Chapter 3

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I was making my way towards Pledis one morning, as per usual, when I got a text from Jihoon.

I'm going shooting the mv for Change Up, can you finish Lilili Yabbay and Pinwheel?
Yeah I can do that, I'll handle everything so don't worry about it
Thanks a lot Y/N, I'll be back soon
Alright Jihoon, see you later

Great. Jihoon's out. What if I mess up. Oh god he'll kill me. 'No he won't. Calm down Y/N, it's all good' I thought to myself. I went into the studio and sat down on my office chair and looked at what Jihoon had done already. Everything apart from the chorus in Lilili Yabbay. Great. The main part to any song. I sucked it up and I pressed tons of buttons on the equipment and added lots of effects. About 3 hours later, the chorus for Lilili Yabbay was finished. I played the whole song and recorded it on my phone to send to Jihoon and the performance unit. My phone blew up with texts after that.

5 New Messages

Really really good work. Keep it up
Y/N, remember to start Pinwheel.


Omg Y/N you're a genius


I love it Y/N!! Well done :)
I laughed at their messages. Sometimes I wonder how extra they can get. I put my phone down. Now for 'Pinwheel'. I looked through Jihoon's files on his computer. Absolutely nothing for 'Pinwheel' other than the lyrics. Just perfect. I have to start from scratch. I grabbed my phone and began ringing Joshua, Seungkwan, Seokmin and Jeonghan

They arrived soon after I called them. "Everything alright Y/N?" Jeonghan asked. "Yeah, just sit, I have to talk to you about something", I said as they sat. "Can you sing 'Pinwheel' for me?" I asked. I recorded them singing and I wheeled my office chair over to the piano and played along. Once I had finished I turned to them. "Well?" I said. "That sounds perfect, since when do you play piano?" Seokmin asked. "Since I started producing", I replied. "Thanks guys, I think I got what I need", I said. "Alright, thanks Y/N", Jeonghan said. "Good luck Joshua", Jeonghan whispered to Joshua when he was on his way out the door. For some reason Joshua received pats on the backs from the guys. I was confused but I disregarded it. Joshua turned to me. "Do you mind if I stay here? I kind of want to hang out, it's boring at the dorms", he said with a smile. "Sure, but it's gonna be boring here too, all I'm doing is producing", I said. "That's alright, I can keep you company, can't I?" Joshua said. "Of course, if Jeonghan says it's okay", I said. "I asked before we came if I could stay back and keep you company and he said I could", Joshua said simply. I laughed at his cuteness. "Your laugh is cute, I like it", he said smiling. "Really? I hate it", I smiled. "Ah no you're perfect and you should love every bit about yourself", he scolded. I laughed as he plopped down in Jihoon's office chair. I hit record on the computer and brought the mic closer to the piano and started playing again. I wheeled back to the computers and put the piano music with the sound of a tambourine. I added a bass drum to that. I added their voices to the music, Joshua watching me, his beautiful dark eyes filled with interest. I place my headphones on my head and played the full song. It sounded really good. I took them off and handed them to Joshua. "Listen", I said. He nodded and placed the headphones on his head. I clicked play and as soon as the piano started playing he looked at me in wonder. I laughed at his reaction. When the song reached an end, he took the headphones off slowly, still looking at me in shock. "Well say something", I laughed. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish's. I laughed at him, sometimes he's so funny to watch. "Use your words Joshua", I said, laughing so hard. "'s perfect...", he breathed. "Well you guys did most of the work with your voices, and it's Seventeen who the fans are waiting for, not me, I'm just on the sidelines", I laughed. "Yeah but it's talented people like you who make us sound amazing", he said. "Ah thanks Joshua", I said, slightly blushing. "Do you want to go somewhere later on?" he blurted out. "Uhh sure, where were you thinking?", I asked. "A restaurant. For dinner", he stated simply. "With the other guys I'm guessing?" I said. "Nope. Just the two of us", he said blushing. "Is Seventeen's gentleman Joshua Hong asking me out?", I teased. "...yeah", he whispered. "What's that Joshua I didn't catch it?" I laughed, cupping my hand behind my ear. "Ah Y/N don't make me say it again, I'm embarrassed enough", Joshua complained, hiding his face in his hands. "Ah come on Joshua, it's cute when you're all flustered", I laughed. "Fine.... yes I am asking you out because I like you Y/N... a lot...I know we've only known each other for, what, 3 weeks at this stage, but every moment I spent with you, I have the best time of my life. So yes, I am asking you out. So, dinner tonight? Is 7:30 okay?" he asked. I was taken aback by his sudden confession. I blushed heavily and tried to keep my voice steady. "A-alright, 7:30 it is then", I smiled, mentally cursing myself for stuttering. "Alright, I'll pick you up then", he said, he was also blushing heavily. "Are you done here?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. How long have I been here?" I asked. "About 7 hours", he replied. "Oh, well, we'd better get going", I said, standing up and getting my coat. "Yeah, go and get some rest before I pick you up, you look exhausted", he said as we walked out of the studio and down the halls, concern lacing his voice. "I will, Joshua", I said. "Also, what kind of restaurant are we going to and do I have to dress fancy?" I asked, as we walked down the stairs towards the door. "Well the restaurant is a surprise, but dress nicely, but you always dress nicely so that's not a problem", he blushed, looking away from me. "Aww Joshua~", I said. He held the door open for me like a true gentleman and we were outside in the biting cold. I turned to him, "I have Christmas presents to get tomorrow, want to come with me and help me pick out a few for the guys, you know them better than I would", I asked Joshua. "Sounds good", he replied, zipping his hoodie up to the top. "Oh god I forgot your coat, I was supposed to bring it, but it's at home", I smiled sheepishly, "I'll bring it for you tonight, I promise." "No worries, as long as it kept you warm", he smiled. "Stahp being so cute", I laughed. "Ah you always say that but I know you love the cuteness", he said. "Yeah yeah whatever just go home", I laughed. "See you at 7:30
Y/N", he said turning to leave. "Yup 7:30 it is", I answered, turning the opposite direction to go to my apartment. Once I was home I ran inside, did a little dance, screamed for a bit then rushed into the shower to get ready for dinner with Joshua.

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