Chapter 6

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So today was Joshua's birthday and I wanted to do something for him, he is my boyfriend after all. I text Jihoon about what we should do.
What should we do for Joshua's birthday?
We were planning a surprise party, I was about to text you when you text me
Is there anything I need to do for it?
Could you set up the dorms for the party, we have a performance and we'll be straight over after, I'll text you when we're about to leave
Will do, thanks Jihoon
No problem Y/N
[time skip to after their performance, the performance group did some illegal floor work I'm still not okay also Mingyu playing the electric guitar had my bias list shaking]

Jihoon text me saying that they were just about to leave. I quickly gathered all the party supplies and headed over to the dorms. Once I got there (Jeonghan gave me the spare key just in case) I set the bag and the box with the cake in it on the table and began decorating their living room. I hung happy birthday streamers on the back wall and set out plastic cups and cutlery on the tables. I set the drinks (no alcohol-drink water not alcohol) on the table and I put the food on plates and put them on the table. I had the cake in the middle of the table out of the box, candles on top, all lighting. I made sure everything was in place and that's when I got a text from Jun.
We're outside, Jihoon told me about the plan, are you ready inside?
Yup I'm all set :)
I quickly turned off all the lights and hid behind their couch with a party popper ready to go in my hands. I heard the door click open and soon after I heard the soft chatter and laughter that belonged to the members of Seventeen. Once they reached their living room, Mingyu flicked on the lights and that's when I sprung up from behind the couch and popped the party popper. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA!!!" We all yelled. Joshua looked between me and the members in shock. "Woah, Y/N, guys, thank you so much", he said. "Thank Y/N, she organised it while we were performing", Jihoon said. "Really?" Joshua said, turning to me, a huge smile on his face. I nodded, picked up the cake and walked towards him. "Make a wish and blow out the candles", I said smiling. He smiled, thought for a bit and then blew out the candles on the cake. I set the cake down and he kissed my lips and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you so much", he said. "You're welcome Joshua", I replied. "Let's cut the cake", Vernon said. Me and Joshua parted our hug and each took a slice of cake. I ended up talking with Minghao and Jun about our families back in our home countries. "My mother is a doctor and my father is an accountant, I have one brother and one sister and they're all really great. I contacted them on Christmas morning before we went outside to play in the snow, they're all good back home", I said, smiling. It was tough to leave my family, but I really wanted and needed this job, so I said to hell with it and took it. In turn, Jun and Minghao both told me about their families back in China. We exchanged loads of memories we had with our families and realised how much the three of us missed our families. "I'm sure everyone feels the same though, we all haven't seen our families in a long time", Minghao said. "Yeah, but you guys have kind of made your own family here, right?" I said. "Yeah" Jun said. I excused myself and went into the kitchen to get another drink. I got my drink and turned around and the next thing I see is Soonyoung trying to pop a champagne bottle. "Soonyoung you'll hurt yourself or someone else" I said. He just laughed and kept trying to pop it. 'Before he even opens it, I know this will end badly' I thought. I sighed and just watched him struggle with the bottle. After about 20 minutes and Wonwoo's help he got it open. Soonyoung poured a couple glasses of champagne and brought them inside and made a toast to Joshua. I followed behind him. I wasn't going to drink, but I can only imagine what Seventeen would be like when they were a little tipsy. I sat down on the couch next to Joshua and he put his arm around my shoulders. He turned to me and said "thank you for organising this for me." "Jihoon helped you know, but are you having a good time?" I asked. "Yeah, especially since you're here next to me", he said and looked at me lovingly. 'This boy I swear' I thought as I laughed. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure" he said. "How much does it take for the members to get drunk?" "Was Soonyoung the one to open a bottle of champagne again?" "Yeah." "Of course it was." I laughed at his statement. "How long did it take him to open it?" Joshua asked me. "About 20 minutes and Wonwoo's assistance." "Yeah that sounds about right" he laughed. "But to answer your question, no one drinks a ton in the first place, so the guys being drunk is a rare sight" Joshua said. "I see" I said. "Why, were you hoping to see the guys drunk or something?" he teased. "It would be entertaining", I said. He laughed and pulled me closer to him. "I'm so glad you got on well with all the guys, they all love you, you know" Joshua said. "I'm also glad Jihoon brought you to the dorms on the day you landed in Korea" he laughed. "Joshua are you gonna get all sentimental on me again" I laughed. "Nah, I'm just happy" he smiled and looked at me. "I'm happy that you're happy" I laughed. "God we're so cheesy aren't we" he said. "Yup" I agreed. I looked back at the rest of the members to see Jeonghan already starting to slur his speech. 'And here we go' I thought. "I thought you said drunk Seventeen was a rare sight" I said to Joshua, nodding towards Jeonghan. "I said it was rare, not completely non existent" he sighed. "Is it just us and Chan that aren't drinking?" I asked. Joshua looked around and said "Yeah, looks like it, but I don't think anyone else is drunk, plus Jeonghan's not even fully drunk yet" he said. "Someone take Jeonghan's drink away from him" Joshua said to everyone else in the room. "Whyy, I'm perfeeectly fine" Jeonghan said. "You're not Jeonghan, you're a little bit drunk" I said, getting up and taking his glass of champagne. "I'll make coffee" I said, leaving the room. "I'll help you" Joshua said, getting up and coming into the kitchen with me. I flicked on the kettle and began looking for the coffee. I found it-on one of the high shelves. "Joshua, will you reach that for me?" I asked. "No problem, my lady" he smiled and reached up to get it. I blushed and said, "Is 'my lady' my other name now?" "Yup" he said. We made the coffee and I brought it in to Jeonghan and sat back down on the couch. "Heeeeey look its Y/N and Joshua, the love birds" Jeonghan slurred. Both me and Joshua blushed at this. "Jeonghan drink your coffee" I laughed. "You know, I think you both really really love each other" Jeonghan said, taking a sip of his coffee. Joshua and I just looked at each other and laughed. "Y/N, when you and Joshua first met, I could see that you loved each other" Jeonghan smiled. "Is he even more drunk than we thought?" I laughed, the redness on my face growing at an alarming rate. If Jeonghan continued, I would more than likely pass out. Joshua wrapped his arm around my waist. "Ahh come on Y/N, don't you want to hear how much Joshua told us about you whenever you left the room?" Chan said. "Chan I swear to god iF YOU DO-" Joshua threatened, but Chan had already gone off on his rant about how much Joshua talked about me when I wasn't around. "AND WHEN YOU SAID YES TO BEING HIS GIRLFRIEND HE CAME BACK HERE AND STARTED HITTING HIS HEAD SOFTLY AGAINST THE DOOR OF HIS ROOM WITH A HUGE SMILE ON HIS FACE AND-" Chan managed to say while struggling against Joshua, who had gotten up in a flash to shut Chan up when he started talking. I just laughed at the scene, Chan struggling to say more things while Joshua covered his mouth, a huge blush evident on his face. "I actually have a video of his reaction when you said yes to going on a date with him" Seokmin said, taking out his phone and walking over to me to show me the video. "DO NOT SHOW HER" Joshua yelled as Seokmin hit play. The video was of Joshua jumping around like a small child on Christmas Day and yelling "SHE SAID YES" over and over again. I laughed so hard at the video I started crying. I looked up from Seokmin's phone to see Joshua in the corner with his head in his arms from embarrassment. I laughed and walked over to him and crouched down to his level. I took his hands away from his face and laughed at the redness. "No need to be embarrassed, Joshua, I was the exact same when you asked me out" I admitted, remembering how I screamed so loud I woke up my neighbours. "And here I was thinking I was the only one" he laughed. "Yeah...sorry I didn't mention it you earlier" I said sarcastically. He laughed and I stood up and offered my hand to him. He took it and I pulled him up out of his sitting position. He took a seat next to me on the couch and placed his hand on my knee. "Y/N, are you staying here tonight?" Mingyu asked. "Nah, I'd better go home" I said. That's when the whole room erupted in 'aww's, 'please stay's and 'don't go's. "Guys I don't have any clothes for tomorrow" I said. "Plus you just had a performance you need rest" I said. "I'll walk you home if you want?" Joshua offered. "Alright, thanks Joshua" I smiled at him. I grabbed my coat, said goodbye and Joshua and I set off out the door. "Thank you for tonight, it was really nice" he said. "It's the least I could do for your birthday" I said, wrapping my arm around his waist. He placed his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. "You're such an amazing girlfriend, you know that?" Joshua said. "Thanks Joshua, you're an amazing boyfriend too" I smiled up at him. We continued our walk to my apartment in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, we were just enjoying each other's company. Once we reached my apartment, Joshua kissed me goodnight and set off back to the dorms. Once I had opened my door, I got a text from Joshua. I laughed and read it.
Seungcheol told me to text you saying that Jeonghan has become sober now, in case you were worried. Goodnight jagi xx
Thanks Joshua, and goodnight to you too xxx
And with that, I changed into my pyjamas and climbed into bed. I pulled the covers over myself and instantly fell asleep.

A/N ~ sorry for the late and crappy updates. ALSO THANK YOU ALL SM FOR 100+ READS ILYSM ❤️

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