Draco's Okay!!!

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Harry's P.O.V


I yelled seeing him just laying there with blood gushing out of his wrists I slowly pick him up not to hurt him. I stared to run to Madame Pomfery

"Come on Draco stay with me" i whispered to him as i ran to Madame Pomfery

*~*Time skip*~*

Once I got there I put Draco on a bed and stared screaming for someone to help him finely Madame Pomfery came

" Potter there's no re- Oh my Mr.Malfoy!!"

I looked up at her with tears going down my face

"Help please...."

She ran over to My Draco and looked at him.

"Mr.Potter I'm sorry but you're going have to leave"


"Please Mr.Potter it'll help me and him but when I'm done you can come right back in okay?"

" Fine! Just be careful with him"
I went outside of the room pacing back and forth

₩~₩ Few minuets later ₩~₩

When Madame Pomfery Came out I jumped to My feet

"Is he okay?!" I yelled

"Yes he's just sleeping for now. You may see him 30 minutes Mr.Potter"  she whisper to me

"Okay thank you very much" I whisper back I ran into the room and sat down next to the bed

"Hey baby.....I'm sorry i wasn't there for you......I'm feel so fucking stupid" i said while kissing his hand

"Hmm..." Draco mumbled but it didn't stop There....

*~*  OH MY GOD I UPDATED HOLY SHIT YAY......well there you go words 255 bye loves 💗 *~*

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