Chapter 5

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Yoongi was back to his routine at work with Hani. Exams were done and he had plenty of free time for himself. Appa was getting better each day. Even though the money helped but Yoongi was reluctant about it.

"How was exam?" Mr Park asked.

"Yeah, it was great..." Yoongi replied.

"I hope you will do well for your studies, continue your education abroad..." Mr Park advised.

"It's okay, I can just stay in Seoul and take care of my father, he needs me anyway..." Yoongi smiled.

"Oh about the long lost brother you told me about a few days ago, have you found him?" Mr Park asked out loud.

Hani who was arranging some stocks overheard the conversation. She remembered a picture of Jungkook and a boy, taller than him.

Yoongi just had a slight smile when Mr Park asked about that. He knew that Hani heard it. He just kept quiet.

"I hope you will find him soon..." Mr Park pat his worker's shoulder and left to his office.

Yoongi looked at Hani but she avoided the eye contact quickly. Damn it.


Jungkook was so happy about the dinner that night. He took his phone and quickly messaged Yoongi.

JK : Bro, coming tonight?

YG : yeah will do

JK : 8 PM alright? Don't be late.

YG : sure, see you soon!

JK : yeah you too!

He switched off his phone and smiled widely. Jungkook's mother was busy preparing the meals in the kitchen while he was so excited about Yoongi coming for the dinner.

He couldn't repay Yoongi's help for the assignment so he invited him for dinner. At least, something like that would do for a repay.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was freaking out about how was he gonna look like for that night. Finally, he just took a red hoodie and wore a black jeans.

"This should work for a dinner..." he sighed.

He walked out of his bedroom. Appa was eating when he stopped his son immediately.

"Woah! What's with the perfume smell, Min Yoongi?" He voiced out.

"Right, Appa, I'm heading out to a friend's house, he invited me for a dinner..." Yoongi laughed while looking at himself.

"Okay, just don't be too late..." Appa reminded.

Yoongi nodded and headed out of the house. He was on a bus while looking out the window when suddenly, a woman was sleeping beside him.

Her head kept hitting his shoulder. He sympathised her so much for being so tired and he totally understood that situation. He slowly leaned her head on his shoulder.

The bus went for a jam break. The woman was so surprised that she woke up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep on-".

"It's okay, I was the one who lean your head on my shoulder..." Yoongi cut her off.

"Thanks, I'm Somi..." she offered a handshake.

"Yoongi..." he replied.

Somi looked out the window and left the bus immediately. Yoongi sighed and chuckled.

"God, I must have gone crazy..." Yoongi said to himself.


Finally, Yoongi arrived at a very huge house, more like a mansion. He was so awestrucked by the view of the house itself. Jungkook was so rich.

"Hyung! You're here!" Jungkook invited Yoongi in.

The moment he entered the house, he saw the same damn woman that gave birth to him. The woman that left his father for a luxurious life. Her husband and son were abandoned like rats.

"Hyung, this is my mother, Mrs Jeon and father, Mr Jeon..." Jungkook introduced his parents to Yoongi.

Yoongi couldn't contain the anger but he tried to just put it in through because he just didn't want to spoil everything. As for Mrs Jeon, she was so dumbfounded to see her son, long lost son came back.

While they were eating, Yoongi was just playing with the food and not eating properly. Mr Jeon noticed that.

"Yoongi, are you full already?" Mr Jeon asked.

"Life is always unfair, right? Especially when you are chasing for things that are temporary in life..." Yoongi said.

"Wise words, hyung, anyway, Omma, Appa, hyung is from the History faculty..." Jungkook cut him off.


After the meal, Jungkook and Yoongi were having some pep talk by the pool when Mrs Jeon came.

"Jungkook, your father called you...".

"Okay, Omma, have a chat with my mum first, okay?" Jungkook pat Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi cleared his throat while looking straight at the pool.

"So, how's life?" Yoongi asked.


"I see, because you left the most important thing in your life just to live like this!" Yoongi was getting angrier.

"That's enough, Min Yoongi, you are not taking your brother with you!" Mrs Jeon warned.

"No one is opening their mouths, but when Jungkook finds out about himself, you're gonna regret it!" Yoongi took his hoodie and headed out.


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