The Feast

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Draco's POV

"Mmm?" I mumbled snuggling closer to the warmth of this person next to me.....I jumped up because I didn't Remember any company me so i looked around Then my eyes land on H-Potter he has a smirk on his face. Then I remember that I didn't how i got in his lap I guess my face was a dark red because I heard a chuckle from him.

"Did you sleep well princess?" He said with that smirk of his that make the girls fall to his feet.

I started to get off His lap until he grabbed my hips and made me stay "I-I Mmm-m How-w long was-as I o-out?" I asked still blushing like hell

"Hmm about three hours" he said with a chuckle

" Wh-why did you-u make m-me stay in-n your l-lap?" I said and looked up again him. He looked right back at me

"Because you're warm. You know when you stutter its cute" he smirked at me and leaned closer to me. I gassed and back away feeling something In my stomach.

"Harry s-stop you h-have a g-girlfriend" I told him still backing away

"Oh yeah her " he mumbled where I couldn't hear. All of a sudden the train stopped with a BAM! Watch made me jump made in Harry's lap and made me hit my head "MOTHERF-!" I yelled but stopped myself. I got up and got my stuff and hurried out of the train. I walked inside by myself. I began to look for Pans I found her at the table. When she seen me she jumped up and hugged me I hugged back even though it was hurting me. We sat down. From there I zoned out until I heard "You may eat!" Everyone yelled happy. I didn't get that much. "Draco babe eat" pans said. I smiled at her and started eating.

Today was actually better than I thought

(There you have it my loves I hope you liked it words 351 bye for now loves)

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