Chapter 3

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Yoongi was ready to go to Hani's house for a study discussion since they are in the same class, sadly, Jin couldn't make it since his mother was ill.

Yoongi took his bike and rode all the way to Hani's house. He cleared his throat and knocked the door.

"Hold up!" Hani said.

Yoongi was so surprised to see Jungkook with no shirt on in front of the door. Hani quickly took her pullover and wore it. Jungkook greeted Yoongi while putting a white tshirt on.

"Sorry, we're kinda busy just now..." Hani said embarrassingly.

Yoongi shook his head slowly while entering the house. Jungkook rushed to the kitchen to prepare some drinks for the guest.

"You're not working today?" Hani asked.

"Oh yeah, I asked Jen to take over since exams are coming after all..." Yoongi said.

While looking around the apartment, Yoongi saw a portrait of Jungkook and Hani. They were so close together. As if they were married.

"Here, have a drink..." Jungkook handed a cup of orange juice.

"Thanks..." Yoongi smiled.

"I'm just gonna hang out in the bedroom..." Jungkook gave a peck on Hani's lips and left.

Suddenly, silence blanketed the situation.

"He's so close to you...".

"I know right, he's not that close to his mother so he comes here everyday to relieve some stress..." Hani explained.

"He doesn't have a father?".

"He said that his father has passed away around 7 years ago...".

Yoongi nodded and they started the discussion for their History assignment. The day was filled with revisions and explanations.


It was time for Yoongi to return home so he packed his bag and stood up from the chair.

"Hyung, hold up..." Jungkook said.

Yoongi stunned.

"I heard that you wanted my number from your friend, Jin, here, take it, just call me if you need anything..." Jungkook gave a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

"Oh sure, thanks..." Yoongi was smiling but his heart was firing up because of Jin. How could he ask Jungkook without telling him first?.

That night, Yoongi was walking along the streets when suddenly he heard a shout from one of the alleys. It was a cry for help.


Yoongi searched for the voice. He stopped at one of the alleys when he remembered something.


Jungkook was shouting for help. Yoongi saw a group of guys was trying to hurt his little brother. Yoongi ran for the boys and knocked them out. All of them.

"Don't you dare come close to my brother!" He screamed angrily.

The boys ran away immediately.


Yoongi blinked his eyes and quickly helped the boy who was shouting for help. A gang of bad boys was trying to hurt him.

"Yah!" Yoongi screamed and all of them escaped.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

The boy's right eye was bruised. Yoongi quickly brought him to a clinic for treatment.


While they were outside the clinic, Yoongi handed the medication to the boy. He sympathised the boy so much.

"Do you have food to eat?" Yoongi asked softly.

The boy shook his head.

"Take this bread, it should be enough for the whole night...".

The boy thanked him and ran away. Yoongi smiled. At least, he helped the boy as much as he could. He continued his journey to home.


Yoongi arrived home and he heard a loud cough from the living room already. He quickly unlocked the door.

"Appa, are you okay?" Yoongi rushed to his father who was sitting on the sofa.

"Son, the medicine is finishing soon...".

"I know, I haven't gotten my pay yet, end of this month, I promise..." Yoongi said.

"Just now, Jin sent an envelope, you should check what's inside..." Dad told him.

Yoongi looked at the kitchen counter and there was an envelope. It was quite thick.

There was a written text on it.

"It should be enough for this month".

Yoongi wondered who gave him that much money. It couldn't be Jin. He should check with Jin again tomorrow.


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