Chapter 11

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Today was the day that Joshua was moving in. I cleaned up my apartment to have it all ready for when Joshua came with his stuff. I was sitting on my couch watching my favourite tv show when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to see someone standing there with a huge box in their hands. The box was so big that I couldn't see the persons face. "Care to let me in Y/N, this is really heavy" the voice said, poking his head out from behind the box. Soonyoung. He looked so funny because his face was flushed red from holding the heavy box. "Yeah of course come in and set it down over there" I said, stepping aside and pointing to the far side of the living room. Next to come in was Seokmin. "How many boxes does Joshua have, geez" I said. "Oh there's a few more" Seokmin said, setting down the two boxes he was holding. Then Minghao came in with two more smaller boxes and then Joshua came with his guitars. "Damn Josh what's in all the boxes?" I laughed. "They have all my things in them" he laughed sheepishly. "We're gonna go back, we'll let you two at it" Soonyoung said as he, Seokmin and Minghao left. "Thanks for your help guys" Joshua said shutting the door behind them. "Okay, so take the boxes with your clothes in them and put them in the drawers in my room, I left the two drawers at the bottom empty" I said. Joshua nodded, setting down his guitars and took the two smaller boxes Minghao brought in down the hall and into my room. "Right, where to put the guitars....." I said to myself, thinking deeply. I may as well ask Joshua. "JOSHUA" I yelled down the hall. "YEAH" I heard him yell back. "WHERE SHOULD I PUT THE GUITARS?" I asked. There was silence for a moment. "ANYWHERE YOU THINK PRINCESS" he yelled. "OKAY" I yelled back. I wandered around the apartment looking for the best place to put them. I ended up placing them in the corner of the living room where they were safe from getting damaged. I was lost in thought and I didn't hear Joshua when he came into the room. "Princess~" he whispered in my ear, back hugging me. I jumped a little but then relaxed when I realised that it was only Joshua. "I'm so glad we're living together" he said, burying his nose in the crook of my neck. "Joshua, what was in that box Soonyoung brought in, it looked heavy" I asked. "Oh, I bought some nightstands, I noticed you didn't have any" Joshua said. " did you know I didn't have any nightstands in my room?" I asked, turning slightly so I could see him. "Remember that time I came into your house at 7am to make you breakfast?" Joshua said. "I'm still mad at you for that" I interjected. "Yeah, when I saw you weren't up I went to your room to see if you were still sleeping and I noticed you didn't have nightstands so I ordered them from Ikea" he said. "Alright lets start putting them together then."

"Joshua why did you buy something with no instructions" I said. We were sitting among all the parts of the nightstands, trying to figure out how to put them together. "There are instructions Y/N" he said. "Alright, show me them" I said, reaching out my hand. He handed me a sheet of paper and I began reading it. "Joshua..." I began. "Yeah?" "The instructions are not in English or Korean" I said. "Oh" he laughed. "Yeah, they're in Swedish" I said. I looked up from the sheet of paper in my hands and started to watch Joshua as he concentrated on putting together the furniture. He looked really cute while he was concentrating. He had his nose all scrunched up in concentration. "Aha! I've figured it out" Joshua said, putting bits together. "So you've got these two long pieces for the sides" he said, making the two pieces stand up opposite each other. "Then you've got these two pieces, Y/N hold these pieces in place, and then these pieces then these then done" he said. "Joshua there's still bits left over" I laughed. He let out a frustrated sigh. "How about we do this properly tomorrow night?" I suggested, standing up and reaching out my hand to Joshua. "Agreed" he said, grabbing my hand and pull himself off the floor. We tided up all the bits and pieces from the floor and put them to one side for the rest of the day. "Hey Joshua, you never really told me about your family in detail, do you have brothers or sisters?" I asked. "Nope I'm an only child" he said. "That must suck on some aspects" I laughed. "Not really because I've got the guys, they're all like my brothers, and through them I met the love of my life" he said with a smile. "You really think I'm the love of your life?" I asked. "I was talking about Jeonghan" he said and I laughed. "But seriously, I always have and always will think you're the love of my life. I love you so much Y/N, thank you for letting me share a home with you" he said, a smile spreading across his cheeks. "Can I...kiss you, Y/N?" he asked, his eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips. "You don't have to ask Joshua" I laughed, and without any hesitation, he crashed his lips onto mine, smiling into the kiss. Once our lips touched, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Joshua placed his hands on my back, pulling me even closer to him. My hands went up to his hair and I began to play with it gently. I pulled away and looked at him adoringly. "I love you Josh" I said, bringing my hands to his back and leaning my head on his chest, slightly out of breath from the kiss. I began to trace small circles on his back. "I love you too Y/N" he said, resting his chin on my head. We stayed like that for a while. Joshua started humming a tune and we began to sway to the tune. I could feel the vibrations in his chest as he began to sing softly. "I love your singing" I said. He laughed slightly before giving me a quick peck on the forehead. We were so lost in the moment that we didn't hear Jeonghan and Seungcheol walk in. "Ah look at them, so in love" Jeonghan said, leaning against the doorframe connecting the living room to the kitchen. "When did you get here?" I laughed, raising my head from Joshua's chest but staying in his arms. "About" Jeonghan checked his watch, "10 minutes ago" he concluded. "We came to check up on you guys and see how the moving was going, but I see you're all done" Seungcheol said. "Yeah, we finished up a while ago" I said, pulling myself away from Joshua's warmth. "Do you guys want some coffee?" I offered. "Yes please" Seungcheol and Jeonghan said in unison. "Joshua? What about you?" I asked. "None for me Y/N" he said. "Make yourselves at home guys" I said, motioning for them to sit down at the table as I went to boil the water for coffee. "We bought you guys a gift to celebrate you moving in with each other" Seungcheol smiled, handing Joshua a small turquoise box. "You didn't have to do that, thank you so much" Joshua said, opening up the box carefully. "Y/N, come look at this" Joshua said, motioning for me to come over, not taking his eyes away from the contents of the box. I made my way over to him and looked over his shoulder to see a beautiful Christmas tree decoration, it was a silver house and it had mine and Joshua's names on it and today's date on it too, the date that we moved in together. Joshua took it out of the box and turned it around in his hand to see the rest of the members names on the back. "Seungcheol, Jeonghan, thank you so much, it's so pretty" I said. "I'll put it somewhere safe" Joshua said, getting up and walking out of the kitchen. "Don't get hurt" I called after Joshua and I walked over to the counter to make coffee. "Y/N, you know how you work with Jihoon right?" Seungcheol asked. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked suspiciously. "We need you to find out if he's got a girlfriend or not" Jeonghan said quickly. "Hold on, Jihoon has a girlfriend?" I asked, a smile spreading across my cheeks. "We think so, he's in really close contact with a girl he met at a coffee shop" Seungcheol explained. "Oooohhhhh tell me everything you know" I said, setting down their cups of coffee and rushing to sit down and listen. We were talking excitedly when Joshua walked into the room as soon as I sat down. "Joshua Joshua Joshua sit down" I said motioning frantically towards the chair next to me. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, concerned. "Of course not" I laughed. "We think Jihoon might have a girlfriend" Jeonghan said with a huge smile. "Jihoon?!!" Joshua said, a smile beginning to form on his face. "Screw this I'm calling him right now" I said, taking out my phone from my pocket and calling him. I placed the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I heard him say on the other side of the phone. "Jihoon, I need to speak with you" I said, trying to contain my excitement. I put him on speaker and placed the phone in the centre of the table. "What did Jeonghan and Seungcheol tell you?" Jihoon demanded. Jeonghan and Seungcheol completely lost it when he said that. They were on the floor laughing silently. "You got me there. I'll just get to the point, do you have a girlfriend Lee Jihoon?" I asked. "I...she's a...a friend" I heard him stutter nervously. "Mmmhmmm and what's she like?" Joshua asked. "Ugh not you too Joshua" he sighed. "Don't avoid the question Jihoon~" Joshua joked. "Fine...she's really nice and smart and talented and pretty" Jihoon said. I began fangirling silently. "YOU LOVE HER~" I heard someone shout in the background. "shuT UP JUN" Jihoon yelled. "Damn Jihoon don't go getting your guitar, but tell Jun I agree with him" I said. "Listen, I gotta go and deal with these dorks while Jeonghan and Seungcheol are with you guys, I'll talk to you later" Jihoon said and hung up. Joshua, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and I talked for about an hour about this once Jihoon hung up, forming theories on how we can get Jihoon and this girl together, if they weren't already. "We better get going, Jihoon's probably having a rough time" Seungcheol laughed. "Alright, see you tomorrow and thanks again for the present" I said. "No problem, thanks for the coffee Y/N" Jeonghan said. "No problem, and stay safe on the way back" I said. "Will do" Seungcheol said, and with that he and Jeonghan left. "Jihoon doesn't like teasing huh?" I said once Jeonghan and Seungcheol left. "Who does?" Joshua said. "I remember the guys teasing me about liking you" he reminisced with a smile. "Yeah, my friends teased me too" I laughed. "Really?" Joshua said with a huge smile on his face. "Of course, it's what friends do" I said. "Yeah, you're right about that" he laughed. "But I hope Jihoon does come to his senses and realises he likes her and actually ask her out" I said. "So do I, it'd be kind of relaxing for him, seeing as he's swamped with work all the time" Joshua replied. "Exactly" I said, walking back into the kitchen and clearing up the cups from the table. "Wanna watch a movie and order a pizza?" Joshua asked, helping me clear the table. "I get to pick the movie though" we both said in unison. I folded my arms and laughed. "Well well well, the only logical explanation to this is a challenge, I challenge you, Y/N, to a table tennis match, the winner chooses the movie" he stated, also folding his arms. "Alright, I'll wreck you though" I said, pushing past him to get my coat and go to the dorms, as they were the only ones that had a table tennis table. I looked back to see Joshua standing there in shock at my sassiness. "Well are you coming or just chickening out now?" I said. "Oh you're going down princess" Joshua said competitively, grabbing his jacket and you both walked out together towards the car.

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