Max, he's loyal, but is also very prideful. He'd never turn his back on pride.

"Seth, leave her." I muttered and he slowly nodded. I thanked him quietly, so the Auradonian couldn't hear me.

"Where are we going?" The girl asked.
She was scared, shaking. I pitied her, but there was really nothing I could do to help. I didn't care about her, It was none of my business.

"Wherever Rumpelstiltskin needs you to be." Seth answered shortly.

"We're gonna be there soon." Max assured and exchanged looks with Seth.

I couldn't help but smile at these two. They were so in love but so not capable of expressing it or saying out loud.

"Just so you know, this is none of our doing. So don't blame us, It's all Rumpelstiltskin dear." I smirked at Auradonian and stepped further.

We were walking for couple of hours now, through the woods, then out of the woods, then on the hills and then we followed the river. Just like The Dark One had told us.

"I'm tired, can't we get a break?" Auraduonian girl complained and stopped walking.

I turned around to look at her directly. "No. We can not take a break, besides, we're almost there." I hissed and continued walking.

"Stop whining, princess." Seth gritted and pushed her forwards.

I could almost felt sorry for her, but remembering what her people did to me, chased all the feelings away.

"Dearies! This way!" Voice called and caused all of us to turn its way. "You have brought her! Nice work!"

Max sighed and motioned to Auradonian to step forwards. Afterwards he had to give her a head start since she stood so frozen in place.

"C'mon, don't be afraid." Sneakily, Rumpelstiltskin whispered and grabbed ahold of the girl.

"What are you going to do with her?" I asked, out of curiosity really, I didn't give a crap about her.

"I need someone to clean my castle... since you know... Belle left." The Dark One murmured, and for a second i felt like his voice was filled with some kind of emotion... regret?! Maybe.

"Belle?!" Auradonian screamed.

"Tone down, princess, my ears are starting to bleed." I complained and shoved my sword in her direction.

"You mean Belle as the Queen Belle?" The girl spoke, clearly not listening to me.

"Yes. She once used to be mine." Rumpelstiltskin sighed and in seconds shook his head and went back to being his usual snarky self.

"What can I say? Even Rumpelstiltskin falls in love." Seth teased.

"That was many years ago, kid. Forget it." Man shrugged his shoulders and laughed it off.

"Love? What did others say about it?" Max asked shyly.

Rumpelstiltskin looked in his direction, then looked up and down at him. "I couldn't care less of what anyone else thought about it. Even her father was against it but I still didn't care. Love is a strange thing kids..." He cleared his throat. "Well. It was nice chatting with you, but we really have to go. Walls of my castle are getting dirtier and dirtier."

As saying that, The Dark One raised his hand and in matter of seconds vanished in the thin air with The Girl.

"That's it." Max said after minutes of silence.

"Yeah, we better head back-" I couldn't finish saying whatever I had on my mind. Seth had grabbed Max's face with both of his hands and was kissing him passionately. I felt something inside me, happiness? I didn't know what that felt like... After all this time, Seth had finally packed up his courage to express his feelings. Their kiss lasted longer than I thought it would. Maybe because neither of them wanted to step away and face the real ugly world again. They'd be forced to hide whatever they felt, again, until their next 'moment'. Finally Seth pulled away and rested his forehead on Max's. I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay you two." I chimed in. "We better get going."

Max chuckled and so did Seth. They both pulled me into a group hug and hugged me tightly. I laughed with them.

"Now let's go." Seth said and started walking.

I exchanged looks with Max. He looked very pleased. We both followed Seth quickly after.

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