The sleeping kitten

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Harry's P.O.V

As Draco's chest fell up and down while he was sleeping I just sat there staring at My Beautiful baby sleeping happily his cat eats flicker now and then.  I started to pet him I hear a soft purring from him. I chuckled a little still petting 'hey hey you should mark him now' 'wait what no!  His fucking sleeping! I'll wait for when he is ready to be marked!  I SHALL not do it when he is sleeping!' 'Ooooooh coommee ooonnneee please I've been waiting so long!'

I shake my head to get rid of the idea of marking him while he is sleeping!  That's just a really fucking stupid thing!  Plus I have to keep up the bad boy act and I want to make him beg for it. 

AHHHHHHHH!!!!  So sorry for not updating I know its short but I'm doing this on the bus and I feel very sick for some reason but there you have it!  Word 168 bye-bye loves~

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