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Jay, chapter 20

EVER SINCE LONNIE WAS TAKEN by Rumpelstiltskin, Jay was feeling off. He simply couldn't find where The Dark One's hideout was, it was impossible. The boy felt worse and worse every day, even though his friends tried to cheer him up, multiple times.

"Don't even try," said Evie to Carlos one evening, when Cruella De Vil's son decided watching cute cat videos would put Jay in a better mood.

"But why?! Even Dude found them funny!" Whined Carlos.

"Can't you see his face? He's practically dead." Mal said and pointed at Jay.

The boy sat on his bed for the whole weekend and stared blankly at the white wall.

"What are we gonna do about it?" Asked Carlos and brought his hand up to his chin.

"I mean, can we do anything at all? Like, what can we do? Rumpelstiltskin is in hiding and nobody knows where!" Evie exclaimed angrily.

"We can't just leave him like this!!" Replied Mal and pointed at Jay.

Even though the boy was sitting very near to them, he didn't hear a word. All he thought about was Lonnie and how he could never tell her what he truly felt. He was mad and angry at himself for being such a coward and hiding his true feelings. Now he couldn't get over the fact that he couldn't do anything to prevent Rumpelstiltskin from taking Lonnie. 


Lonnie was woken up by the sound of the door lock. Even though, she was sure that The Dark One had locked the door, she still got up to check it twice.

It was dark and Mulan's daughter could hardly see anything, but she very clearly saw that the lock had been broken and the door was open. At first, Lonnie thought she was dreaming, but when she realised that everything was real, she walked out of the dungeons.

Just don't be caught... don't be caught... she thought to herself while walking into the Castle's big dining room. It was quite strange that the door that had been previously locked, was open and Lonnie had free way to escape. She didn't know what had happened but she did not really care, as long as she could get to Jay.

Soon, Lonnie walked into the ball room and on the floor that was perfectly clean, on the moonlight, she saw one thing: a rose. Red rose. And in her head, it all instantly became clear.

It was Rudolf who had unlocked the dungeon gates and let Lonnie go.

The girl was thankful beyond words but knew that if she waited for a second more, her chances would weaken. So she kept going.

As she walked out from the castle, she saw the already known Isle of the Lost. The Castle was placed on the sea side — the beach. Lonnie instinctually walked to the shore and sat down quietly.

She knew that she did not have much time but at the same time, she had no idea how to get to Auradon. And just when she thought this, something shuffled in the water. Lonnie crawled back a few metres.

A figure formed from the water and swam as close to Lonnie as it could. Mulan's daughter realised that It was her close friend, Ariana. Daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric.

Lonnie was speechless. Many questions gathered in her head but she could not pick one to voice.

"We don't have much time, come on, Lon!" Ariana called and waved at Lonnie.

Lonnie walked to her and slowly stepped into the water. "How are you here?" She asked as she got hips deep into the water.

"I was called here," Ariana replied and helped Lonnie to get in even more.

"Called?" Lonnie repeated. Now she was fully covered in cold water and knew that she wouldn't last long in there.

"Yes!" Ariana cheerfully said. "By Rudolf, we've been friends for a while now..." she murmured and looked down.

"Friends you say?" Lonnie questioned and smiled, but shivered as cold got to her bones. "You know I can not swim all the way to Auradon, right?"

"Oh I know," Ariana said. "But I can. So take my hand, you won't feel cold in a second..."

Lonnie did as was told and just when she touched Ariana, she felt instantly warmer. "How...?"

"There are many things you don't know about mermaids," Ariana said calmly and dove into the water.

Lonnie did the same and slowly opened her eyes underwater. She saw Ariana waving at her. "Don't be afraid, now. I'm gonna swim super swiftly to Auradon but you won't be in danger, okay?" Somewhy Ariana could talk underwater.

Lonnie slowly nodded and held onto her friend even tighter. In matter of seconds, she was rushed into the deep waters of the sea. Lonnie could not feel cold or anything bad, only adrenaline rushing through her veins.

Just as Ariana slowed down to her normal speed of swimming, she pulled Lonnie out from the water.

"Ariana, I can't thank you enough for what you have done..." Lonnie murmured when she stepped onto the known land of Auradon.

"Oh nonsense... but please, don't tell anyone that I sneak out from the castle at night..." Ariana asked.

"Of course, they won't hear a word from me." Lonnie promised and turned around to take a better look at King Ben's castle and Auradon High.

"I'll be back by the morning," Ariana called and swam back to the Isle of the Lost.

Lonnie stepped into the castle and went to the first place her heart and mind wished.

She gently knocked, pulled the doorknob and stepped inside of Jay and Carlos' dorm room. The boys had already woken up by her knock.

"Lonnie...?" Jay said in a husky voice.

Lonnie's heart melted into her chest as she rushed to Jay's side and he did the same. The boy hugged Lonnie with all he head and held her tight...

"I'm so sorry..." Jay murmured into Lonnie's neck.

"So am I," Lonnie nodded and sobbed into his chest. "I need to tell you that..."

"I love you." Jay said swiftly and looked Lonnie straight into her eyes.

"You do?" Lonnie questioned, kind of unsure of what she had heard.

"Of course I do," Jay assured. "I've loved you from the very beginning but was very shy to tell you..."

"Can't believe, Jay being shy?" Lonnie spoke and chuckled.

"There it is," he said and gently brushed Lonnie's cheek. "The smile. I've missed it so much..."

Lonnie pulled the boy closed and kissed him passionately. Jay instantly replied with a kiss and rested his hand on Lonnie's shoulder.

"I love you too..." Lonnie whispered after they had parted.

Jay was about to say something, but was interrupted: "About time!" Carlos yelled out, still feeling sleepy and not knowing if he was dreaming or not.

"Shut up," Jay blushed and hugged Lonnie once again.

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