The train

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•~Draco's POV~•

'I can't believe I'm a Neko. I'm scared what if my mate hates me? What will happen? Or if he calls me a 'freak' because I'm gay?' I thought looking at of the window listening to a random song that sounds like my life. I had my books next to me about Neko stuff "Ugr" I mumbled. Just then I heard a Big Knock I jumped a little and looked at the door that was now opening I looked at the person that was coming in. I had to look two times to see who it was.......Oh my god! It's Harry Potter! Wait why is he here? He look Hot with whose ripped jeans and Three ear rings going up his ears. 'Damn when he get so hot?' I didn't realize that he said something until he said,

" What Malfoy cat got your tongue?"

"W-What?" Dammit Draco!

" I said can I sit here Princess"

"Pr-Princess?!" I said in a high pitched voice

"Anyway Malfoy Yes or no?"

"S-Sure" I move my books for him to sit down witch he does sexy as hell! He sits down his arm accidentally hit mine I felt sparks fly though my body i almost wanted to moan. I didn't realize that I was falling asleep on his shoulder as I fell asleep I heard a chuckle then it went back.

(So there you have it the time I made this is 1:34 AM XD what am I doing?? Words 255 well I hope you liked it so far well bye loves for now)

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