Chapter 8

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"Can I have Yoongi's blood? I want to start experimenting it..." Jungkook asked his friend.

"Here you go...".

He thanked him. After about a few hours of experimenting the blood, Jungkook discovered that the blood type was A.

Somi came in by then.

"Still working?" Somi asked.

"Yeap..." Jungkook replied short.

Jungkook was still wondering about Yoongi's blood type. He said that his blood type was O. He didn't dare to meet Yoongi because of yesterday so he used Hani as a substitution.

"Hani should be good at this...".


Yoongi was watching the television when Appa sat beside him. He was still into the screen.

"Yoongi, he's your brother, why did you do that to him?" asked Appa.

"I don't have a brother. He's dead".

"Yoongi, that's not how-".

"That is not my brother! He's just some random guy who came up to me as a friend! Don't you still get it, Appa?!" Yoongi enraged.

"Look at how the both of you get mad, it's almost the same..." Appa said calmly.

Yoongi stopped and pondered upon what Appa just said. Appa stood up and entered his bedroom.

"Maybe I should make him angry".


The next day, after lecture, Hani rushed to the cafe to meet Yoongi. He was waiting while sipping in some coffee.

"Hey there!" Hani greeted him with a smile.

"This morning, Taehyung gave me the result of your blood, is it A?" Hani asked.

"Who's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook's partner for the experiment, was it A you told Jungkook?" Hani asked again.

"No, I said it's O but how did it change to A?" Yoongi wondered.

"Who took your blood that day?".

"A training nurse, Somi..." Yoongi replied innocently.

"What the f-" Hani was so shocked.

"Why? She's fine..." Yoongi complimented.

Hani pat her head gently. She was so unhappy to know about this because things would get worse when someone like Somi's involved.

"Listen boy, this Somi is not what you think she is, she's nasty!" Hani said.

"Are you serious?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"If she can snatch my boyfriend away from me, she can probably switch your blood with someone else's" Hani figured it out.

"So what now?" Yoongi asked.

"We must find the blood before Jungkook finishes off his experiment as a negative..." explained Hani.


"Thank you, Somi, it's so nice of you to do this for me..." Mrs Jeon said with a smirk on her lips.

"It's my pleasure, I know Jungkook really well..." Somi replied.

"Let's take it as settled, just make sure that brat doesn't get what he wants which is to take my Jungkook away from me..." Mrs Jeon reminded.

"Or else?" Somi interrupted.

"Well, too bad he has to sacrifice himself for his brother and bastard father..." Mrs Jeon handed a pistol to Somi.

They looked at each other and smirked.


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