Chapter 2

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I heard the annoying beep beep beep of my alarm clock that morning. I didn't want to get out of my bed, it was so warm and comfortable. But I have work today and I promised Jihoon I'd be in early to help him start producing more music. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and trudged over to my wardrobe while rubbing my eyes. I grabbed the closest decent looking outfit, pulled my hair back into a nice ponytail and put on some make up (pictures above). I checked the time on my phone. 7.30 am. Plenty of time. I opened the door and stepped out into the crisp winter air. Snow lined the side of the road. I put in my earphones and shut and locked the door behind me. Since I had time, I decided to go pick up a coffee for me and Jihoon, we'd need it.

I stepped out of the cafe holding two hot takeaway cups of coffee in my hands. I continued on towards the studio, being careful not to slip on the icy pavement. I reached the studio and as soon as I stepped in the door I felt the comforting warmth of the building. I made my way past reception and up to the studio, where Jihoon would be. I reached the door to the studio and opened the door with my elbow, careful not to drop the coffee I was holding in my hands. Jihoon was already sat there in front of his computer playing music. "Hey Jihoon, I brought coffee", I announced. "Ah thanks Y/N, you're a star", he said, taking one cup from my hands. "It was no problem, now let me hear what you're working on", I said. "Right, it's called 'Change Up' and it's me, Soonyoung and Seungcheol singing it. It's gonna be released before 'Clap' so we're kind of under pressure to finish it", he said. I nodded and he played the song. "I see..why don't you add this effect", I said, pressing multiple buttons. I played the song again with the added effect and Jihoon turned to me, "Y/N, you're a genius. Why didn't I think of that!" "I don't know Jihoon, sometimes younger minds are better at catching things", I said jokingly. He gave me a glare then poked my side, which I laughed at, and he said "Hey I'm not that much older than you." "Let's just get back to work", he said smiling. "Alright alright", I agreed.

[time skip~~~]

4 hours and 3 coffee refills each later we finished 'Change Up'. "We did good Jihoon", I said. "Yeah we did, we work well as a team", he agreed. "I think so too", I said. "So, talk to me Y/N", Jihoon said. "About?" I asked. "About the other members, what do you think of them?" Jihoon asked. "They're all so nice and welcoming, I think I hit it off especially well with Joshua, he's so nice and gentlemanly", I said. "Yeah, when he came back after dropping you off he wouldn't stop asking me questions about you", he said. "Really?" I asked, blushing slightly. "Yeah, I think you guys hit it off well", Jihoon said. "But don't tell him I told you that, he'd kill me", Jihoon added quickly. "Your secret's safe with me", I said. "Should we call them over and have them listen to the song", I asked. "Yeah I'll ring them all now", Jihoon said. "You must give me all the members numbers so I can contact them", I said. "Oh yeah, I was going to yesterday but I forgot", he smiled sheepishly. "It's okay", I said.

The members had arrived within minutes of Jihoon calling them. "So, let's see what the geniuses have come up with then", Wonwoo stated as they walked into the studio. "Alright, everyone here?" I asked, doing a quick headcount. 12 of them. "Where's Vernon?" I asked. "heRE IM HERE" Vernon said, running in the door. "Seungkwan, Hoshi and Seokmin locked me in the car", Vernon glared at them. "Anyways, do you want to hear it?" Jihoon said. "Yeah I want to see what the geniuses have created", Joshua said, kneeling down next to me to get a good look at my computer screen, his elbow resting on my knee. "Right", I said, clicking play. When the song ended, there was chaos. Choruses of praise, Soonyoung thanking me and Jihoon for making him sound good, Jun being done with everyone's extraness and Seungcheol patting us on the back, giving us many words of praise. Joshua looked up at me in the midst of the chaos and said "I'm really proud of you, even though we just met a week ago, I'm proud." I think I melted a little inside. "Thanks Joshua", I said. "Mind if I walk you home again today?" he asked. "Not at all", I said. "Good", he said. "Wait when do you go shoot the music video for 'Clap'?" I asked. "Next week", he replied. "You should come along, it would be fun", Joshua added. "I'll see how busy I am, if I'm not then I'll definitely come", I replied. "Okay, give me your phone", he said. I handed it over to him. He typed in various letters and numbers. "Now you have my phone number, so text me whether or not you can come or not", he said smiling. I nodded and looked at his name on my phone. Joshua~<3. 'Cute' I thought. "Should we all go back to the dorms and just hang out?" Jeonghan asked. "Do you have anything to do today?" I asked. "Nope, we're free all day today", Seokmin said. "Alright then", I said. I don't even know how I get on so well with these people. They're just so easy to be friends with. "Right, now lets go, Y/N and Jihoon look like they need fresh air ASAP", Chan joked. "It's true, I have a headache from being cooped up here all day", I laughed. "Did you take something for the headache yet?" Joshua asked once we were outside, concern evident in his voice. "Yeah I did. Why, were you worried?" I asked, teasing him. He blushed. "Not really", he said, not meeting my eye. "I'm hurt Joshua", I said, pretending to be hurt. "No no no I didn't mean it that way I just-" "Joshua I'm teasing you stop getting so worked up", I laughed. "Oh", he laughed, visibly embarrassed. "Ah I'm sorry", I said, poking his cheek. He just laughed and swatted my hand away. "It's okay I'll forgive you if you treat me to bubble tea", Joshua said. "Alright, it's the least I could do after you changed my life by introducing the amazingness that is bubble tea to me", I joked and he laughed his sweet laugh. (bold is Jun and The8 talking in Chinese) "Do you think they like each other?", Jun asked Minghao. "Maybe, they just met though so it's hard to judge, maybe over time it'll get more obvious", Minghao answered. "Maybe, Joshua's never acted this way around a girl, though, right?" Minghao asked Jun, watching me and Joshua joke around. "Not that I can remember, but I ship it", Jun said. "Yeah same" Minghao laughed. We reached the dorms and Chan instantly challenged me to the ultimate test of friendship - playing Mario Kart. Even though we just met a week ago, I'm already comfortable enough around them to do that, whereas with my friends back home it took me 3 months before I was comfortable enough to play Mario Kart. I get way too invested in gaming and quite frankly I wanted to seem to them that I was actually somewhat sane. "Do you know how to play?" Chan asked as I sat on the ground next to him. "Chan, who doesn't know how to play Mario Kart", I said. "Very true", he replied, handing me a controller. "I'm going to bake you all a cake as an apology for my behaviour during this game...I'm known for being way too intense when it comes to gaming", I laughed. "I'm sure you're not that bad", Joshua said from the couch. I just looked at him. "You won't be saying that after this", I laughed. I've noticed, since I started speaking Korean full time, I tend to slip back to English when I get intense. Oh god help all these children after I unleash my wrath upon them when I play this game. Well, what they will understand.

[le time skip]

5 races later and Jeonghan was covering Chan's ears. I told them to be prepared. "Well then, we just saw a new side to our producer", Mingyu laughed. "You could say that again", Seungkwan said. "I warned you all", I said, plopping myself next to Joshua on the couch, arms folded. "Hey, at least you beat Chan", Joshua said when I sat next to him. I smiled smugly. "Yeah I'm proud about that", I said. Joshua laughed at my smugness. "You look tired, are you okay Y/N?" Wonwoo asked. "Yeah I'm good, it's just from being cooped for a long period of time. I'm sure Jihoon feels the same", I said. "Oh, before I forget, all of you put your numbers into my phone, I have Joshua's already", I said passing around my phone. I looked at the what the guys had put as their name. Angel. That's obviously Jeonghan. Maknae. Chan. Cooking Master. Mingyu. It wasn't a lie either. Sasskwan. Seungkwan. Is any name other than Joshua's normal?? DiCaprio. Vernon. Obviously Joshua's name is the one normal name I have. I showed them to Joshua and he just laughed at them. "I should be heading back again now", I said. "I'll walk you back", Joshua said, getting up and reaching out a hand to me to help me up. I caught his warm hand and he pulled me up. "Thanks", I said once I was up. "Bye guys", I said. We got a lot of 'goodbye's and 'see you's  and with that myself and Joshua stepped out into the cold air. "Ah, of course I forgot a damn coat", I said, hugging myself to keep the heat in. It had been so warm in the dorms and the studio that I didn't think to bring one. Suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulders. I looked up to see Joshua smiling down at me. He had given me his coat. 'This gentleman, damn' I thought. "Are you not cold?" I asked. "Not really, besides you looked freezing", he replied. "Well, thanks Joshua, I'll give it back I swear", I said. "You can keep it and give it to me tomorrow or something", Joshua said. "Thank you", I said slipping my hands through the sleeves and zipping it up. It was too big on me but it was so comfortable. It also smelled like him, which was kind of comforting. "Joshua, look, it's way too big", I laughed. He looked at me and burst out laughing. "Ah you're so cute, it's not good for my heart", he said in between laughs. "Yeah well you're cute too for giving me your jacket, how cliche is that?" I laughed. "Want me to take it back?" he challenged. "No no no it's okay I like it", I laughed. "Oh right, I owe you bubble tea don't I?", I said. "Yeah you do", he smiled. "Alright, same place we got it last time?" I asked. "Yeah, you're lucky to live near an amazing bubble tea place", Joshua said. "Damn right I am", I laughed. He laughed his musical laugh. We got the tea and turned down the street towards my apartment. Somehow we ended up on the topic of aliens. "They're there Joshua, don't deny it", I said. "Isn't it weird that they could be watching us right now and we wouldn't know?" he said. "Imagine the alien animals though, how weird would that be if they just landed on earth?" I laughed. "Alien animals?" he questioned, amusement lining his voice. "Well yeah, there's gotta be some weird hybrid of animal on a different planet", I said. "You make an interesting motion, Y/N", he smiled. "Well, here's my apartment", I turned to Joshua. "Thanks for the bubble tea", he said. "You're welcome, see you tomorrow?" I asked. "Yup, see you tomorrow", Joshua said. He walked two steps and turned again. "Did I mention that you looked beautiful today?" Joshua said, a smile and a blush on his face. "Thanks Joshua. See you later", I said. "Alright Y/N, remember to text me if you're coming the the 'Clap' music video shooting", he reminded me. "Will do", I said. And with that I walked up the stairs, opened my door, closed it behind me and screamed. 'He called me beautiful. HE CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL. Damn, I might be catching feelings for Joshua.'

A/N ~ two updates bois.

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