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Harry's P.O.V

Stopping Draco in the middle of his sentence there was a big knock. I slowly looked over that way wanting to rip of who's  ever head that was on the  other side of the door. I went to get up but not before giving Draco a kiss on the head then I went.  I open the door to see.... Ginny!? Before I could say anything she kissed me want to puke I pushed her away.

"What the hell you bitch?! " I yelled at her all she did was smirk behind me looking at MY Draco.  Who was teary eyed and ran into the bathroom I glared at her and pushed her out of me and Draco's room slamming it on her ugly ass face (no offense  heheh don't kill meeeeeelocking it and running to the bathroom only to hear sobs of my baby sobbing it was so painful.... I can't believe that bitch did that.  I knocked softly on the door putting my head on it closing my eyes.

" g-go away-ay!!" I heard him yell out of sobs.  I reopen my eyes staring at the door putting my hand on it 

"But she did that... Not me I promise I would never do that to you..." I whispered my demon screaming at me to comfort my mate. At this point I wanted to brake down the door and hug him but I know that will only scare him more....

"And h-how do i-i know that?!" He started to scream at me. mmmmMMMMMM should I really brake down this door?  Im holding everything back not to... UGH DAMMIT!

"Because you seen her move in not me you seen me push her away and you know it Draco hun please listen to me..... I love you" I whispered softly to him in a loving voice.

"I-I love-ve you-u to-too" he whimpered softly.

"Will you come out now? I really want to hug you badly. " i whined to him.  I heard the nob start to creek open  I moved away not to fall in of course.  I seen he little adorable face peek out blushing I smiled and held you my arms to him.  Next thing I know he jumped into my arms.  I smiled and picked him up and carried him to the bed.  I put him down  on the bed and sat there with him snuggled up in my side.

"You should sl-" I look downtown see him already passed out I smiled and chuckled petting him.


Ayyyyye hello and yes I'm  alive if anyone was thinking I was dead of course not!  Well not yet but you know words 455 bye for now loves.

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