Chapter Three: Camp Sec

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Low chatter surrounded the statue as we approached. I quietly joined Connor and Jo, my eyes locked on Dean Lachlan, when he ascended a set of stairs a couple of yards behind the statue.

"This is the square." His voice echoed, silencing everyone. "And that is a statue of my great-grandfather, Gabriel Lachlan the first. He founded Lachlan University fifty years ago, with the notion that a distraction free environment would yield a better learning experience."

Before he could say anything else, a long-fingered hand suddenly came to rest on Dean Lachlan's shoulder. He glanced back, stepping aside to reveal a man dressed in a white uniform standing with him. They briefly exchanged hushed whispers, the new man's dark eyes finding mine before turning back to the Dean. Dean Lachlan nodded, then focused his attention back onto his students.

"Everyone, I am sorry, but there is an urgent matter I must attend to." He paused, giving the man next to him a brief glance. "This is Lucius Mayfield, head of campus security. He will escort you to the dining hall and answer any questions you may have."

The Dean turned on his heel and headed for the building a few feet behind him.

I watched his back disappear through a set of dark wooden double-doors, wondering if his abrupt departure had anything to do with the laughter we heard a few minutes ago, when someone cleared their throat.

"This way, please."

Lucius waved everyone forward, turning his back to us to go the same route as Dean Lachlan. We followed, going up the stone steps and shambling along a stone pathway. Giggles and indiscernible mumblings surrounded me, and a massive building awaited me up ahead.

It was the same building Dean Lachlan went into, though to call it a building would be an understatement. No, this wasn't just a building, this was a palace. Constructed of stone a shade darker than the tan stones beneath our feet, with three sets of large, arch-framed windows on either side of the entrance as well as on the second and third level. There was a turret on the right that stretched a few feet higher than the school itself, each of it's levels lined with the same arched windows as the front of the school. Truly, it was a beautifully intimidating structure.

"Wow, this place is huge!"

Connor whistled beside me.

I had nearly forgot about him.

"It's beautiful,"

My voice was airy, the awe I felt for our school evident.

Lucius was in front of us, holding open the door; a strand of his jet-black hair rested casually against one of his high cheek bones. Each student filled in past him one at a time, and when Jo walked by, she gave him a flirtatious smirk. Lucius offered her a short half-smile, one that didn't reach his eyes, but that didn't seem to bother her. She hopped inside the school, with Connor trudging in behind her. I was next to cross the threshold, and as I passed Lucius, he bowed his head slightly.

"Miss Ridley,"

I stared at him. How did he know my name? I started to ask, but another student was coming in behind me, so I had to move.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the light once I was inside, but when they did, I could see a massive crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. There was a staircase on either side of the room that curved up to the second floor, each baring a deep crimson rug on their steps.


Jo motioned for me to stand with her and Connor near a stone column on the left side of the room.

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