Chapter 11

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Chae Rin opened her eyes and it's already dawn. Her head was literally on Yoongi's broad shoulder. She quickly got up and checked for the DNA test.

"Oh my god..." Chae Rin covered her mouth.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"He's your brother..." Chae Rin assured.

"Give me the result and I'll keep it...".

Chae Rin printed the report and result then she gave it to Yoongi. He took it and immediately went for his lecture.

"Err hold up, can I meet you tonight?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm free..." Chae Rin replied with a sincere smile.

Both of them looked at each other for a solid minute and Yoongi left the lab. Chae Rin held her chest and released a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe it. Still.


Meanwhile, Somi was holding her pistol. The only thing she's going to do next was to kill Yoongi and his father. She was thinking of something for tonight.

"Hey there!" Chae Rin approached her.

Somi kept her pistol immediately.

"Oh my god, babe!" Somi hugged her close friend.

Somi noticed something. Her friend was so happy and cheerful that day. There must be something going on.

"What's with the bright smile?" Somi asked.

"Nothing" Chae Rin pouted.

"Okay, I'm off to lecture, see you later!" Somi took her bag and left.

"You're in for a treat, Somi..." said Chae Rin while shaking her head.

She knew her friend has been doing bad things with Jungkook's mother just to gain power and of course, wealth. What a friend to be with.


That night, Yoongi already planned something special for Chae Rin. That was his first love and he was so excited to see her. Jin helped him with the attire for that night.

Chae Rin came with a pastel pink dress. She was so cute in it and not to forget that her braided hair really attracted Yoongi's attention. She was so beautiful.

"Hi..." said Yoongi while inviting her into the restaurant.

"Hello, gentleman..." Chae Rin smiled.

Both of them sat by the glass window while waiting for their dinner to arrive. Chae Rin looked at Yoongi and she saw a white bandage on his shoulder.

"Have you recovered from the wounds?" asked Chae Rin curiously.

"Yeah I had, thank you too for calling Jungkook that day..." Yoongi thanked her.

"It's my responsibility as the receptionist there..." Chae Rin replied.

"You mean as my girlfriend?" Yoongi made a joke out of it.

Both of them laughed.


After the dinner, they planned to just walk along the Han River. It's just a romantic thing for both of them to do. Yoongi slowly intertwined his fingers with Chae Rin's.

"Tell me about yourself" said Chae Rin.

"Me? There's nothing to know-".

"How can I fall in love with a mysterious man?" Chae Rin laughed softly.

Yoongi sighed but he told what he needed to.

"I'm just a guy who is finding his beloved brother that is lost for seven years..." Yoongi said.

Chae Rin looked down as she felt touched by what Yoongi just said. Indeed, he found a man that loves his family more than anybody else.

All of a sudden, both of them heard Jungkook's voice.



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