Chapter 9

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The next morning was a typical coupley morning, Joshua and I were laying in bed with our foreheads touching and our hands intertwined with each other's. He was looking into my eyes so lovingly.....that is until I sneezed and scared him so bad that he fell out of the bed with a loud thud. "Oh my god are you okay?" I asked while dying with laughter, leaning over the bed to see him on his back looking so done with the world. He turned his head to look at me and muttered an irritated 'bless you' while standing up again. "I'm sorry" I said, still laughing so hard that tears streamed down my cheeks. "Yeah yeah I'm sure you are" he said with a slight smile on his face. I leaned back on the bed wiping my tears and trying to calm my laughter as Joshua sat down on the bed. "You done yet?" Joshua laughed. "Nope" I said, still laughing really hard at the whole thing. Once I had calmed myself down, I turned to Joshua. "What do you want to do today?" I asked. "Well" he said seriously, "I think it's time that we told our families about us being together." "I see, so what are you suggesting?" I asked. "I'm suggesting that we skype our parents to tell them" he stated simply. "Oh, right" I said. "That's okay with you right?" Joshua asked. "Yeah it's fine with me" I said smiling up at him. "Are you nervous?" he said with a smirk on his face. "Quite" I admitted. "Ahh, don't be nervous, my parents will love you" Joshua reassured. "I'm not worried about your parents, I'm worried about my mother and her questions" I laughed. "Y/N it will all be fine, don't stress over it" Joshua said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I love you Joshua" I said, laying my head on his shoulder. "I love you too Y/N" Joshua replied, kissing my forehead. "Should we make breakfast?" I suggested. "Stay with me a little longer" Joshua whined. "I'm hungry though" I said. "Ah right, come on then" Joshua said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen to make some food.

[ttttiiimmmeeee sssskkkkiiiipppp]

Joshua was sat in front of the laptop, ready to skype his parents. I stood out of the frame, ready to come in when he told me to. While it was ringing, Joshua turned to me. "Are you okay? We don't have to do this now you know, we can do it later if you don't feel ready yet" Joshua said. "No no I'm fine" I said with a faint smile on my face. "Alright" he said, unconvinced. The ringing sound of the skype call was the only sound that could be heard throughout my apartment. Then it stopped suddenly. His parents picked up. "Hello" Joshua said, waving at the screen. "Hello Joshua, how are you?" I heard his mother ask. "I'm really good, how are you?" Joshua replied politely. "We're good" his mother replied. "So, Mom and Dad, I have someone I would like you to meet" Joshua said, waving me over. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hello, I'm Y/N" I said politely. "Joshua is this your girlfriend?" his father asked. "Yes, this is my girlfriend" Joshua said with a smile on his face. "Oooohhh Joshua she's very pretty" his mother commented. "I know" Joshua said, putting his arm around my shoulders while looking at me and smiling. I blushed. "Thank you Mrs. Hong" I laughed. "So Y/N how did you meet Joshua?" his father asked me. "Well I work as a producer for Pledis Entertainment, so our co-worker and friend Jihoon brought me over to the dorms to meet everyone and we met there and he ended up walking me home before it got dark" I said. "Good, you better take good care of this beautiful young lady Joshua" his mother said. "I will, don't worry" Joshua said. Then the questioning resumed. "Where are you from Y/N?" his mother asked. "I'm from Y/C, I moved to Korea about 10 months ago" I replied. "Are the rest of your family back in Y/C?" his father asked. "Yeah, my sister and brother are still in school so they're still at home with my mother" I said. "How old are you?" his mother asked. "I'm 21 next week" I said. "Wait your birthday's next week?" Joshua said shocked. "Did you really forget my birthday?" I said. "What pfffttt no I knew that I was just testing you" Joshua said. "You forgot my birthday" I teased. "Joshua how could you?" his mother joked, taking my side. "Yeah Joshua how could you?" I said, trying to hold in my laughter. "Mom why" Joshua laughed. "I like your girlfriend" his mother replied simply. "So when will we get to meet you in person?" Joshua's father asked. "We're not sure yet, the schedule is pretty hectic" Joshua said. "That's a pity, I want to meet you in person Y/N and get to know you better, you seem like an interesting girl" his father said. "She is, don't worry" Joshua said. "Thank you" I said. "We have to go now, but we'll talk to you soon" Joshua said. "Alright, take care of her Joshua" his mother said. "Again, I will" Joshua laughed. "See you later, and thanks for the compliments" I said, waving at the screen. "Bye Y/N, and welcome to the family" his father said. "Thank you Mr.Hong" I said. "Bye" Joshua said waving at the screen as he hung up. Once he had hung up we both breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god they liked me" I laughed. "Like? They adore you Y/N, and rightfully so" Joshua said. "Thanks Joshua, but now we get to the harder bit, you better be prepared for my mother" I said. "Alright, lets do it" Joshua said, walking out of the frame as I rang my mother. The ringing sound filled the apartment again as we waited for her to pick up. "Hiya Mom" I said once she picked up. "Y/N!! How are you? How's Korea?" my mother asked. "It's very good, easily one of the best things I've ever done" I said. "I'm glad you're happy, but why did you call?" she asked. "Don't get too excited, but I have a boyfriend and I want you to meet him" I said. "A WHAT" she yelled. "Yes mom. A boyfriend" I said simply. "I TOLD YOU BEFORE YOU LEFT THAT YOU WOULD FIND A BEAUTIFUL KOREAN BOY" she yelled and clapped her hands. She was way too excited. "Mom calm down and-" I started before my mother cut me off saying "LET ME MEET HIM ALREADY." "Alright alright" I rolled my eyes and waved Joshua over. He came over and sat next to me. "Mom, this is my boyfriend Joshua" I said gesturing towards Joshua. "Hello" Joshua said shyly, waving at the screen. "Hello Joshua, how are you?" my mother. "I'm good, and you?" Joshua replied politely. "I'm good, so how long have you been dating?" my mother asked. "About 9 months at this stage" I said shyly. There was a long pause. "9 months?" my mother questioned. "Yeahhh" I said. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER Y/N?? JOSHUA IS LOVELY" she exclaimed. Joshua laughed and said a little 'thank you'. "I hope you're taking care of him Y/N" my mother warned. "Don't worry mom I am" I said. "I'm guessing you guys met because you're a producer for his band?" my mother asked. "Yup" I said with a big smile on my face. "Ahhhh look at you guys you look so happy" my mother said. Joshua and I both laughed. We continued to talk for a while, occasionally making jokes and my mother telling Joshua stories from when I was younger. Once my mother had hung up, Joshua and I both breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god that's done" I said. "Yeah" Joshua said. "Now it's just the fans we have to tell" I said. "We can just post a selfie on my Twitter account, we can do a joint V Live when you feel like it" Joshua said. "Yeah that sounds good" I said. We got into position and Joshua snapped a selfie. He posted it on Twitter, tagged me and we both turned off our phones, we would look at the responses later. "Wanna go over to the dorms in the meantime?" he suggested. "Yeah sure" I said. Joshua handed me my jacket and we headed towards the dorms, hand in hand.

Once we got to the dorms, we were met with the shook expressions on the member's faces. They had probably seen what Joshua posted on Twitter. Joshua and I exchanged glances before being bombarded with questions. Everyone was talking at the same time. "Okay okay calm down one at a time" I laughed. "How did telling your parents go?" Jeonghan asked. "It went well, my mother liked Joshua and Joshua's parents liked me" I said. "Carats are shook at the photo you know" Chan laughed. "We turned off our phones, we haven't seen any notifications yet" Joshua said. "I'm gonna turn mine back on now" I said, taking out my phone and turning it on, Joshua doing the same. Once my phone had turned on, I was surprised that there was no notifications. Thats when I realised I wasn't connected to the WiFi. Once I was connected, my phone blew up with notifications. Joshua Hong has tagged you in a photo. 467 new followers. 230 comments on a photo you were tagged in. They were among the notifications on my phone. I scrolled down through the comments to find that all of them were lovely comments, mostly wishing us luck in our relationship. I replied to a couple of comments, saying thank you for their good wishes. The people I replied to ended up replying back as fast as lightning, most of them being shook and having keyboard spasms, which I smiled at. "Good responses I'm guessing" Joshua said with a smile on his face. "Yeah" I said still smiling. Joshua wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder, looking at the comments under the photo. "This is crazy" I said in disbelief. "I wasn't expecting this much of a reaction" Joshua laughed. "I'm glad it's all good responses though, Carats are so nice" I said. "Yeah, it's good that you don't have that stress" Seungcheol said. I hummed in agreement. I got a notification that Mingyu posted a photo. I tapped on the notification to see a candid photo of me and Joshua smiling at my phone, Joshua's arms around me. 'Sneaky Mingyu' I thought. The caption read 'They're reading all your lovely messages, Carats'. "Mingyu can you explain this photo?" I laughed. Mingyu just shrugged and laughed. Before I knew it all the other members had retweeted the selfie of me and Joshua, wishing us happiness. "Thank you guys" I said to them once I saw that they retweeted the photo. I looked at the comments under the candid photo Mingyu posted. Most of them were all 'aww's and stuff. "I'm so glad that all the fans are so supportive of you" Wonwoo said. "Me too" I replied. Joshua kissed my temple and whispered 'I love you' into my ear, I smiled at him. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, which led to choruses of 'get a room' and wolf whistles. I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention back to the messages Carats were sending me. Once I had read as many as I could, I put my phone down sand relaxed on the couch. "Tired?" Jihoon asked. "Oh yeah, it's been a long day" I laughed weakly. "I'm sure it has" Jihoon said. I hummed in response. "Hey Y/N wanna play Mario Kart?" Chan asked. "Yeah okay" I said. I got up from the couch and sat down on the floor and played Mario Kart until it was dark, which indicated it was time for me to leave the dorms. Once I got home, I changed into my pyjamas and went straight to bed.

A/N - I updated the cover

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