Chapter 8

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It had been about four months since Joshua and the guys left for their tour, four months filled with endless skype calls with the guys, Joshua sending me cute selcas, sweet messages and a lot of 'I miss you's. And it's true, I missed Joshua a lot. I was keeping up with the footage Carats posted on their social media accounts so I got to see what the concerts were like. I was currently in the studio working on some music. I've been in here since since the morning and it's now evening time. If they were here, Joshua and Jihoon would kill me for being in here for such a long time and overworking. But it had to be done. The music I was working on wasn't sounding right yet, and everything I tried to do wasn't working either. I was beginning to get frustrated with it. I let out a sigh and stood up from my seat and walked out the door, I needed a break. I began automatically walking in the direction of the dorms, only to remember that the guys were on tour. I turned away from the direction of the dorms and towards the direction of my own apartment. When I was home, I heard my phone go off. I took it out and looked at the notification - a text from Joshua.
Good morning jagi xx

I smiled at his message and quickly typed a reply.

Afternoon Joshua 😂
Yeah yeah it's morning where I am keep up 😂😂
Yeah yeah whatever 😂 how's everyone doing?
Everyone's good, they say they miss your face 😂
Tell them I said I miss their faces too
They want to know if you can skype now
Yeah I can, let me set up my laptop and stuff
Okay, text me when you're ready x
Okie dokie ☺️
I put my phone of the table and retrieved my laptop from my room. I turned it on and logged in, then I clicked on the blue Skype icon. I logged into my Skype account and text Joshua from my phone saying that I was ready to skype. I get a call on my laptop from Joshua almost immediately after I text him. I click the green 'accept call' button and I was greeted with Joshua's face on the screen. "Hey hey Joshua" I said enthusiastically, waving at the screen. "Hey hey Y/N, how are you?" he replied. "I'm good, how are you guys doing?" I asked, resting my head on my hand. "Really good, it's been hectic the past few days though and everyone's kinda exhausted, but they'll perk up when they see you" he said smiling. He turned around so the back of his head was on my screen and yelled "GUYS MY GIRLFRIEND Y/N IS ON SKYPE COME SAY HI!!!" "Joshua was that really necessary, they all know who I am" I laughed. "I felt like doing it, shush" he laughed. Next thing I see is a blur of people bombarding the screen and jumping on top of Joshua yelling 'HI Y/N' and 'HOW ARE YOU Y/N'. I laughed at their energetic actions. "God, all of you sit down and talk to her properly" Joshua said. "Also hyung we all know she's your girlfriend you don't have to yell it, what if the managers heard?" Soonyoung said. "That's what I said Soonyoung" I agreed. "Shame hyung shame" Chan joked, shaking his head. "Ahhh shut it all of you and get off me" Joshua said, pushing the members off him. While Joshua was pushing the members off him, Vernon took the laptop. "Hi Y/N, how are you?" he asked. "I'm good Vernon how are you?" I replied. "Tired, but other than that I'm really good" he said. "Make sure to rest well, and are you memeing on an international scale?" I joked. "Y/N, who do you think I am" he laughed. Vernon placed the laptop onto a table and then everyone sat on the surrounding couches. "So Y/N how's everything back home?" Mingyu asked. "Everything's good" I replied. "Have you been taking care of yourself?" Joshua asked. "Of course I have" I answered. "Have you been working, if so how hard?" Jihoon asked. "Guys calm down this is starting to feel like an interrogation" I laughed, "and to answer your question Jihoon yes I have been working and I've been working hard" I added, being completely honest with them. I heard a chorus of 'don't work too hard's and 'take care of your health's. "Guys don't worry about me, I'm fine" I reassured them. "Is that the hoodie I gave you before I left?" Joshua laughed. I glanced down at the hoodie and said "Yeah, it's so comfy, when you come back this will not be returned to you it's too warm and comfortable" I laughed. Then Seungcheol came into the frame and said in a low voice so no one only the members and I could hear "When are you guys going to go public with your relationship?" "Well, we were talking about it and hopefully after we get back from the tour we'll go public" Joshua said. "Yeah, I'm still nervous and worried though" I said shyly. "Don't be, Carats are loving people, they'll love you and support you in every way" Wonwoo reassured. "Yeah, I'm sure they'll love you" Joshua agreed. "Yeah I hope so" I said nervously. "What will happen when the managers find out though? Will I lose my job? Will they try to stop you guys from talking to me? You see where my worries come from now don't you?" I said to them. "Y/N, everything will be alright, and I promise you that" Joshua said seriously. "Yeah, okay" I said, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "When are you going to tell your parents?" Seungcheol asked. "Before we tell the fans, I feel like our families have a right to know first" I said. "That seems fair" Seungcheol said. "When do you think you're coming back home?" I asked. "Tomorrow" they all said in unison. "Oh oka- WAIT TOMORROW??!!???" I yelled suddenly. They laughed at my shocked face. Joshua spoke up "Yeah, did you not know?" "NO SHIT SHERLOCK" I yelled. They all laughed at my outburst whereas I sat there in disbelief. "Well then...I have to make a huge poster for you when I go to the airport to pick you up tomorrow" I stated. "Y/N no" they said. "Y/N yes" I countered. "I'm gonna go unleash my creativity upon paper now, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said smiling. Joshua blushed and mumbled a 'see you tomorrow' while the rest of the members yelled 'see you tomorrow' at the top of their lungs. The call ended and I leaned back in my chair processing what they said. Tomorrow. I can hold him and hug him tomorrow. After four months I can see him tomorrow.

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