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Draco's P.O.V

I wake up in sobs, in a ball.... I hear something moving next to me in the dark. I hope i didn't wake Harry. Just the thought of being yelled at again scared me. So I cried into my bed covers. I still hear moving. Then click i slowly look up to see Harry looking at me with sadness in his eyes

" Draco Baby what's wrong?" he said to me as he walked over. I just whimpered. He sat down he kept looking at me.

" Baby you can tell me" he told me.

" i-i don't li-like talking a-about it"  I whisper

"Did something bad happen to you" he asked

" Fuck! fine My dad..." again i broke down. He just hugged me and said that it was going to be okay. Only if him how much pain i been though As i cried in his shirt he slid into my bed his arms still around me. I slowly fell asleep

Harry P.O.V

I felt bad for him 'You should kiss him' 'What?! No i have a awesome girlfriend thank you you very much!' 'You know that he is your real mate right?' 'fuck you' 'Not me fuck him' 'Just shut up' 

I felt him stick his head in crook of my neck I felt something in my stomach. A few minutes later i slowly fell asleep with him in my arms 

Sorry for not updating and the short chapter i feel so bad now whhhhy words 254 byyyye loves  ;3


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