Chapter 13

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I was sitting in the studio one morning, producing songs with Jihoon. "So Y/N how is the wedding planning going?" he asked, not taking his eyes away from the screen in front of him. "It's tiring Jihoon, I still have to buy a dress and Joshua still has to buy a suit and they're the most important things in the wedding" I laughed, gesturing my arms around wildly. "Hey calm down, how long until the wedding?" He asked, turning to face me in his chair. "About....... five months?" I said. "You have plenty of time Y/N, it'll all work out and the wedding will be just fine" he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, of course" I said, "thanks Jihoon." "No problem Y/N, now lets get back to work?" He asked. "Yeah okay" I said, turning back to the computer. We were currently working on the music for Seventeen's next comeback. After about three more hours of working, we finally had the song half done. I leaned back in my chair and sighed, placing my hands on my face. Jihoon turned his head and looked at me. "Do you want to get some fresh air?" he asked. "You can, I'll stay here and finish working" I said, a faint smile on my face. "Y/N you look exhausted, come on, come with me and get some fresh air" Jihoon said, standing up and gesturing for me to follow him outside. "But the song....?" I said, looking at the computers. We still had a lot of work to do. "Just for five minutes" he said. I sighed and got up from my chair and followed him outside into the crisp spring air. "Thanks Jihoon" I said smiling. "No problem, also Joshua told me to take care of you when you were working" Jihoon admitted. I laughed. "Really?" I asked, smiling to myself. Jihoon nodded. "He really does love you" he said. I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm excited for the wedding" I said. "All of us are" Jihoon laughed, "Joshua's the first one of us to get married so there'll be huge celebrations." "I can imagine" I laughed. We spent another few minutes out here just talking and then went back inside the building to finish our work.

[magical time skip~]

I was sitting on the couch, eating some snacks while watching my favourite tv show. It was getting to the climax when Jeonghan bounded in through the door. I almost had a heart attack. "Jeonghan what are you doing here?" I asked, pausing the show. "Y/N remember that wedding dress we were looking at?" Jeonghan said excitedly. "Yeah?" I said, setting the snacks I had in my hand on the table and turning to face him fully. "Well....I bought it for you" he said with a huge smile on his face. "You whAT????!!" I said, shocked. Did he know how expensive that was? "I bought you the dress and I have it in the car" he said innocently. "Thank you so much Jeonghan, but do you know how expensive that dress was????!!!" I exclaimed. "Think of it as your something new" Jeonghan said. "Also how do you know that it will fit me?" I asked. "I contacted your mother but that's not important" he said. "jeONGHAN" I exclaimed. "I'm going to go get it so you can try it on" Jeonghan said, hurrying out to the car to retrieve the dress. I sighed to myself. He came in holding a huge bag that I assumed contained the dress. He hung it on top of the door to the kitchen and zipped it open to reveal the dress I had looked at with him on the day I got engaged to Joshua. I covered my mouth in disbelief. "Thank you so much Jeonghan" I said, giving him the biggest hug I could. "You're welcome, now go try it on!!" He said excitedly, zipping up the bag and handing it to me. He began pushing me towards my room to get changed. "Alright alright" I laughed. I walked into my room and locked the door behind me. I hung up the bag containing the dress on the curtain rail and zipped it open. I smiled brightly at the sight of the dress and took it off the hanger. I put it on and somehow managed to zip up the back of the dress. I unlocked the door and was about to step out when I heard talking. I took out my phone and text Jeonghan to see if Joshua was in the kitchen or not.
Who's with you in the kitchen? Is it Joshua?
Nope, it's just me and Jihoon just came
Thank god, I thought Joshua was there too
We have the rest of the guys keeping him occupied at the dorms
I breathed a sigh of relief. I walked out of my room and went into the kitchen in the wedding dress. Once I entered the kitchen, Jeonghan and Jihoon's jaws dropped. Jeonghan began clapping his hands rapidly, gushing about how good the dress looked on me and about how well he chose. "Y/N you look amazing in that!!" Jihoon exclaimed, smiling. "And it fits perfectly" I said smiling. "Do you like it?" Jeonghan asked. "I love it!! Thank you so so much" I said, hugging him again. "To think that I introduced Joshua's future wife to him" Jihoon said proudly and I laughed. "And he was the last one to meet me and everything" I said, smiling at the memory. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the front door opening. "Y/N? I'm home" I heard a voice say. My eyes widened when I realised who's voice it was. Joshua's. Jeonghan leapt out of his chair and ran to the front door. "You can't come in to the kitchen yet" I heard Jeonghan say. "Why not?" Joshua asked. "Y/N's trying on her wedding dress" Jeonghan said simply. "Ooohhh okay, I'll wait outside" I heard Joshua say, followed by the click of the front door closing. Jeonghan came back into the room. "That was close" he said, breathing a sigh of relief. "You go get changed Y/N and give the dress to us and we'll head back to the dorms" Jihoon said. I nodded and hurried back to my room and got changed. When I came back into the kitchen I gave Jeonghan and Jihoon the dress and they left. Joshua was at the oven cooking. He was humming along to a song he was playing from his phone. When he heard me come into the kitchen, he looked up and smiled at me. "Hey love, how was the dress?" he asked. "It's really really nice, Jeonghan picked well" I said with a huge smile on my face. "He told me that he paid for it, that was really nice of him" Joshua said. "Yeah, and that dress was really expensive. I don't know how to repay him" I said. "I really wanted to see you in the dress" he said. "You just have to wait five more months" I said, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I don't think I can, I might just sneak a look while you're sleeping" he joked. "We're one step ahead of you, Jeonghan and Jihoon took the dress with them. They said they would guard it with their lives" I said. "Ugh, I can't wait five more months" Joshua whined. "But if you see the dress now, the surprise will be ruined when you see me on the day" I pointed out. "I guess" he said defeated. "What are you cooking?" I asked him. "Some beef, is that okay?" He asked. "Yeah, it smells lovely" I replied with a smile. "Of course it does I'm cooking it. If you cooked it however it would set the fire alarm off" he laughed. "That's very true and I won't deny that fact" I said. "Also I've found a suit to wear for the wedding" Joshua said, looking down at me. "Oh really?" I said. "Yup, and you can't see it yet" he teased. "I didn't ask to see it" I said. He pouted. "Can I just see one small part of the dress?" Joshua pleaded. "No! You have to wait!" I said, poking his cheek. "I can just get Jeonghan and Jihoon to tell me" he said under his breath. "They won't tell you, you know" I said. "You're going to be so beautiful" Joshua said, leaning his head on my head. I smiled and blushed at his statement. "And you're going to be so handsome" I said. "I really can't wait to marry you" he said excitedly. "Me neither" I replied softly. Joshua wrapped his arm around my waist and used the other one to cook the meat. "How was work today?" he asked me. "Tiring. How was your practice?" I asked. "It was good, we got a lot of dancing learned and perfected" he said. "That's good, when do you go on your next tour?" I asked. "Not really sure but it will be after the wedding" he said. Suddenly I remembered something and stood up straight. "Have we told Carats that we're engaged?" I asked. Joshua's eyes widened. "We may have forgotten" he said. I started to laugh at our forgetfulness. "How did we manage to forget something like this?" I asked, grabbing my phone and opening up Twitter. As soon as the app opened, I noticed a couple of fans making theories as to whether me and Joshua were getting married or not. "They may have figured it out already" I said, showing him my phone. "How did they even....?" Joshua asked. I began scrolling and noticed Jihoon and Jeonghan had taken a selca inside a dress shop. "This is why" I laughed, showing him the photo. "Of course" he rolled his eyes and laughed. "May as well confirm it" I said, quickly typing up a tweet. I posted it and waited for a response from the fans. In seconds replies started coming in. "Everyone is losing it" I laughed. Joshua looked over my shoulder and smiled at the comments. I replied to a couple of comments but one in particular caught my eye. It was about how the fans should wear the official colours of Seventeen and make a finger heart and tweet at us on our wedding day to show support from the fans. "Look at this" I said to Joshua, showing him that comment. "That's actually a really good idea" he said when he finished reading it. "I can't wait to see those pictures" I laughed. "I'm so glad the fans accepted you and that there was absolutely no hate towards you" Joshua said, kissing my forehead. "I'm sure there was hate but Carats shut them down before we could see" I said. "Probably" he said, leaning his head on my head. "I love you Y/N" Joshua said lovingly. "I love you too Joshua" I said smiling. "Could you set the table love, dinners ready" Joshua asked sweetly. "Of course" I said, putting all the necessary things on the table. Joshua brought over two plates of food and set one in front of me and I began to eat. "We should go on another date before the wedding" Joshua said. I looked up from my plate. "Where were you thinking?" I asked. "I was thinking that we could go to an amusement park, just the two of us" he said with a smile. "Aww that sounds great!" I said. "I'm glad you think so" Joshua said. "Have we got a lot left to do for the wedding?" I asked. Joshua pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket and began listing out all the things we still had to do. I sighed when he had finished listing them out. "That's still a lot" I said. "We have five months plus we have the major things already taken care of, like your dress, my suit, the guys' suits, the venue, invitations, things like that. There's no point in worrying and stressing yourself out" Joshua reassured, placing his hand on mine. "You're right" I said with a smile. We sat here for another hour, discussing all the things left to do and discussing plans for our date.

A/N - ayee another chapter and i realised how much i suck at endings. and thank you all so so much for 600+ reads. i appreciate all the support i've been getting from my first fanfic. i can't really believe that this is going to end in two chapters but i have more books planned so don't worry.

Also quick question - who do you want to see in the next book? Taehyung (BTS) or Chanyeol (EXO)?

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