Chapter 12 (FINAL)

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Somi was about to pull the trigger when Hani came and punched her in the face. She knocked out. Hani quickly brought Jungkook and Yoongi together with Chae Rin back to Mrs Jeon's place.

When they arrived, Mrs Jeon was already waiting while sitting on the couch. Jungkook was so confused with everything.

"What is this, Hani?" Jungkook asked.

"Just face the music..." Yoongi replied.

When they entered the house, Mrs Jeon laughed devilishly. She was so happy to see both of her sons met again for the second time.

"Well, well, well, here you are..." Mrs Jeon smirked.

Yoongi gripped on his fist. He was so patient about this and he didn't want to let Jungkook know before Mrs Jeon opens her mouth for the truth.

"Ma, is it true that Yoongi hyung is my brother?" Jungkook asked.

"My dear son, I told you that he has nothing to do with your life, furthermore, you said that the result of your DNA and his was a negative so that tells you the answer..." Mrs Jeon tried to calm her son.

"What about this photo?! It's Yoongi and Jungkook..." Hani threw the piece of photo to Mrs Jeon.

She laughed again. Jungkook was so anxious for the truth.

"This could be nothing, I mean, how do you know for sure this is Yoongi, he can lie about himself" Mrs Jeon literally made Yoongi firing even more.

Chae Rin slowly reached for the real DNA result from her pocket. She slowly took it out.

"Jungkook! This is your brother!" Chae Rin gave the result and Yoongi's real blood sample.

Jungkook widened his eyes. He was so surprised to see all of this happening. He couldn't contain the anxiety anymore so he passed out on the floor.

"Wait, how did you-".

"Surrender yourself, woman! You wanted to kill my father back then and now, me?" Yoongi cut her off.

The siren was heard. Mrs Jeon was already freaking out about everything.
All of a sudden, they heard the trigger being pulled.


Yoongi looked at Hani and Chae Rin but they were normal. He looked further. It was his father. Somi shot him. Chae Rin couldn't contain her anger so she approached her friend and beat the shit out of her.

"Take that!" Chae Rin hit the last punch and Somi passed out.

"APPA!" Yoongi ran to his father.

"Please, please don't leave me, I've found Jungkook!" Yoongi pleaded.

Yoongi cried without even a stop. He couldn't stop crying and pleading for Appa to wake up.

"Hani, bring Jungkook to the hospital..." Chae Rin called for the police and they arrested Mrs Jeon and Somi.

"Appa! Please, wake up!" Yoongi leaned on Appa's chest.

"APPA!!!!" He screamed.


2 Years Later...

Yoongi and Jungkook were standing in front of Appa's grave. They were just staring at it. Then, Jungkook leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Jungkook, remember that I will always be on your side" said Yoongi.

"Did Appa ask you to do it?" Jungkook asked.

"No, but you are one of my biggest responsibilities in my life..." replied Yoongi with a pure smile.

Jungkook head up and hugged his brother. Chae Rin and Hani then came.

"Boys, let's move now..." Hani ordered.

Both of them stood and went to the car. Jungkook looked at Appa's grave for the last time and thanked him. He promised to look after Yoongi as well.

"Jungkook, let Appa rest, we have to go now..." Yoongi called for him.


3 Years Later...

"Finally, you are married, Yoongi!" Jin exclaimed.

"What about you and Namjoon?" Yoongi asked with a smirk.

"Yo! We've planned something but I don't know if it's gonna go well or not...".

Both of them laughed.

Jungkook came with Hani for Yoongi's wedding. They were so excited to see the big brother moved on in his life. Jungkook has never imagined that Yoongi live like this.


"Ehem..." Yoongi cleared his throat.

Chae Rin turned.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked.

"Just looking at the night view...".

Yoongi wrapped his hands around Chae Rin's waist. Both of them looked at each other. Chae Rin smiled whenever Yoongi's drifted away.

"It's late already..." Yoongi said.

"Let's go to bed..." Chae Rin pulled Yoongi's hand into the bedroom.


"If it's not you, it will always be your next generation, Min Yoongi!" said Somi while observing Yoongi's house just like a sniper ready to shoot her enemy.


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