Chapter 6

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Yoongi banged the door. Appa was just about to ask about the dinner but Yoongi dashed immediately into his bedroom.

"What is wrong with this kid?" said Appa confused.

Meanwhile, Yoongi held his fist tightly. He wouldn't want to show his full anger in front of Appa or that old man would get ill again. Tears dropped.

His phone rang.

"What?" Yoongi asked.

"Hyung? Where did you go? Did you just go home without telling me?" Jungkook attacked him with questions.

Yoongi ended the call immediately.

"AHHH!!!!!!" He screamed in pain.

Appa was just kneeling on the floor and cried so hard because he knew that his son was in pain, spiritually. He wished that he could help as a father but Yoongi's anger tops everything.



"I'm leaving you and Yoongi here! There's no point letting Jungkook stay because at least he's not as brat as Yoongi!" Mrs Jeon said.

Yoongi could never forget that moment when his biological mother left him. He was working so hard for Jungkook and the family but none of his effort was appreciated.

"Ma! Please, let Jungkook stay with me..." Yoongi pleaded.

"What a burden!" Mrs Jeon shouted.

"Ma! I want to stay with Hyung!" Jungkook said.

"No! You are following me!" Mrs Jeon grabbed Jungkook's hand and left.


Yoongi blinked his eyes and rubbed his hair backward. He was so worried about Jungkook. He knew that the day may come when everything will be revealed.

Jungkook was searching for Yoongi. Yoongi saw him from far so he wanted to run away from that kid. Unfortunately, Jungkook saw him and chased him.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

Yoongi immediately pushed Jungkook till he fell on the floor hitting the wall. That was his anger and fury. He had never intended to hurt his own brother but he wasn't stable at that point in time.

"Yoongi! How could you?!" Hani came.

"Hyung, I wanted to apologise if I have done anything wrong to you..." Jungkook said with his side lips bruised.

"Come, let me bring you to the clinic...".

Hani gave Yoongi a death stare. Everyone was staring at the incident. Yoongi immediately went to his next lecture.


The day has arrived when Yoongi decided to give some of his blood for Jungkook's assignment. When he came, his brother wasn't there.

"Mr Min, you're next..." Somi called.

"Eh, aren't you-".

"Yoongi? What a small world..." Somi gave him a friendly hug.

"Where's Jungkook?" Yoongi asked.

"He's on MC today so I have to cover for him..." Somi explained.

Yoongi nodded.

Somi lead him to the operation room where the test will be carried out. Yoongi laid on the bed and Somi was preparing the tools.

"You are finding a DNA of your lost brother, huh?" Somi asked.


"Jungkook told me about it but I don't think he can find your brother...".

"But why?" Yoongi asked when suddenly he felt a needle went through his skin.

Somi took some blood from his arm.

Secretly, Somi put the blood into another tube and she put someone else's blood on Jungkook's desk. With that, no one knows they are siblings as instructed by Mrs Jeon.

"There you go..." Somi said.

"Thanks, I mean you are so professional..." Yoongi complimented.

"How do you feel?" Somi asked.

"Just a bit dizzy...".

Somi took this as an advantage. She knew this guy never had someone special in his life like Jungkook does. Her face was getting closer and closer to Yoongi when suddenly he dodged.

"Sorry, I'm not what you think I am..." Yoongi cleared his throat and left the operation room.

Somi smirked.


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