Final Chapter

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"Ready?" Jihoon asked. "Ready" I replied with a curt nod and the doors of the church opened.

As we walked up the aisle I noticed my mother smiling fondly at me. I gave them a smile and a little wave before looking up towards the altar. I saw the eleven best men standing at the altar, looking at me with the biggest smiles I had seen on their faces. Then, finally, my eyes met Joshua's. He was smiling at me and tearing up slightly. I laughed a little and smiled brightly at him. Jihoon and I stopped at the top of the altar before Jihoon turned and smiled at me. "Good luck Y/N" he said before going over to the others that stood behind Joshua. I turned around and handed my bouquet of flowers to my sister, who was also my bridesmaid. Joshua smiled and thanked Jihoon before turning to me. "Hi" he said excitedly. "Hi" I said back, just as excited. "You look beautiful" he said to me. "Look at you though, you look so handsome" I complimented. "Thanks" he said with a blush evident on his face. The ceremony went on, Joshua glancing at me the whole time. When it came to the vows, both Joshua and I were crying. We exchanged the rings and kissed, which marked the end of the ceremony. As soon as Joshua and I left the church and got into the wedding car, we had a yelling fit, yelling about how we're now married. "Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hong, ahh that sounds good" Joshua said, laughing to himself. "It does" I agreed, smiling. "I can't wait to eat, I'm starving" Joshua said. "Me too" I said. I don't know how I was still starving, I had a huge breakfast. Then again I'm always hungry. We chatted and laughed in the car all the way to where the reception was being held - a simplistic but beautiful and elegant hotel. As soon as we walked in the door of the room that we were going to have the meal in people started to cheer for us. I was seated between Joshua and Jeonghan and I was talking with Seungcheol and Jeonghan at the long table at the top of the room when I feel someone nudge my side. I look and see Joshua looking at me. "What's up?" I asked him. "Look over there" he instructed, nodding his head to the left. I did so and I saw Chan leaning against one of the pillars in the room flirting with my sister. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from bursting out laughing. I watched them with a huge smile on my face and when my sister noticed me watching, I gave her a thumbs up. She rolled her eyes at me and continued talking with Chan. Jeonghan leaned over to me. "You see that? That was you guys when you hadn't started dating yet" he said smiling. "Nah, Joshua didn't flirt with me that much" I pointed out. Jeonghan burst out laughing. "Oh my dear Y/N, he was flirting with you, at least trying to anyways" he said, patting my shoulder. "Really? How did I not notice?" I asked Joshua. "I don't know, I asked Jeonghan for tips one time" he said, embarrassment evident in his voice. "Don't forget that time you asked me about Y/N all the time to find out all of her interests to have a conversation with her and attempt to flirt with her all the time" Jihoon said from Joshua's left. "I thought we agreed to keep all of this a secret" Joshua said smiling. "Nope, we've been saving all of this for today" Jeonghan reminded Joshua. "Our point is he's been hopelessly in love with you since day one" Jihoon said. "Awww" I said, laughing and eating my food.

Once we had eaten the food and the speeches were made, which were done by all the members, the music had come on and it was time to start dancing. I was completely and utterly ready to trip over my own two feet. Joshua took my hand and led me onto the floor for the first dance. He placed his hands on my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music. "You're so beautiful Y/N" Joshua said, looking at me lovingly. "Thanks Joshua" I said, smiling up at him. "I love you Y/N" he said. "I love you too" I replied. Then everyone else started to come dancing on the floor, and I noticed out of the corner of my eye Chan talking to my sister again. "Josh, look over at Chan" I said smiling. Joshua turned his head and look in the direction of a very shy Chan. "He's trying to ask her to dance" he said, smiling. "I have an idea" I said, smirking. "Y/N no" Joshua said. "Why not~" I said. "He has to do it himself" Joshua explained. I thought for a moment. "But my idea will be fun" I said. "He has to do it himself Y/N" Joshua said. "Fine, I guess you're right" I said, looking back over at them. Now Chan had extended his hand for my sister to take. She took it and they went dancing and laughing with each other. "I can't wait to tease them after this" I said. "Agreed" Joshua said smiling. "Also I have a surprise for you tonight, in our hotel room" Joshua added. "I hope it's not what I think it is..." I said to him. He looked confused for a moment before he finally understood what I meant and went extremely red. "No no, not that" he said, smiling. "Okay then, I thought you meant-" I started. "I know what you meant" he cut me off, laughing nervously. "So it's not that?" I said, smiling at him. "N-no Y/N" Joshua said laughing and shaking his head. "So there's nothing to do with that stuff in our room?" I asked, teasing him. "Let's not talk about this now" Joshua said, getting redder by the minute. "Alright alright I'm just teasing" I said to him. I noticed the rest of the Seventeen members dying laughing at something behind Joshua so I tilted my head to look over Joshua's shoulder to see Jeonghan doing his giraffe impression across the dance floor. I sighed. "Why are they like this" I said, smiling to myself. The night went on with everyone up on their feet and dancing to the music. Seungkwan was singing his heart out to every song and Soonyoung was leading the choreography to each song that came on. This went on until early morning. By 3am, everyone started to leave and go up to their rooms or go back to their homes. I was starting to get tired myself, so I told Joshua I was going up to the room we reserved in the hotel. "I'll go with you, I still have that surprise to show you" Joshua said, taking my hand and walking up to the room with me. He opened the door and went inside, me following behind him. Joshua went over to the night stand next to the bed and handed me an envelope. "What's this?" I asked, taking the envelope from him. "Open it and see" Joshua instructed. I did as I was told and ripped open the top of the envelope. I reached inside and took out two slips of paper. I read one of the slips of paper. These were two tickets to Paris. "We leave tomorrow morning" Joshua said, smiling brightly at me. "I've always wanted to go to Paris, thank you Joshua" I said, hugging him tightly and smiling. "You're welcome love, now go and get changed into something comfortable and we can watch shows on Netflix for a while" Joshua said. "Alright, I love this dress and all but I kind of want to get out of it now" I said, gathering my pyjamas and going into the bathroom to change. Once I had changed, taken down my hair and taken off my makeup, I came out of the bathroom and Joshua was changed into his pyjamas and lying on the bed, already watching a show on Netflix. "You didn't wait for me" I said, pretending to be hurt. "Sorry Y/N but this show looked really good" Joshua replied with a sheepish smile. "Tsk tsk I should have known" I said jokingly, sitting down next to him on the bed. He put his arm around me and it didn't take long for the both of us to fall asleep like that.

I woke up the next morning and felt cold for some reason. I felt around to the other side of the bed to find that Joshua had gone. I groaned and sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes. "Morning beautiful" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Joshua standing at the end of the bed, fully dressed and smiling at me. I smiled sleepily at him. "Morning" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes again. "Are you coming down for breakfast?" He asked, looking at me. I yawned. "Yeah, just give me a minute to get ready" I replied, getting out of the bed, grabbing some clothes to change into and went into the bathroom to get changed. Once I was changed, we went downstairs and into the restaurant. There we met all the Seventeen members and my sister. "So, what did you get up to last night?" I said to my sister as I sat down next to her. "You know, the usual. Dancing, talking, eating" she replied. "Oh yeah? Dancing and talking with who?" I said with a smirk. I had attracted the attention of all the members at this point. "U-umm, you know...people?" she said. "Uh huh, people who go by the name of Lee Chan hmm?" I said, filling my plate with food and teasing her. She went bright red. "Gotta go bye Y/N! Have fun in Paris!" she said and got up and left. When she left, everyone automatically turned to look at Chan, who was in the middle of eating. He stopped eating and looked up at us slowly, his mouth full of food. "Channie has a girlfriend~" Seungkwan said in a sing song voice. He almost choked on his food. "No I don't" Chan said once he had swallowed his food. "You haven't asked her out yet?" I asked him while eating my food. "N-not yet, I will soon" Chan said, smiling brightly. "Take care of her or I'll be after you" I warned him. "Yes, of course" he said confidently. "So when do you guys leave for Paris?" Mingyu asked. "We actually have to start getting ready to go now" Joshua said, checking his watch. "Everything's packed upstairs" I said to Joshua, finishing my breakfast. "Great, lets get going then Y/N" Joshua said, smiling brightly. "Yup, see you all soon" I said to the guys. "See you later" they all replied. Joshua and I went upstairs, grabbed the bags and put them in the car waiting outside. "You speak French, right?" Joshua asked me when we were in the car. "Oui" I said with a smile and he laughed. We stopped at the airport and got out. Joshua and I began to look for our flight. We ended up being almost too late for the flight and had to run to the gate. Once we were on the plane I glanced at the two rings on my finger and then the man sitting next to me, who I was now proud to call my husband.

After coming back from France, I had a theory. Not a bad one at all. I already told Joshua what I thought and he persuaded me to make sure. I was sat down on the floor of my bathroom staring at the ceiling. I breathed deeply and stood up. I opened the door of the bathroom and walked out to Joshua. When he saw me he immediately stood up. "Well?" He asked. "Yeah I'm pregnant" I said, smiling at him. Joshua ran up to me and hugged me. "Thank goodness, I thought I was about to pass out from waiting" he said, breathing a sigh of relief. I laughed. Joshua bent down onto his knees in front of me and started talking to my stomach. "Hello little fetus, this is your dad" he said, tearing up slightly. "You're going to be in great hands with us and all of your uncles too, you have lots by the way" he said, smiling brightly while tears of happiness cascaded down his face. "Stay safe in there, little bean, we'll see you in nine months" Joshua said, drying his tears on his sleeve and standing up again. "I love you Y/N, thank you for giving me a family" he said, hugging me again. "I love you too Joshua" I replied, hugging him back.

A / N ~ aaaaaaand that's a wrap everyone. I still can't really believe this book is over. It's just been a mess of awful writing skills and late updates hasn't it? Also I want to sincerely thank you all for 1k reads, like holy hell how did that even happen? I almost choked on my toast when I saw that to be honest. Anyways, see you in the next book ~

Also who do you want to see in the next book?
Kim Taehyung
Park Chanyeol
Or Wen Junhui?

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