Chapter One: Girl Problems

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A fresh coating of blood contrasted starkly with the white paper it was smeared upon. I felt sick as hot tears stung my eyes.

This can't be happening. I mentally cried. Not today. Not now.

But it was happening. Right there, right then. Trapped in a tiny bathroom on an equally tiny boat, without so much as a paper towel to help clean up the mess.

I just got my period. And my tampons were in my suitcase below deck.

"Hey, are you almost done?"

A girl asked from the other side of the door, giving it a light peck.

What could I do? There wasn't any storage space to speak of in the bathroom; in fact, the only thing in it besides the toilet was an empty wall mounted hand sanitizer dispenser next to the door.

I glanced over my shoulder, hoping for a spare roll of TP I may have missed, but there was nothing on top of the toilet.

I put my face in my palms. This wasn't how I pictured my first day of college going.

"Are you okay?"

The girl from before knocked again, this time a bit louder.

"Not really."

I finally croaked.

The girl was quiet for a moment. "Are you sick?"

Knowing she couldn't see me, I shook my head anyway. "No, I just...listen, I hate ask, but do you have a tampon?"

I really hated to ask. It wasn't anything against the girl--I didn't even know her. I just didn't like the idea of asking anyone for anything. The very thought of being labeled a bum, or being indebted to someone, didn't sit well with me.

I liked earning my I had with the scholarship that got me on this godforsaken boat to begin with.

"Sure, give me a sec." she replied quietly. "I'll slide it under the door for you."

Seconds later, a neat little package wrapped in purple came skitting across the floor, stopping short of hitting my sneaker.

"Thanks," relief and genuine gratitude echoed in my voice as I retrieved the tampon. "You're a lifesaver."

"No problem. I'm Jo, by the way."


I replied, having done my business.

Thankfully, my period hadn't started out too bad; there wasn't any blood on my panties, but it did stain the last bit of toilet paper I had used to wipe. Which reminded me...

"There's no more toilet paper in here."

Without waiting for her reply, I unlocked the door and opened it to see a tall girl waiting on the other side.

"Good thing I brought my own." She smiled, holding up a roll of two-ply. "I also brought soap and water if you want to wash your hands."

Man, this chick was better than a Boy Scout--she was prepared for anything.

"That would be great." I smiled. "Thanks,"

She placed her role of toilet paper under her arm, then pulled a tiny bottle of handsoap and a bottle of water from her purse.

I took the items, placing the handsoap on the back of the toilet so I could wet my hands. I held one hand over the toilet to catch the water, and used the other hand to pour it.

"Guess I owe ya one, huh?" I asked, switching hands.

Jo waved it off. "Don't sweat it. I went through the same thing last semester."

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