Chapter 12

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{I will be referencing the above video because it's freaking amazing - credit to the creator of the video}
We pulled up outside and made our way up to the dorms. "This is so stupid" Joshua laughed. "Exactly, why do you think we're doing this?" I said. "Why are we such an odd couple?" Joshua said jokingly. "This was your idea" I said as I opened the door to the dorms. "Y/N? Joshua? What are you doing here?" Wonwoo asked. "We need you to be the judges of something" I told him. "Also we need to use the table tennis table" Joshua added. "Oh god is this a tournament?" Wonwoo said, looking back and forth between me and Joshua. "Think of it as settling an argument, and where are the rest of the guys?" I asked. "I'm not sure, but you should play table tennis like we did the last time" Wonwoo said to Joshua. "Ooohhh with lids and cups and stuff!!" Joshua said. "We should video this on V Live" Wonwoo laughed. "Wait are we going live?" Vernon said as he walked into the room. "Y/N and Joshua want to play table tennis to settle an argument and they're gonna play it like we did last time, like with the lids and cups and stuff" Wonwoo informed. "Oh my god, hell is going to break loose" Vernon said. "I'm going to tell everyone about this so they can get ready for the V Live" Wonwoo said, leaving the room. "Are you okay with going live?" Joshua asked, I could tell he was filled with worry and anxiety. "Yeah of course, now Carats can see who the best table tennis player is" I said confidently. "Yeah, it'll be me" Joshua said. Joshua led me to where the table tennis table was. "Pick your paddle" Joshua said, indicating to the pile of lids and cups in the corner, I'm pretty sure I saw a shoe there too. I went over and picked up the shoe, that'll do. Joshua picked up a pot and that's when they came in, recording on V Live. "Now we have a tournament, Joshua versus his girlfriend and our lovely producer Y/N, because they can't settle an argument" Mingyu said to the camera. It was just Mingyu, Jeonghan, Vernon and Wonwoo here, I didn't know where the rest of them were. "So Y/N have you chosen your paddle?" Jeonghan said, talking into a proper table tennis paddle. "Yeah, it's this, it kind of looks like a paddle" I said, holding up the shoe. "I see, I see, and do you have any special techniques?" Jeonghan asked. I got the ball and hit it dramatically with the shoe. It bounced straight up to the ceiling and back down to the table. "Y/N, what was that, it was like Pythagoras' Theorem" he said. "That was my special technique when I used that paddle too" Vernon pointed out. Jeonghan then turned to Joshua. "And what about you Joshua?" Jeonghan asked. "I chose the trusty pot I used last time" Joshua said, gesturing dramatically at the pot. "And what about your special techniques?" Jeonghan asked. "The same as last time" Joshua said, putting the ball in the pot and started swirling it around, but when it fell out of the pot he took it and flung it across to the other side of the table. The whole room burst into laughter. "Okay, I guess" Jeonghan said. "Y/N the fans say they think you're cute" Mingyu said from behind the camera, referring to the comments on the V Live. I smiled and did a finger heart to the camera. "Okay now you've killed everyone I can't make out what they're saying" Mingyu laughed. "Should we get started?" Joshua asked. "Fine, you're going down" I said to him. "Yeah, well you're going down-er" Joshua said. I could basically hear the crickets after he said that. I gave a look that said 'I am 400% done with my boyfriend' to the members. "Well, after that fail of trash talk, lets get started" Jeonghan said. "I am your commentator Yoon Jeonghan and now the table tennis match of the year will commence" he said to the camera. Joshua gave me a smirk and served the ball, which I returned to him easily. He caught the ball in the pot and swirled it around but it dropped onto the floor. "Joshua why" I said laughing. "Aaaand the first point goes to Y/N" Jeonghan announced dramatically. We continued playing like this for a solid hour, everyone holding their stomachs because of laughing so hard. "That's four rounds to Y/N because she actually plays properly" Jeonghan said. Joshua gave him a look that said 'I will win this if it's the last thing I do I want to pick that movie'. "Joshua, just give up already, I'm obviously better" I said with a smirk. The chorus of '0h's from the guys was enough to reach the earths core. "Fine, you win" Joshua pouted and I smiled innocently. I went over to him and kissed his cheek, which made him go really red. "Don't be a sore loser Josh~" I teased, poking his cheek. I turned to the camera Mingyu was still holding and bowed slightly. "Thank you to the Carats that tuned in to watch this tournament, I love you all, continue supporting Seventeen!" I said, doing a finger heart. "Ahh so charismatic" Mingyu said in awe, switching off the camera. "We should get going, I have something to tell you tomorrow" Joshua said glancing at me. "Alright...?" I said, slightly nervous. We said our goodbyes, Joshua receiving lots of pats on the back from Mingyu, Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Vernon, just like the members did before he asked me out, which made me more suspicious, and left. Once we got home, I chose the movie but we both ended up falling asleep before it had even properly begun.

"Good morning beautiful" Joshua said, kissing my forehead when he woke me up the next day. "Morning Josh" I yawned. "Hey, you should get up and get dressed, there's something waiting for you in the kitchen" he said softly. I did as I was told and went into the bathroom, changed and did my hair and makeup. I walked into the kitchen to see Joshua standing outside the kitchen, the door closed. "Y/N" Joshua said. I turned to face him, confused. "There something I have to ask you, but first, I love you" He said simply. "I love you too Joshua" I smiled. "What did you want to tell me?" I asked. Joshua smiled a cute smile. "Open the door" Joshua instructed. I did as I was told and was met with the sight of rose petals all over the floor. I walked further into the room to find the whole place like this. There was a card in the centre of the table in the living room when I walked in. I picked it up and opened it. 'Turn around' it read in neat writing. I did as I was told and was met with Joshua smiling up at me, a huge blush on his face while kneeling on one knee. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in shock. Joshua laughed softly. "Y/N, you have made me the happiest man alive for almost a year, I know I want to love no one but you. You have made me laugh harder and smile more than ever before. I want to make you the happiest girl alive, because you already make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world" he said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small blue velvet box and opened it, it revealed a small gold ring with a single diamond on the top. I began to tear up, knowing this was all real and happening now. "You have done more for me than you will ever know, and I couldn't be more thankful. So, I want to ask you a question, will you marry me Y/N?" he asked, I could tell he was nervous. I stood there in shock for a moment before I came to my senses and began nodding my head eagerly. "Of course I will" I said, tears flowing out of my eyes. Joshua smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen and took my left hand to slip the ring on my finger. He stood up and engulfed me in a huge embrace, full of love. "I love you so much Joshua" I said into his shoulder, tears still flowing. I was getting married. To the guy I loved with all my heart, no less. "I love you too, my fiancé" Joshua said, his own voice starting to tremble. "Don't you start crying now too" I pulled back a bit from the hug to see his face properly. A few tears had already started to fall, so I wiped them off his face. I cupped my hand on his cheek and he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss. "I can't believe you're going to be my wife!!!" He exclaimed once we parted. "How did you even plan this proposal?" I asked, wiping away my own tears of joy. "Well, the guys helped me a lot, and I wanted to propose in the morning so we could have the whole day to ourselves and go wherever you want to" Joshua said sweetly. "Is that why so many members were missing yesterday? Because they had jobs to do for this?" I asked. "Yeah, I didn't expect to have so many things to do" Joshua laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "We have to go tell them now" I said excitedly, grabbing Joshua's hand and pulling him along. "Well, my fiancé sure is excited" he said. "Stop calling me that just because we're engaged" I laughed. "But you are my fiancé, it feels weird saying that" Joshua laughed. We walked down to the car and got in and drove to the dorms. Once we reached the dorms, I burst in through the doors. "WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, showing off my ring. Everyone yelled and showered us with good wishes while admiring the ring on my finger. "Congratulations!!!" Jeonghan said, coming up to me and hugging me. "Thank you Jeonghan" I said happily. "I was almost certain Joshua would chicken out" Jeonghan whispered to me and I laughed. "So Joshua, who's gonna be the best man?" Jeonghan asked, turning to him. "Well I was thinking about it before I proposed to Y/N and I was wondering if you all would want to be in the wedding, since I have no siblings and you all are basically my family" Joshua said and the whole room erupted in yelling. Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Seokmin even took out a laptop and began looking for suits. "Y/N lets go and look for dress styles online" Jeonghan said, talking out another laptop and pulling me to sit down next to him. He searched up wedding dresses and we began looking at them together. "That one looks pretty" Jeonghan said, pointing to a lace dress. "Ohhh it does" I said excitedly. "Can I see?" Joshua said, walking over. "NO NO NO THE GROOM CANNOT SEE THE BRIDE'S DRESS BEFORE THE DAY OF THE WEDDING" Jeonghan and I yelled in unison. "Anyways, I think you would look amazing in that" Jeonghan said, turning back to me. "She would look amazing in anything" Joshua said with a huge smile on his face and I laughed. "Guys come over here and look at this" Jeonghan said, ushering everyone over to the laptop he had. "Not you Joshua" Soonyoung warned when Joshua tried to get a peek at it. "Y/N if you bought that dress you would look amazing and Joshua would most likely die" Seungkwan said. "I don't want to die on my wedding day thanks" Joshua said, pouting because he wasn't allowed to see the dress. "We literally just got engaged why are we doing this" I laughed. "Because why not" Jeonghan said. And with that, half of the members left to look at suits with Joshua and the other half stayed and looked at dresses with me and Jeonghan for the rest of the day.

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