Chapter 4

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I woke up the next day and I decided to text Joshua to confirm plans to meet up today. I asked him last night if he could come with me to help pick out Christmas gifts.

Are you still able to come and help me pick out presents for the guys today?

I got a reply within seconds.

Yup I'm still able to go, meet by the cafe where we get bubble tea?
Okie, see ya there
Okay, see you x

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the 'x' at the end of his message. What even is our relationship now? Boyfriend and girlfriend? He confuses me. I shook the thought from my head, got dressed into nice warm clothes and walked out of my apartment and down to the cafe we agreed to meet at. Joshua wasn't there yet, so I decided to wait outside for him. When I saw him walking down the street towards me I smiled and waved at him. "Hi Joshua", I smiled. "Hey
Y/N, how are you?" he asked. "I'm good, you?" I asked as we walked towards the centre of the city. "Good", he replied with a smile. We began talking about meaningless things and I turned to him after a while. "Hey, Joshua, can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Uhh sure", he said. "Are we a thing now? Like boyfriend and girlfriend or what? Because you kissed me last night. Help me out here", I laughed. "Well, you didn't exactly return my feelings when I confessed last night", he teased. "Fine..I like you too Joshua. Happy?" I said. "Very", he smiled, pulling me in closer to him, kissing me on the head and draping his arm over my shoulders. "So now that I've also confessed, we're a thing now?" I asked. "Yep", he agreed. "Okay then", I said. "Oh! What will I get the guys for Christmas?" I asked Joshua. He thought for a moment. "Come in here and we can look", he said, steering me into a store, arm still draped around my shoulders.

[le time skip]

2 hours later we came out of the store laden with bags. I secretly bought Joshua's present when he wasn't looking. I got him a hoodie he had been thinking about buying for a long time and a box set of his favourite anime. "Right, we have everything right?" I asked. "Just about, I have to go to another store for a bit, can you wait here with the bags?" he asked. "Yeah", I said, walking over to a bench and sitting down, dropping the bags at my feet. "I'll be back in two seconds", he said, dropping the bags he was holding next to mine. He walked back the direction he came. I whipped out my phone and scrolled through Instagram until he came back. A few minutes later Joshua returned. "Okay, lets go", he said. I looked up and shoved my phone back into my pocket and we picked up the bags. We walked back up the street towards my apartment. Once we were at the apartment, I opened the door and we placed the bags on the kitchen table. "Before I forget, your coat", I said, handing the coat Joshua gave to me the other day. "Thanks", he said, taking it from my hands. "Now, help me wrap them?" I said, "Of course", he said. I went over to one of the cupboards to get the wrapping paper and brought it down. Joshua grabbed the tape from the cupboard under the sink and we started wrapping them.

[lil time skip]

"Aaaaaaand done!" I exclaimed once I wrapped the last present. "Whew, they all look beautifully wrapped, thanks for helping me", I thanked Joshua with a smile. "No problem", he replied and have me a kiss on the cheek. I giggled at his action, and looked at his face. "Joshua, you have a bit of tape on your face somehow" I laughed and reached for his face. I caught the corner of the tape and pulled it off his face. He winced a bit when I pulled it. "Sorry", I laughed. I heard my phone ping. A text message from one of the guys probably.

    1 New Message
Do you and Joshua want to come over to the dorms, we're decorating the Christmas tree :)

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