The Dream

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Draco's P.O.V

(A/N I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A LONG TIME I'M SOOOOORRRRRYYYY Oh yeah don't forget that Draco is still in his dream thingy yeah you know that ) As the door opened i wanted to cry i started to shake in fear my thoughts were 'what if it's my dad is he going to punish me please no'

"Here honey i got you some clothes oh and your farther and i will be gone for about ummmm 7 hours. i love you and i have to Go" it was only my mom. Oh thank god i was so happy i even did a little dance. I heard the door close so i turned off the shower and got out and put on the clothes that mom gave me.

Harry's P.O.V

"Come on baby please wake up" i choked out im tears i was now snuggled into his neck he was still thrashing around while he's sleeping....then i felt something odd wrap around my leg and i seen cat ears on he a neko has he been keeping a secret about it? I think he's going to wake up soon well....i hope he will....anyways I'm going to make him food just in case.

Draco's P.O.V

Every thing started to fade away i open my eyes to see Harry making something

"H-Harry-rry?" i called out in a weak and shaking whimper. As soon as i said his name he whipped around he stopped everything and ran over to me giving me a big hug.(there i did it i let them have a hug) I saw big horns on him and a tail i think....i think the spell i put on me war off....But oh well i wrapped tail and my legs around him wanting to be carried by his strong arms that i felt safe in. I snuggled into his neck purring

"I love you" i said still in a shaking whisper he turned his head to me and kissed me. I blushed and smiled i kissed back holding his face. He pulled away but i didn't want it to end.

"I love--" there was a big knock on the door stopping him.


Well there you have it i hope you guys are happy noooow words 396 well goodbye for now my loves~

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