Chapter 7

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Now that 'Teen, Age' has been released, it was time for Seventeen to go on tour, which meant that I would have to say goodbye to Joshua for a long period of time. He had been talking about the tour every time he brought me coffee at the studio while I was producing or every time we just hung out. Joshua had been looking forward to this for a long time, so had the rest of the members. Joshua and I still hadn't gone public with our relationship, so only the members know. We were talking about going public with our relationship and we decided to do it after the tour.

I helped Joshua pack for the tour while the other members went shopping for last minute supplies. "Right, so you have all the clothes you need?" I asked. "Yeah, I think I have everything I need", he replied. "I'll miss your face" Joshua joked. I laughed. "I'll miss your face too, but we can skype at least" I said. "Yeah, we can" he said and looked at me. We stood there for about two minutes, just looking at each other, smiling sadly. Before I knew it, Joshua moved swiftly towards me and wrapped his arms around my body, burying his face in my neck. I moved my arms slowly up and wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands playing with his hair. We stood like that for what felt like years, just enjoying each other's company. "I love you so much Y/N" he whispered, his voice slightly muffled. "I love you too Joshua, so so much" I replied, resting my head on his shoulder. He was warm, and he smelled really good.
"Joshua, didn't I come here to help you pack?", I laughed. "But this is better" he replied. "Come on Joshua" I said, pulling myself away from his warmth. He pulled me in tighter though. "Joshuaaaa we have to pack for your tour" I whined. "No Y/N, stay with me" he said. "Joshua I swear to god" I laughed, still struggling. I finally got free and started packing again. Next thing I felt arms wrap around my stomach. He was giving me a back hug. "Joshua, seriously?" I laughed. "Yes seriously, I'm not going to see you for a long time so I wanted to spend as much time together as possible" he said. "Ahhh you're gonna miss me" I teased. "You better believe it, we're gonna skype every single night, okay?" Joshua said, resting his head on my head. "Yeah yeah okay, but it's not like you're leaving forever, you know" I said, zipping up his suitcase. "I feel bad for having you help me pack, you really shouldn't have" Joshua said, still back hugging me. "It's okay, it's done now" I said. "When's your flight?" I asked. "Six" he said. I looked at my phone - two o clock. "Now that packing is done, what do you want to do?" I asked. "Cuddle you" he said. "How about we get a ton of blankets and watch shows on Netflix?" I suggested. "Sounds good" Joshua said. "Joshua you're gonna have to let me go so I can get blankets" I said. "No" he stated. "Ugh fine" I said and I started walking out of his room and to the room where they kept spare blankets, Joshua still back hugging me, making walking very awkward. I finally got back to Joshua's room, him still attached to me. I freed myself from him and I laid out all the blankets on his bed while he set up the television. Once we were done we got under the blankets and got comfortable and watched a ton of shows. I rested my head on his chest while he rested his head on my head, giving me light kisses on my forehead every so often. Joshua intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me closer to his body, and we ended up taking a nap like that.

[time skip]

I rolled onto my side and looked at my phone - 4 o clock. Joshua was still asleep, he looked so peaceful. I laughed softly and poked his cheek. "Joshua~" I said, "it's time to wake up, your flight's in 2 hours." He stirred slightly. "Mmm, few more minutes" he groaned. "Not a chance, come on get up" I said, getting out of the bed. "Y/N, where are you going?" Joshua asked groggily. "Well I'm going into the living room and I'm also going to the airport with you later, so hurry up" I said, walking over to Joshua's side of the bed and pulling him into a sitting position. He groaned and got out of the bed and fixed his hair. We both went into the living room and when we entered we saw the members sitting around, all their suitcases near the door. "Oh my god guys how many suitcases do you need?" I said, looking at the suitcases in disbelief. There was so many of them, all lined up at the door. "A lot" Jeonghan said, "and everything we absolutely need is in them, so they can't get lost or forgotten at all." "I see" I said, sitting down on the floor next to Jun. "Hey wants to play video games?" Jihoon suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Should we play in teams?" Seokmin suggested. "Sure" Jihoon replied. The teams ended up being:
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Jeonghan and Wonwoo offered to be scorekeepers and we decided to play Mario Kart. "Okay, each person nominates someone to play on behalf of the team" Jeonghan ordered. I turned to Vernon and Jun. "Who wants to go?" Jun asked. "I don't mind going first" I volunteered. "Yeah Y/N can go first, she's really good" Vernon said. "Alright, that's a good idea" Jun nodded.  "Okay, can the people nominated take a controller" Wonwoo ordered. They were making this so intense.  I took a controller, I was up against Soonyoung, Mingyu and Chan. We selected our characters, our cars and the track was selected at random. Then the race started. I was in 2nd, Soonyoung in 3rd, Mingyu in 5th and Chan in 1st. By the time lap two had ended, I was in 1st, Mingyu kind of gave up, Soonyoung kept dying and Chan was in 2nd. Me and Chan were just yelling at each other, with Jeonghan and Wonwoo's commentary in the background. It ended up with me and Chan actually elbowing each other to try and win. The race ended with me in 1st, Chan in 2nd, Soonyoung in 4th and Mingyu in 6th. "CHAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD" Minghao yelled. "Y/N SABOTAGED THE GAME!!!" Chan yelled, pointing at me. "Chan, you just lost because I was too good, suck it up" I said smirking. There was a chorus of 'ooooohhhh's from around the room. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A REDO" Chan stated. "Fine, just be prepared to lose again" I challenged. "Nope, Chan you lost, switch players" Wonwoo said. "We'll settle this later, Y/N" Chan said, giving me a look of determination. Chan was swapped with Joshua, Mingyu with Jihoon, Soonyoung with Seungkwan and me with Vernon. We watched them play and me and Jeonghan joked on the side. Jeonghan made one joke that send me into a hysterical laughing fit. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Joshua glancing over every once in a while. 'Is he jealous?' I began thinking. No. He couldn't be jealous, he's never gotten jealous. I shook the thought from my mind as the next race began. As the race started Jeonghan and I resumed our joking. As he kept making me laugh, I felt Joshua's eyes burning into the back of my head. "Y/N, I think Joshua is looking for you, he keeps looking in your direction" Jeonghan said with a slight smile on his face. I turned around to see Joshua looking directly at me, so I stood up and went over to sit next to him. "What's up?" I asked him once I sat down. "Oh nothing, how's Jeonghan's jokes?" he said. "Joshua are you jealous?" I asked. "Not at all" he replied. "Well you're glaring at me whenever Jeonghan breathes near me" I joked. "I'm not jealous I just wanted to be the one to make you laugh like that" he said. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Joshua that's jealousy" I said. "Oh..." he replied. "And you already make me laugh all the time, anyways jealousy is a natural thing" I reassured him. "I just love you and don't want to lose you, that's all" he stated. "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere any time soon, you are though, you're gonna see the world" I joked. "It would be nicer with you" Joshua said. "Like you said multiple times, we'll skype" I laughed. "Yeah, it's not the same though" Joshua said. "This is your job, you have to do it" I stated, "just remember to rest well and eat well and take care of yourself" I added. "I will" Joshua said, leaning his head against mine. "Take lots of pictures for me" I said. "I was going to anyways, you didn't have to ask" Joshua laughed. "I just wanted to make sure" I laughed along with him. "Y/N, can I ask you a question?" Joshua asked, straightening his head to look at me. "Okay?" I said. "Are you glad you came to Korea?" he said. "100% best decision I've ever made" I said without hesitation. "That was fast" he laughed. "Because it's the truth" I said. "I see" he said. "Guys it's time to go to the airport" Seungcheol announced. The guys all stood up and started getting their bags and putting them into the cars. "Are you coming with us Y/N?" Jihoon asked. "Yeah I am, if that's okay" I said. "Of course it's okay" he answered. Once everyone had put their bags in the cars we started driving to the airport. I was seated between Joshua and the window. There was light chatter between me and the members that were in the same care all the way to the airport. Once we had reached the airport I helped the guys get their bags out of the car. I walked with them to the departure hall. Once we were there the guys all turned to me. Jihoon was the first one to hug me and tell me to take care of myself while they were away. The rest of the members hugged me and told me the same thing. The last one to say goodbye to me was Joshua. He hugged me and said "I love you Y/N, take care of yourself and eat well, okay?" "Don't worry Joshua, I will" I said, smiling sadly. Joshua must have picked up on my sadness because he told me "Don't be sad Y/N, we will skype okay? And I also left something on your bed in your apartment." "So you broke into my apartment?" I joked. "Y/N you leave your spare key in the most obvious place it's easy for anyone to get in" he said. "I'll just have to give you that spare key when you get back I guess" I said. "I guess you will" he laughed. "Joshua" Jeonghan said, "it's almost time to go." "Oh okay, I'll be with you in two minutes" Joshua said. He turned back to me. "Y/N I love you and be careful and take care of yourself" he said. "Again, I will Joshua" I laughed. He pulled me in suddenly and kissed me quickly on the lips. Once we parted he said "I gotta go, remember to get what I left on your bed." "Alrighty, have an amazing time" I said. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said. "See you soon" he said. "Yeah" I said sadly. He walked off towards the gate. I watched him all the way until he was out of sight.

[time skip]

Once I opened the door to my apartment after coming back from the airport I made a beeline to my room. Once I was in my room, I saw a hoodie on my bed. I walked over and picked it up to realise it was one of Joshua's hoodies. I smiled and pulled it over my head and put my arms through the sleeves. It was too big on me but it was so comfortable and it even smelled like Joshua. I whipped out my phone and started writing a message to Joshua.
Joshua you are so sweet xx thanks for leaving your hoodie, I'm wearing it right now and it's so comfortable 😂
I'm glad you like it, I'm sure it looks really cute and good on you, I love you and I can't wait to see you when I get back ❤️
I love you too Joshua, now go and have an amazing time, I'm cheering for you and Seventeen
Thanks jagi

A/N- I'm sorry this shitty chapter took so long

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