Kidnapped Well not really

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Ginny's P.O.V

Hehe i have Draco right where i need him......he was walking out of his room by himself no harry in sight. I make my move on him.

Draco's P.O.V

I was walking to the library to return some books of mine and harry's. As i walked i felt something grab me from behind putting a rag in front of my mouth and nose. All i see now is BLACKNESS.....

Ginny's P.O.V

His FARTHER should be here by now Haha thats right im giving him to his farther. I know what he does to Draco and he must like every single bit of it! The WHORE.  I hear footsteps it must be his FARTHER. The footsteps turn into a full no Sprint down the hall way.

Pansy's P.O.V

I run down the hall way NOT BECAUSE IM A BAD KID. BUT BECAUSE this bitch has Draco out which made me really pissseeddd oooooofff. I run and jump bitch slap her tackling her to the ground. So i sat on her making her not move. This bitch thinks she can kidnap MY best friend like that hell naw!!!! I look at Draco and slap him.

"YO!!! Shit face! Get up and get your man to help us! I don't think i can hold her down for long! SHITFACE GET YOU ASS UPPPP!!!" i screeched at him.

"DAMN BITCH OKAY HOLD YOUR TITS PLEASE!!!!!  GOD DAMN" he yelled back and growl. As he got he got up he stumbled a little of course.

"YOU OWN ME SHITFACE BIIIGGG TTIIIMMMMEEEE" i yelled at him smiling. Ooh how i love being a bitch.

" I KNOOOOOW" he screamed back at me as he ran to get his lover. I smiled what the hell am i gonna do with him. oooooh what about i dress him up for my pay back. MUAHAHAHAHAH



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