more Nightmeres...

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⚠ Waring thus chapter has rape in it you have been warned!!!⚠
Harry's P.O.V

"D-Draco? What's happening inside there...." i said as i snuggle into his shoulder "i miss your smile so much..."

"N-No dad stop it-t!" he yelled in his sleep "D-sad i don't w-want to!" he now screamed i looked at him worried 'you fucking idiot! Wake him up for gods sake!' 'Okay, okay!' i started softly to shake him

"Come on babe wake up..." i shake him a little more

Draco's P.O.V

' "Get your on your bed now Draco!" Farther said to me i didn't want to though until he slapped me and growled at me"do i need to repeat!!" he yelled at me. I looked at his eyes and seen lust in them "fine I'll make you" he smirked at me and pushed me on the bed

"D-Dad please i don't want to" i whimpered and looked at me and crawled on top of me and kissed my neck and growled

"You've been very bad boy what should i do to you?" He whispered to my i gaged

"Please stop dad" i whimpered again.

" i love it when you whimper" he growled licking up my neck i almost puked

"Dad this is wrong" i kind of yelled at him then he smacked me i let a tear go pass my eye. He just lick the tear up. 

He pulled down my pants and boxers he did the same with his and smirked i didn't know what he was going to do until he slammed into me i screamed in pain.

'Few mins later in Draco's dream'

I was bleeding and crying calling for mom

"That was great son" he winked at me and walked out.

I went and had a shower washing off the blood off...then i heard the door open

To be continue......

Holy shit! I updated well there loves you have a new chapter to read hehe.... Sorry i didn't update for a while word 342 Bye-bye loves~!

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