Chapter 4

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Yoongi literally ran to Jin's house even though it was almost three in the morning. He didn't care about whether his friend was asleep already or not.

He knocked the door.

"Yo! The hell you doing here in the middle of I don't know what time is it..." Jin was so surprised.

"I don't need the money, I told you so many times not to give me money, I don't ask for it..." Yoongi said in frustration.

Jin frowned. He was so confused.

"Man, come in first..." Jin said.

Yoongi came in and saw Namjoon sleeping on the couch. He figured it out. Jin was literally having a great night with his new "friend".

"Just sit here and tell me everything" Jin instructed.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"Tell me who gave the money" Yoongi clutched his fingers.

"There was a guy who passed me the envelope, he didn't tell me his name, I was asked to give you the item without looking into it..." Jin explained clearly.

Yoongi sighed. He massaged his head, he was so stressed these days and Jin knew that.

"Hey, you are going too hard on yourself, calm down, tell me what's going on?" Jin pat Yoongi's shoulders.

For the first time, Yoongi teared in front of Jin. He has never done that ever in his life. That was also the first time, Jin felt the pain that his friend was going through.

"My father is dying at home, I am independent and I just don't need money from some unknown people out there who claim to know me well, it just made me more anxious about my identity..." Yoongi expressed his sadness.

Jin slowly pulled his friend into a hug.

"I guess, you should ask people who know you tomorrow about this, I mean I thought it is a good thing for you to have that much money so you can help your father..." Jin sighed.


The next day, Yoongi was eating alone during his break. His mind was not in the lecture hall while his body was. He couldn't be normal about it.

Suddenly, Jungkook came.

"Hyung! I've been searching for you since this morning..." Jungkook said happily.

"Why are you searching for me? I mean, I'm not the kind that people would search for in this college..." Yoongi had a small laugh about himself. Funny.

"No,hyung. I need you for my experiment, I told you about the DNA assignment, remember?" Jungkook was so keen on his work.

Yoongi nodded, still chewing on his rice.

"Can I test your DNA?" Jungkook asked but he was in a state of fear.

Yoongi shut his eyes.


"Hyung! I want to be a doctor when I grow up..." Jungkook said while playing with his microscope toy.

"Why?" Yoongi asked.

"I want to learn about the human body, if we were to be seperated one day, I can search for you from your DNA..." Jungkook explained just like a grown up man when he was just so small that time.

Yoongi smiled.

"Yes, you are always my doctor, who can cure the pain in my heart..." Yoongi said softly.


Yoongi blinked his eyes.

"Hyung? Is it okay for you to be my sample for this assignment?, your help will be much appreciated..." Jungkook pleaded.

"Will you help me with something?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook nodded aggressively.

"I need to find a brother of mine so can you find his DNA as well?" Yoongi asked.

"I will try to find him, but if I fail, I apologise..." Jungkook replied.

Finally, both of them agreed.


"Meet me at the cafe...".

Jungkook read the text from Hani. He packed his books and rushed to the school cafe. Hani was already there.

"You know what? Today, I was attacked by that bitch nurse you told me that day..." Hani said.

"Who? Somi?" Jungkook frowned.

"Yeah who else then? She claimed that you are her boyfriend and that I snatched you away from her..." Hani pouted just like a baby.

"Baby, you know I love you the most, right?" Jungkook said.

Hani nodded in a sulky way.

"I know you the most. I know you inside out..." Jungkook smirked.

"What the hell, Jungkook?! Why are you being so cheeky these days?" Hani laughed.

Both of them laughed.

Meanwhile, someone was watching them from far, was just waiting for the right time to knock both of them out.


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