Chapter 1

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"Jungkook, remember that I will always be on your side..." he said softly while Jungkook was in a deep sleep.

Yoongi quickly wiped the blood stain on his cheeks and cried so hard. He was so remorseful. Things were not easy for him as he had to face the difficulties of parental problems.

Mom and Dad were just being nuisance when he was trying so hard to find money for food and transportation. Living in Korea was all about financial support at that point in time.

"You started it first!" Mom shouted.

"Can you please don't make me argue with you, Jungkook is sleeping!" Dad replied angrily.

Yoongi wore his uniform and head out to his workplace. He was just working at a drug store nearby his house. Nothing much.

"Where are you going?!" Mom exclaimed.

"To find my fucking money for Jungkook to eat..." Yoongi said and banged the door.



Yoongi blinked his eyes when his boss called him. He was literally holding a glass bottle while reminiscing the past. He shook his head and went to the main office.

"Yes, Sir?" He knocked the door.

"Brother, come in..." Mr Park said.

"Here, this is a new worker, her name is Hani..." Mr Park introduced the girl to Yoongi.

"Okay, so...".

"Need you to help her with the new environment..." Mr Park interrupted.

Yoongi nodded and brought Hani out. She looked ordinary. Nothing amazing about this girl. Young and active. Most importantly, this girl reminds Yoongi of Jungkook. Same age, he guessed.

"Where are you from?" Yoongi asked out of the blue.

"Oh, I was from Gwangju...".

"What I mean is, were you from home or something?" Yoongi grinned.

"Oh hahaha, yeap, I was from home...".

Both of them laughed. First encounter and the funniest moment together. Yoongi immediately changed his perspective towards Hani. She's indeed a cheerful, friendly and bubbly person.


It was almost 12 midnight. Yoongi was still checking the stocks and cleaning the floor of the store. Meanwhile, Hani was arranging the bottles.

Suddenly, someone came into the store. Yoongi checked his watch. He shook his head. People around Gangnam were just so stupid to not understand the signage, "CLOSED".

"Bro, the store is closed..." said Yoongi in frustration.

"Oh sorry, I'm here to take my girlfriend..." the person replied politely.

Hani who was finishing her work looked towards the door and saw Jungkook with a helmet in his hand.

"Oh Jungkook! Hold on, I'm finishing...".

"Mate, sit first..." Yoongi took a chair for Jungkook.

"Thank you..." Jungkook bowed to him.

Yoongi looked at this guy thoroughly. Something was very familiar about this guy that made him think so many things at one time. He knew he had a younger brother that was seperated from him about 7 years ago.

His face was so pure and innocent, just like his younger brother when he was still a little boy. Running around the yard with Yoongi like there's no tomorrow.

Back then, life was filled with happiness and prosperity. After Dad's company went bankrupt, everything changed. Even Mom changed her attitude towards her sons.


"Ok see you tomorrow, Yoongi!" said Hani while running towards to catch up with Jungkook.

"Yeah, see you!" He replied.

Yoongi let out a sigh of relief. What a day to start the summer. He looked around the store, everything's settled. He stared at the clock. One in the morning. He bet Dad slept already.

He took his haversack and locked the store. Suddenly, he remembered something while just standing in front of the door.


Jungkook just got back from school and he was so hungry. He ran towards Yoongi who was arranging the bread packets on the racks.

"Hyung! I'm hungry..." little Jungkook pouted just like a baby.

Yoongi grinned and went to the counter and took a cup of ramyun that was supposed to be his lunch but he gave it away just to not see Jungkook suffer.

"Eat well, my seagull..." he said while patting.


If only he could turn back time. Yoongi sighed. He kept the keys in his pocket and continued walking home.


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