Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of the flight attendant announcing our flight had landed. This was it. I am officially in Korea. Working as a producer. For Seventeen. It didn't feel like real life anymore. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. From nerves or excitement? I couldn't tell. I walked out of the plane into the arrival hall, I had spoken with Seventeen's manager over the phone and he said there would be someone here to pick me up. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a man around my age and around my height with red hair. "Are you Y/N", he asked. "Yeah that's me", I replied with a smile. "Well hello Y/N, I'm Jihoon, you'll be working with me as producer." "Yeah I was told about you, I can't wait to start working with you", I said. "Likewise", he replied with a cute little smile. "There's a car outside and I'll take you to the studio", Jihoon said. "Right now? What about my bags?" I questioned. "Don't worry about them I'll organise someone to come and take them to your apartment for you", he said. "Alright, thank you Jihoon", I said. "No need to thank me, now that we are co-workers you're my friend", he said. I was so grateful at his offer to get someone to take my bags for me. Jihoon is honestly so nice and welcoming. This is gonna be an amazing job.

[le time skip]

"Wait wait wait, you did what?" I said laughing. Jihoon and I were currently sitting in the studio, he was showing me the equipment and we decided to get to know each other better, which led to him telling me stories about Seventeen. "Yeah, back in our pre debut days, I chased Mingyu with a guitar", he said, also laughing. Despite just meeting, we actually hit it off pretty well. "Mingyu must be scarred", I laughed. "It probably still haunts him to this day", he looked into the distance dramatically. I laughed at this. "So,
Y/N, tell me about yourself", he stated. "Well, I'm from a town in
Y/C, and I have a sister and a brother, B/N and S/N. My mother is a doctor and my father is an accountant. I speak 6 languages, English, Korean, French, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. I don't know why, or how, for that matter, but I got into producing when I was 19, and it's been my passion ever since", I answered. "And how old are you now?" Jihoon asked. "I'll be 21 in January," I replied. "I see, so you're around my age, and you're also pretty new to producing," he said. "Hey, I'm still good, don't judge me on my lack of experience", I said, pretending to be offended. "I'll be the judge of that, have you got a memory stick with some of your work on it?" he asked me. "Yeah I should have it somewhere", I rummaged around in my bag looking for it, as I knew I was going to be asked this question sooner or later. I located the purple memory stick with my work on it and took it out of my bag. "Aha!" I said triumphantly. Jihoon laughed as I handed him the memory stick. I watched with anticipation as he took it and inserted it into the computer. I had always gotten nervous when showing people my work. The music began to play and I looked at Jihoon, waiting for some sort of reaction. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Jihoon just listened with a blank expression. Once it finished he turned to me. I didn't realise it, but I was holding my breath the whole time he was listening. "Don't look so tense," he said smiling. "Honestly, I think that was amazing. You are a genius. I'm looking forward to working with you on future tracks," he said, still smiling. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, and I look forward to working with you too," I replied. "Can I listen to what you're working on at the moment?" I blurted out without thinking. "Uhh sure, but it's not really done yet," he said sheepishly. He started playing the music. I listened in awe. He said I was a genius, but he is the real genius here. He told me the song was called 'Clap' and would be released later this month. It finished playing and he turned to me. "Well, what do you think?" he asked. I had the look of wonder on my face. "Holy shit Jihoon, that's....amazing," I breathed. "It's still not done yet, so if you think that's amazing wait for the rest of it", he said smiling, "but thank you", he added. I heard his phone go off, one of the guys must have text him. He grabbed it off the table and read the text message. "Hey, have you eaten yet?" he asked, looking up at me. "Not yet, I'm kind of hungry actually, I might just get something later on," I replied. "Why not eat with us? Mingyu just cooked dinner, it was him that text me asking if you wanted to eat with us and get to know us as well," he offered. "Us as in you and the rest of Seventeen?" I questioned. "Yeah, don't look so nervous they're all really nice", he reassured me when he saw the look on my face. "Well, alright then..." I said. "Okay, I'll text Mingyu," he said.

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